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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. My God feeling tells me that he was a good guy based on his past deeds and the way he handled his role in the ICU. May allah keep him from terrible.
  2. The chairman Faysal is indeed killing the cause of the same people he is claiming to advocate for
  3. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: Mansa Munsa, Ha isdaalin.Aduunku si buu ku socdaa,markaa hadii aad marna leedayahay respect people' desires in refering to your qabiiland,then you must respect those living in Southern Somalia who desire to have the ICU as their governing body, your choice is the TFG for them, so apply your sense of mutual respect to all regions and habitants. Dear RS, can you in the chronicle of my posts expose in where I supported wholeheartly the TFG, some occurrences i advocated a peace dialogue be initiated between the TFG and then ICU. When it comes whom I supported more, in higher percentage my heart was with the ICU, and I am still in that path of believing Islam is the way forward for putting in order in the choatic somalia. With that said ICU's scope of their governance was outstreched and they had too much fallacies and miscalculation about how the globe is run today. Moreover, they antagonized some somali regions and were exclusive rather than inclusive for the most part thus, all these aforementioned and other things caused their downfall. Hope this will be a lesson for the next islamic movement that may arise in the somali peninsula. Regarding your administration known Somaliland, i think it is wise and good for both concerned parties that SL leaves alone to those who are not in the same line of thought as secessionist are...implementing that will enable both groups to achieve more and coexist in harmony and peace.
  4. Originally posted by peacenow: Why are Northerners more civilized and have achieved more? Because they are educated. They take it very seriously. Universities are springing up and people are being trained. Siyad Barrer never bothered to invest the money to educate people and the result is all clear. The focus should be on education, 100%, if only rid to the Somali of the clan mentality disease. I guess last somali socialist government bridged the gap of education between somalis. One thing is for certain, the education institutions were inadequate to the graduates who were longing to achieve their educational goals however without the mottos of "Bar ama Baro" and "ololihii reer miyiga" I think we would have less people who either can read or write today thus let us put things into prespective
  5. Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: Well if Djboutians and ppl from hawd and zone 5 are alowd 2 and nfd ppl are alowd 2 post why not the original somalilanders what lands u means lascanood can go with puntland if they want i dont care about that let them stay kashimiri for ever we dont realy care about them. I just want to make clear to you that the territory you are referring to as a sole city, namely Laas Anod, it encompasses numerous cities, plains, valleys and other splendid habitats…starting from Buuhoodle-Hudun-Erigavo-Las Qorey-Badhan. Taleex-Dhahar and many more. Therefore unless you acknowledge the reality of the ground and show sense of mutual respect and accept the desires of this people and what they want to do with their land, I dare to say!! you aint going no where. The choice is yours but I tell you this that this is a non-zero-sum game.
  6. Time Tests Man’s Soul; Hatred Overtakes Faisal Warabe’s Soul Dr. Ali I. Bahar January 20, 2007 This piece by Dr. Ali Bahar deserves to be read.. Time Tests Man’s Soul; Hatred Overtakes Faisal Warabe’s Soul Dr. Ali I. Bahar January 20, 2007 In an interview with radio Somaliweyn today, and reported also on WardheerNews, Mr. Faisal Ali Warabe has done it again, asserting that the burning of the Somali Flag in Hargeisa today was justified. “It was a piece of cloth that had no value to us”, he argued. “That flag is like the Nazis’s flag; it is soaked with blood”, he charged. He further suggested that the rest of the Somalis should destroy the blue flag and buy another one. He made these unintelligent statements with no effort of thought process and without any attempt on deciphering on the consequences of what he was about to say. Many Somalis who have once defended this flag and fought for it are still alive and well. Does he even know that millions of Somalis died while defending this flag? Millions of others maintained their respect and love for this Somali flag, many of them in Somaliland today, and still cherish the history, dignity and unity that this flag symbolizes. Many of us were deeply offended by Faisal’s hate-laden and intolerant sentiment towards our national flag. We feel as if our souls were violated and burned down with that flag in Hargeisa, its birthplace, and are infuriated by such actions. The Somali blue flag has its genuine history and worldwide recognition that is far superior to the SNM-flag. The following is an excerpt of the history of our flag: History of the flagIn 1949 the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) decided that Somalia would be under the former colonial power (Italy) as a trusteeship territory for ten years. There were three other governments who were members of the UN Commission that were sent to Somalia as an advisory council of the trusteeship administration of Somalia. They were Egypt, the Philippines and Columbia. In April, 1950 the Italian trusteeship administration took control of Somalia and the British military administration withdrew. During the early months of 1954, a legislative council had been formed by the Italian trusteeship administration and the advisory council of the UN. The members of the legislative council were composed Somalis, Italians, Arabs and Indians. They had to prepare all laws and legislation concerning the country for the ten years of trusteeship under the United Nations. The members were not elected, but each political party, foreign community or any other recognized organizations were asked to select members. Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban had been selected by the Somali labour trade union. Then members suggested the the Somalia national flag must be adopted by the legislative council in order that the Somali people could get to know their National Flag before independence. When the legislative council agenda reached the discussion on the Somali National Flag, Mr. Liban proposed that only the Somali members should discuss the issue. According to the legislative council's constitution each new proposal had to be voted on by all the council members. Mr Liban proposal was adopted and the Somali members of the council chose Mr. Sheik Omar to be Chairman. The temporary new chairman said that the issue of the national flag would be debated the next day, following which Mr. Liban went home and started to design the Flag. He chose the blue colour to represent peace and the UN and placed a white 5-pointed star in the centre. Each point of the white star was to represent the five Somali regions which had been divided by the colonial powers. The next morning the council session started around 10:30. However, once the chairman had opened the session Mr. Liban requested a chance to speak, which was granted by the chairman. He stood up in front of legislative council members and stretched out on his chest the blue flag with a white star in the centre. As he kept on stretching the flag across his chest, the Somali members applauded and cheered while clapping for five minutes. The temporary chairman made a short speech in which he acknowledged the ability of Mr. Liban whose talent had produced such a beautiful flag less then 24 hours. Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban said the blue color stands the United Nations who help us to reach our dream of independence; white means peace and prosperity; and the star is the five regions of the Somali people. Faisal H. Jama, 08 Mar 2000 Here is an excerpt from the history of the SNM- flag: “The flag that one saw around 1990 belonged to the SNM (Somaliland National Movement). The SNM was the rebel group which started the long war for Somaliland liberation against the former dictator of Somalia, Ziad Barre. Their flag was three horizontal stripes of red, white and green with the Shahada on the white stripe but without the black star. At that time, more than 10 years ago, Mr Egal was not even in the country. There was no single political party. The only political and military organization ruling the country was the SNM. So, after the second flag (white with green disk), the Somaliland Parliament decided to adopt a new and meaningful flag. In memory of the fallen SNM heroes, the Somaliland parliament decided to adopt the flag of the movement SNM, but with some changes. They put the green on top, white in the middle, red at the bottom with the Sahahda on the green and a black star on the white stripe” This flag did not belong to any party but to the SNM which Mr Egal wasn't even a member of. According to the sources, the red color stands for the blood of SNM and the Dark STAR stands for the death of the Somali nation. The question is: Where is the blood of those who died in the hands of SNM? Does their blood count? Tell me which flag is soaked with the blood of innocent people? The SNM-flag or the Blue flag? No mater how dark the SNM painted the white STAR that represents the five regions where Somalis reside, that will not kill the Somali people and Somali nation will somehow find a way to stand up again. Never a nation has invited destruction upon itself with the eagerness and the ignorance with which the Somalia people have done to themselves. Men like Faisal Ali Warabe, who are utterly consumed with paranoia, are continually preaching hate and stoking the already burning fire. We are being split up into groups doped up with fear, hate and invective, with each group genuinely afraid of being exterminated by the other. Hatred, in deed, is an exploitable human nature capable in obscuring both the ability to reason or critically apply a certain level of mental capacity to process thoughts before you utter them. Hatred and straightjacketed indoctrination in the name of clan have, unfortunately, contributed to the intellectual disabilities and the unconscionable mishaps that Mr. Faisal has demonstrated every time he opened his mouth. Hatred towards the rest of Somalis is a new form of racism advocated by Mr. Faisal Warabe and he left no stone unturned to poison the brains of the young generation in Somaliland with this venom. His formula of blames and hatred constantly feeds the Somaliland pubic with vindictive attitudes towards the rest of Somalis. His political ambitions are entrenched on quicksand of war mongering and violence that he refused to acknowledge. In his attempt to solidify the collective psyche of the misinformed sector of the Somalilanders, he is constantly feeding them a regular and addictive diet of warnings that the other Somalis are about to attack them and could impose dire threats to their existence. His seemingly mysterious memory loss of his origin depicts his reflection on the Somali history and its flag through a self-deceptive narcissistic lens. He seems to be blinded, crippled in his critical thinking and is incapable of seeing himself for what he is. He reminds me of the infamous Cain and Abel myth in which Cain killed his first-born brother, Abel. He is now trembling like an ague at the report that there is a possibility of new government in Somalia again, lest his motives of control and command power become exposed. This is a very dangerous man hewing out for himself in order to strength his political ambition of divide and rule, something even the white man failed to do to the Somali people. People should see him for what he is. HE SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO THE SOMALI PEOPLE. Dr. Ali Bahar E-Mail:aib_1@yahoo.com source: wardheernews Read here'>http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_07/jan_07/20_Man's_Soul_Bahar.html]here[/url] the complete article
  7. Originally posted by Abwaan: Hadday Jirto Ilaahow kala qabooji, it is sad to see Somali is diriraysa. Soo joog ninkii laga waayo soo jiifsaa laga helaa!
  8. Originally posted by Khalaf: why burn a flag with shahadah on it? :confused: .......the khalimah of Islam outweighs politics dont u think? I have my doubts if that is the case, at least, in Somalia :confused:
  9. A burned, piece of garment iga dheh!! regardless who did it it will not alter the status quo a bit. Moreover, rest assured it will not advance anyone's cause so futile exercise iga dheh!! some wasted energy iga dheh! I think these people could have made their day more productive if they would have persued their routine activities like going to work, school or even doing an exercise for that matter!
  10. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: Brother, Mansa Munsa this subject in this argument is over jumpin in this late is no need lool. In the case of Saaxil the whole region as whole choose to do this in the case of Budhoole its only one section in the region that choose to create it not the whole region as whole old boy. What whole region is there to talk of my dear?, wasn't Berbera a district, entrusted a capital of a region afterall?
  11. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: Claims are claims i can say the samething but we will be going around in circle, as i stated before and i state again The full control of both those regions are not in puntland control thats a fact like it or not, and cayn is created region which again opens up a can of warms about what is border what is line, does one cross it due to ethnic reason or through legal reasons thats the questions my friends. Isn't Saaxil a created region too?, or only the prestigeous, chosen people can coin a region on their own choosing..
  12. Originally posted by Taako Man: Garoowe Online is the Shariif Hassan of Somalia media. GaroweOnline has the right to publish whatever it thinks it is worth reading to its audience, of course considering the authenticity of the sources
  13. Now is Not the Time for Triumphalism in Somalia WardheerNews Editorial January 16, 2006 ***************Please no clan names************* Read the article here [ January 17, 2007, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  14. Maakhir, I met the guy in Washington DC and his piece included, among other things, some fairly analyzed recommedations but will the TFG and international community are inclined to listen. This TFG has lost our virginity and i don't see any good coming out of it. hope time proves me wrong
  15. Taleexi


    War nomadisow ila eega gabaygan quruxda badan! Xisaab qoran : Gabay Baroordiiq Iyo Xisaabtan ah
  16. Originally posted by Al Burcaawi: without reading most of the replies,,,, Is Somalia about to be signed off to the UN/IMF/World Bank by a bunch of criminals? It is in consideration, thanks Xiin for the assertiveness of your remarks
  17. The righteous ones, May Allah rest their souls in peace!.
  18. The title of this thread is misleading, what difference does it make, aint we undersiege after all?.
  19. Originally posted by Caamir: I know the man on the far right. What a soccer player he was. I think he is now retired or too old to be a swift, talent player as he was before. He is very much related to the Garaad. My first encounter of him was in Nairobi back in 1995. He played for a Somali national team against Nukuru province. He scored 4 goals and handled them with aplomb. They couldn't stop him with three defenders. As I was told, The Garaad has done monumental tasks as he visited us here in San Diego. He resolved 73 cases of sub-clan feuds that began 20 years before he was born, 68 of which will never return or haunt the families in dispute again. He is young and educated and looks forward to fostering peace and coexistance with all clans of Puntland. On behalf of somali community we hosted the grand Garaad down here in southern California, some pics of the event are here to be seen Garaad Pics. I coordinated this event and I must say the Garaad's far reaching vision and wisdom were beyond believe to my surprise, he recognized me because we went to same school, namely Casa popalare high school, in Mogadishu. Have a look on what one of the audience of the conference has to say about Garaad Jama Garaad Ali
  20. I know Gaildon, he is not only a talented writer, he is also a practicing physician for over twenty years, this guy got the guts and charisma to be persuasive, explicit, assertive and to the point. do u know what they say " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!, the solutions are out there, our prospect leaders are among us, are we capable of bringing them onboard. I doubt
  21. Libaax, even though there are several variables that can be considered in this projectile problem, i am wondering on what instance is Pr. Yusuf on this path, introduction, increase, summit/peak or decline stage from there, a mixture of calculus and propability techniques could be determined the president's period of staying in Villa Somalia
  22. Ilaahay ha inoo naxariisto.. waxaa iyo wax kadaranba filo markaad isu daraato!
  23. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: Mansa Munsa, You were ICU supporter right? can you tell us why you were an ICU supporter? Since you seem to be off the band wagon NOW,which you justify by saying the ICU conquered other Somali cities(ICU were Somalis as well),then how do you see the naked occupation of Ethiopia in your homeland?eh,come on sing it to me yarow. C'mon,there is no scaping of the truth,you are simply a qabalist,let us just admit that. I await your response. Red Sea, you don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure out why I supported the ICU, they did turn around one of the most chaotic cities in the world, they cleaned the city and removed the blockades, they made the life of ordinary people more promising. In the case of ICU, I don't know how much you know about their governing structure, they consisted of three segments, executive branch (almost exclusively one tribe), Shura(predominantly one tribe -acceptable) and the Shabab (the military wing) to your surprise the majority of the shabab were from tribes other than those who reside in Mogadishu. This info was passed by a prof. Ali Abdirahman of Mogadishu University who was attending in a conference in Washington DC about two months ago. With that kind of structure, one should not portray himself to represent all somalis without their consent and shouldn't speak on their behalf,what ICU leaders did is quite contrary, that can be forgiven but ICU leaders didn't stop there, they threatened PL and SL which was indeed strategically suicidal because they antagonized their brethren. Moreover, they bited more than they could swallow and intimidated the whole east Africa. This kind of abrupt decision-making is a common thing in all islamic movements in the world and I am hoping that they learn from their mistakes. In the case of calling me Qabiilist is neither beneficial nor ethically correct, assume I am tribalist, but remember we share land, people, and religion therefore we've to get some sort of common ground for our own survival IF we want to coexist and co-habit. Finally, the Ethiopian occupation is unacceptable and should be dealt with.
  24. Originally posted by Castro: The mandate of this puppet regime has ended the day Muqdisho was aerially bombed. Going forward, the only way it can keep power is through foreign military protection. The toppling of this regime is not a matter of if but of when. quote: Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: I was supporter of the ICU untill they antoganized other somali regions and started conquering cities which they were not their right owners even though I still believe that Islam is the solution and the way forward Don't worry, you're not the only one who's torn between Islam and clan worship. Maybe you can create a support group with the others on this site. Start with Fiqikhayre and he'll tell you about the rest of them. Castro, I am after genuine Islam not contaminated one, name calling will not alter an inch in my position, I fought for the cause of Islam and imprisoned, lost some of my siblings, best and brightest friends yet the model of Islam that I am calling for is not one based on emotions that does swift and abrupt decisions as evident in the case of ICU actions. We, us muslims, long way off to compat our enemies in this contemporary world thus we need a revolution, as late primier of Malaysia put "Muslims are mad and not happy the status qou, however, a mad man can't think properly therefore we should rethink and next quarter century develop ways in which we will be able to safe guide our dignity. As far as the clan worshipping is concerned, all I can say is that this self-inflicted epidemic is not only my problem rather is our problem, and I am assuming you are also suffering from it. Even though ICU facilitated the Ethiopian troops, With that said Ina Yey and Gedi should not have any justification whatsoever to let ethiopians to perpetuate our borders.
  25. The ICU tenure is over, the time of their enterprise elapsed it was indeed a catastrophic regarding somali political discourse. I was supporter of the ICU untill they antoganized other somali regions and started conquering cities which they were not their right owners even though I still believe that Islam is the solution and the way forward but the way that they handled this golden opportunity was three sigma away from the reality and the way the world is run today. No question about it that we under occupation by ethiopians but I say once we put aside the rhetorics the ways in which Castro purposes to topple the TFG is niether feasable nor best alternative. Somalis or muslims, need this time to think long enough and hard for setting up strategies that will enable them to act their portion of the show well