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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Xaflada dabaaldega 18ka May ee Magaalada Bristol ee UK IS this effort worthy trying I question. Apart of its social, entertainment component, is cost-benefit analysis considered in terms of business context I question yaa Jacaylbaro. Could the effort and energy consumed by such endeavors make a real difference if directed onto more in-need projects in the enclave I question.
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Try to manage your Italian colonized one horta before you want to add another one. SOMALILANDER IS AN IDENTITY ,,, IT IS MY IDENTITY ,,,, LOOK AT MY PASSPORT Let me put some assumptions out of the way in regards to Somaliland. First of all, it has historical context which I've less interest delving into it right now, but as viewed by many in the North is clan administration that claims to be the legit government for all the people who reside in the northern regions of Somalia.. The interesting question is while half of the territory SL claims is not in its domain of influence, SL lacks the monopoly of exercising power, a significant portion of the people in the area reject the idea of secession, How such an entity deserves to be recognized?, How such entity even dares to ask international community to be recognized while its viability is in question?, How the recognition of this entity wouldn't be a recipe for disaster in the north of Somalia based on the above given facts? All in All, SL admin.' best bet would be to recognize what is theirs and what not and from thereon to base their aspirations on more solid, rational arguments instead of calling a hasty, emotionally driven dogma. I say
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: Here we go again. I could just imagine the sort of replies you will get..how about a little something like this: "I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our homeland, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's orphans (as you would call them)-every man of them. That is the will of the Somaliland Parliament and the nation. The Somaliland nation and 'others', linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Somalia and many old and famous parts have fallen or may fall into the grip of the "Gestapo" and all the odious apparatus of "Nazi" rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Xamar, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our land, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this land or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our refugees beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the dahabshiil Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old." With apologies to Sir Winston Churchill... I think Ngonge is on substance, your stance could be recursive I say!
  4. Don't get my nerves again!, on your hypothesis I am not sure.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Calanka and the astaanta are not from the Quran and it can be changed anytime ,,,,, i don't see what is the big deal here ,,,,, Had it being a product of the colony, yes changing it would be a reasonable.. but this was Somali native 's idea and altering it because of appeasing an enemy it is what we call 3-zigma away in statistics.
  6. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^True that. But we are a suspicious lot. The climate must be right (noble leaders and not warlords) for any reconciliation to be considered. This doesn’t look like happening anytime soon. Agree? I am very satisfied with how you squared the issue away..change always takes time and I agree, you see we concentrate a lot on our insignificant differences but our commonalities outweigh our differences, have a good time in wherever you are!.. finally, you put a big on my face.
  7. ..But we have to put things into perspective, say you don't like how Riyaale runs Somaliland, that doesn't make you that you become anti-Somaliland and totally against SL getting its recognition because Sl is not Riyaale's property, it is for all its citizens, is it not?, in life you mend what you have in most of the cases than starting from scratch. By the same token, I am greatly dissatisfied Abdillahi Yusuf's leadership of Somalia. However, generations come and go and Yusuf being the head of the state shouldn't make me to abandon my principles for unity. don't you think the same. I ask?
  8. Dear Mr. Northerner, I thought we saw things eye to eye, have no clue what triggered your concern and raised your eyebrows. I said time and again that Ethiopian occupation must cease by any means necessary. However, the current TFG, which I am not inclined the way it runs Somali affairs, is the only political entity that almost all Somalis are represented. In addition, I am for union rather dismembering the motherland for many reasons,I don't even want that you guys annex the union for many reasons that many Somalis may either don't know or ignoring. Very true, there is a rocky road to take in order to achieve what we both really expect from a Somali Republic but same is truth in your administration, isn't it. I ask?
  9. Indeed TIA!, this is Africa, have you watched blood diamond.?, Mr. Northerner, unless your administration realizes the universality of self-determination and aspirations of all peoples, I am afraid that your people may be singing in a vacuum. Rest assured, hope your administration develops further in the areas of its domain and eventually integrates into the Somali Republic...
  10. Indeed TIA!, this is Africa, have you watched blood diamond.?, Mr. Northerner, unless your administration realizes the universality of self-determination and aspirations of all peoples, I am afraid that your people may be singing in a vacuum. Rest assured, hope your administration develops further in the areas of its domain and eventually integrates the Somali Republic...
  11. Originally posted by Northerner: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: It would be wise that one asks himself whether the thing call Somaliland deserves to be a nation or with its current shape and form, I ask? In your view and for comparitive purposes, who is more of a nation today in terms of its political foundations/make up (multi party democracy, elected parliament etc) Somalia or Somaliland? Lets be honest with ourselves here, if it wasnt for the disputed land not many people would really care. Including the somaliweynists Based on my own observations I've come to this conclusion, your administration's governing structure is relatively mature. With that said, first your admin, SL, can't be a multi-ethnic nation given its current shape and form, the fallacies of your argument are out there all to see for instance the multi party system that you indicated, isn't each party represent one of your subclan_Xs, is that what you call multi party system or an oasis of democracy. Secondly, the secessionist's dogma coupled the ethnocentric of your clan and impracticality approach towards the inalienable right of the citizens of SSC regions, are killing the cause of seeking nationhood in the considered enclave......... all I anticipate to say is that just bite what you can swallow..
  12. Are Buroans Somalis after all, I ask?..what is this fussy is all about?
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Glad to see that you finally accepted Somaliland as your nation and are trying to point out the faults of the government. Jokes aside, don't you think your posting of this article is a bit silly? Whether Garad Canod accepts the legitimacy of SL or not is beside the point.. It would be wise that one asks himself whether the thing call Somaliland deserves to be a nation or not with its current shape and form, I ask?
  14. I think "Jaw Jaw is better than war war"
  15. Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas: Aaliyah, Wali maad baran sida wax loo akhriyo ayaan umalayn. Read what I have said closely, you are simply being overcharged and throwing flames without having the slightest idea of what one has said. Read read, understand, anaylze at least what is being said sis. No one is being rude here. I am exposing the truth, and I know the truth hurts to some folks like Caamir, who could careless if Muqdisho is in hell, but would cry out loud when they hear that there is bit of scuffle in Sanaag. Mansa Munsa, If you are against the Ethiopian invasion, then read my comments above to Che and Soomaal. Which I stated you have full right to call the Somaliland's troops in Sanaag as aggression. Secondly, I think you are smart fellow or have seen me around to know how I feel abou these so call 'kinsmen' in the TFG. I don't support the TFG, regardless of who is in there. Whether it's Buubaa or whoever. I don't care in capital letters saaxib, that is the difference between I and caamir. I think our difference is less than I thought as long as you believe that the presence of your militia in Sanaag is an outright aggression against the peace loving people of Sanaag region and the end of Ethiopian occupation in the motherland... all I am trying to highlight here is NONE of us can have in both ways. Let it be remembered whether we like it or not the TFG is the only political entity that all Somalis are still represented... with that said I hate the way it executes its powers namely inviting our enemy number into the country!...Somali balkanization "iga dheh" HLD
  16. Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas: The point I am trying to make here is that violence is a violence, whether it's taking place in Sanaag or Xamar. Injustice, corruption, is the same regardless of who is doing and under what name. When I asked Caamir of the difference between the potential voilence in Sanaag (his home state), which he is highly protesting as result of the tension, and on the other hand the one in Muqdisho which is perpetrated by the Ethiopians 'assisting' the TFG (which he supports) and cheers for loudly. He put together some thoughts, and here is what he came up with to try to satify a sane mind. Pointing out to the Sanaag issue Caamr says: quote: Originally posted by Caamir: Again, let us not use lopsided analogy in here as Violet already pointed. The Dhahar is a clan war, one clan is raiding another clan's territory and other is dishing out precautionary measures. ...and the chaos in Muqdisho: There is [government in Mogadisho that is trying to establish law and order but it is opposed by confused insurgents and profiteers . ^^^If that is the case, then Somalilan claims Sanaag as part and Parcel of the Jamhuriyah of Somaliland, therefore Dahir Riyale Kahin is trying to bring development to the undevelopmed regions of Sanaag, however he is being opposed by some 'confused' locals, who don't want to be governmend nor want to see progress in their own land. Even though I am one against the way our TFG is executing the reconciliation process.. isn't there some truth in Caamir's input?, Don't you know that you clan is represented more in the TFG than Caamir's?. Prior to posting please do some benchmarks against your opinions?. Here is my disclaimer I still support the idea of ending Ethiopian occupation of our motherland by any means necessary because the way I see it is unlike many see it.. like it or not Ethiopian presence brings more bad than good and it is one of the factors fueling the Somali civil unrest.
  17. Some of the comments out here turned out to be a laugh factory, Somalia, give it any name based on your preference, is on the balance. To reverse, what is taking place, needs a will, perseverance and patience from our side. The million dollar question is, are we as a generation capable of of putting our difference aside, at least for moment and try to end the Ethiopian occupation, minimize the tension between SL & Puntland and give at least moral support what is happening in Somali region of Ethiopia?. Rest assured, We are all singing in a vacuum and guess what, our hope, people, country are all going south.. Put thinks into perspective and do the math
  18. Originally posted by Nabadshe: quote:comparing Siilaanyo with the Seyid is a gross exaggeration and an insult to a national icon As if the Sayid was clean and innocent of any atrocities. :confused: May we should compare orange with orange not with apples
  19. The curse of Allah is in full swing on us, let it take its course...Somali Dalits are just a fraction of Somali tragedy
  20. Very sad development if it is true.. I think something big is coming from this infinite tragedy that touched all corners of our homeland. Jamhadda xoraynta soomaaliyeed has to be coined and the slogan of "Be Somali enemy or die trying" has to be averted
  21. Mr. Xiinfaniin,I agree that the occasion is so good to be ignored but Mr. Silanyo might not embrace it for personal gains. A bad analogy of this case would have been if chairman Aweys and president Yusuf could have stricken a deal prior to persuasion of their mutual agreed destruction. Believe it or not Somalia Balkanization is underway, Believe it or not in the eyes of our enemy namely Ethiopia and its allies Riyale, Cadde, Yusuf, Geeddi and Aweys are all same filthy Somalis. Hope our people realize who their real enemies are rather than playing around nonsense issues.
  22. Originally posted by Maakhir: Dear Mansa, to the Somalis, they view every thing at its generic value without looking into the context and the implication of any geogriphical term. According to the above illustration, it is how "eastern Sanag" fits the term, not like settlements close to the border just like how the seperatists want to present their divisive case to the world. It is like the people of Buhodle is to Togdheer that the people of Bur'o is to Sanaag. They settle exclusively one district out of the 5 major districts of Sanaag. Dear Maakhir I absolutely see your point and I say to those who are incapable of conceiving that the art of politics is all putting things into context and from there making concessions and compromise, they definitely doom to fail ..and worst of yet they come to their senses and wander around when it is too late, costly and time consuming for mending the self-prescriped wound. Time is a fair teacher who doesn't descriminate I say
  23. Originally posted by Nabadshe: At least Mr gaildoon has clearly stated the the disputed tracts not being whole of Sool and Sanaag but just aportion of it (Eatern Sanaag) . This is what many would not know cause some call this area (SSC).I would advice them to add that Key word "EASTERN" to those cooked Abreviations. Ok, how would you deal with the former southern Togdheer (Buhodle) region which annexed from former Togdheer region, I ask?
  24. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I met him once in Maansoor Hotel in hargeisa ,,,, Alla madow badanaa I think he works for .............. Ohhh , never mind You offended me saaxiib
  25. Mudane Hunguri, the way I conceived the piece of Mr. Geeldoon is very profound and is calling whether Mr. Silanyo got the guts to avert this looming war or not, if he doesn't God forbid, mark my word, peace will be a highly yearned thing after so much destruction of material wealth and human life accrued on both parties. "Inta nabadu joogtaa ninba laba nin le'eg yahay"