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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Castro: Mahmoud Abbas cares about the Palestinians as much as Karzai does of the Afghanis and Yey does of Somalis: zilch. All three share the same nijaas collaborator DNA. These above figures are the products (the sons) of their respective countries, like it or not they are something to be reckon with. No question about it that we downgraded ourselves to little nobodies who can't even put their acts together in their yards yet we at least attempt to be experts on other people's affairs.. BS must be terminated ..and we must get down to the real business
  2. Rest assured, this tribal war will have no winners but losers.. case is closed
  3. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^ Kaftan bilaa turxaana awoowe. Political gaffe perhaps or most probably miscommunication of key points. Either way, his explaination should have been given the importance. Mansa Munsa Somaliland nabadda iyo wada noolaanshoha ayay ka shaqaysa oo ku caano maashay. Mr. suldaanka, I rest my case as long as you believe that peace is not an orphan.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: the lack of it will make Somaliland a Failed State even if the much-pursued elusive recognition is ever achieved. ,,,,,,, so he is hesitated coz he is not sure it will be recognized .... And how da hell possible SL to be a failed state if they get the recognition ??? ,,,,, some people cannot even think properly ,,, You are entitled to entertain yourself for whatever may please you at the times but I tell you this. If Somaliland is recognized today.. It is very highly likely that there will be a civil unrest and anarchy in that territory, taken into account, of course, the reality on the ground, be that may the opposing political views among the communities there or the lack of competence from the side of SL leadership. However, this author alludes in a subtle way the implication that may follow SL's recognition as evident SL is an incubation period and how long that will hold remains mysterious.
  5. Originally posted by Suldaanka: You can't seem to provide a link with the whole text on it. But from the article on Somaliland.org it seems Mr. Ducaale didn't exactly get Faisal's point clearly. Mr. Silaanyo was only refering to repeatative usage of the word "Xaasuuq", after Ducaale first mentioned and Faysal replied to make his clarification to Ducaale. Siilaanyo was last in the comments. quote: maan odhan shacbiga reer Somaliland ee Laascaanood hala xasuuqo ee waxaan u jeedaa cadawga ku soo duulay He clearly says that the people of Lascanood is not what he was refering to but the Puntland authority there. What happened to the morals and rational. what happened to the wise Suldaanka.. are you calling that the kids from Hargeisa and Borame have the right to concur and die in Sool and Sanaag for the sake of our common end.. caqli dayacmay oo gabood falay "iga dheh". This just serves us a laugh factory and if that is what you anticipated to convey in your message then I must say that you are certainly singing in a vacuum. We are all here to share this tinny piece of land, anyone of us isn't going anywhere in my recollection memory therefore the question is, can we get alone?, or are you advising that we eliminate one another.. till the last one of us realizes it is not worthy living and then commits suicide. Mr. Suldaanka if you think your logic is sacred and has no flaws then I let other nomads be the judge.. till then I rest my case here.
  6. This article brings to the surface what a significant proportion of northerners have in mind. If that kind of hate and name-calling can build a nation is a matter of wait-and-see case
  7. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^stop it saxib, the intentions of your original post is very transparent. A cry of 'oh now they are employing gays to further their cause' was designed to portray SL and its supporters as doing something conrary to their beliefs. You are yet to come up with anything concrete on your ascertions. We all know you have no love for SL or its supporters but finger pointing while not commenting on the goings on the south says a lot about you and others. As MMA pointed out, such stories (if you can call it that) are not your priority right now. What about the recent bombings in Puntland? The tensions in Kismaayo, the unsettled south? The occupation? But hey its not your 'style' to comment on such issues. Dont worry we understand Same goes for a few others on these here threads. Ethiopian occupation I despised from the beginning ..it is on record.. Kismanyo tension is in my concern and Puntland bombings is to be blamed on Adde and A. Yusuf alone.. my views are not secretive and I address issues case by case...with all that said your response is still three zigma away from the target,I say
  8. Ngonge and others who are in the denial mode and don't want to get the essence of the considered post I tell them this. I am taking the full responsibility of any fallacies found in its content..plus if I could rollback the time I would still posted it, why?. because the minimum I could do was either to be mute about this or expose it.. I did expose it for the sake of our common end. Let the history be the judge on my position. What is to be done is the question to be asked?, confronting such things in our country definitely needs our collective collaboration in order we expose, dismantle them once and for all. Niether your kids nor mine are save from these folks therefore we've to think alternatives of protecting the most vulnerable, innocent segment of our society?. If that is too much to ask the decay of our decency, and modesty .."iga dheh"
  9. Puntland is on the balance and needs to be saved from its own sons!
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: The first man getting punched in Russia! I struggled through the first post in this thread and I really can’t tell what the point of it is! Despite what Mansa says (for he gave no source of the article he posted) Peter Tatchell resides and works in Europe. Regardless of his sexual orientation I find the fellow an obnoxious, self-serving and lime-light-seeking drama queen (not Mansa). Still, and this might come as a surprise to most blind kittens on this thread; homosexuals work in a variety of areas and control a number of high positions in Europe and the West. Peter Mandelson, the European Union’s Trade Commissioner is said to be a homosexual. Will Somalia or Somaliland refuse dealing with him if they had the chance, stone-age people? I agree with Castro Stor i munen litte pa jorden"
  11. "Strange" looks,, it is all about perception whose determination is valid in regards to one's appearance.. I ask. The bombardment of the place is making the TFG more irrelevant and is also a GIFT from the US to Somalis, meaning that we don't really distinguish somalis, they all get same treatment whether they like it or not.
  12. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote:Kuwani berina wax kalay soo wadaan!!! Ka waran kuwa Xabashadda -- Soomaali's numero uno nemesis; cadowgooda koowaad, labaad iyo sadexaad, no doubt -- keenay, isla Xabashadaas xasuuqay dadka maatida ahaa u sacabtumay, haddana leh waa ku fiicanyihiin oo guryahooda maxee ugu bixi waayeen. Haddana leh waa 'argagaxiso.' Haddana magaaladdii intii ka badbaaday dhulka la simay. Haddana kuwii kale masaakiinta geeljiriyaasha iska ahaa Mareykanka diyaaradihiis miigga weyn ku duqeeye, ku garaacay, kuwaas lagu yiri 'argagaxiso' kale ayaa tihiin, oo waa ku haboonyihiin. Kuwaas dadka magaaladda ka tirtiray, ka baabi'iye, ku xasuuqay, oo Xabashaddii ay keeneen kufsaday gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed -- the most repulsive, abhorrent, repugnant act any Soomaali with the littlest damiir ku jiro cannot withstand with -- kuwaas maxaa ka dhihi lahayd noo sheeg hee? Waa in la isla barbardhigaa waxa dhacaayo, oo la iska indhatirin. The question is, indeed, kuwaas bari maxee soo wadaan? Waxaan ka dhihi lahaa.. Isbahayssiga TFG-da iyo Itoobiyaanku waa ka dar oo dibi dhal!
  13. Sida ay ka warqabaan dadka Soomaalida ah ee akhrista website-yada Soomaalida ayaa waxaa laga yaabaa in ay arkeen qoraalo ay qoreen labo nin oo magacyadooda lakala yiraahdo Peter Tatchell iyo Tyler Stiem. Labadan nin oo ah raga xun xun (gays) ayaa waxay bilaabeen olole ay ka wadaan wadamada Ingiriiska iyo Canada si ay dawladahaas ugu qanciyaan in Somalia lakala gooyo! Labadan qof ayaa waxaa soo kireeystey oo ay xiriir hoose la leeyihiin sida la sheegay rag ka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland ee Hargeisa ka jira! Waxaa ceeb iyo fadeexad ku ah umadda Soomaaliyeed in nimankan magacyadoodu halkan ku qoranyihiin aay maanta ku nool yihiin Hargeisa una ololeeynayaan in gobollada Waqooyi ay ka go'aan Somalia inteeda kale. Hadaba su'aalaha meesha yaal waxaa weeyee: Maxay ka sameeynayaan nimankani Hargeisa? Yaa geeyey? Yey la degan yihiin? Maxay tahay ujeedadooda ay iyaga iyo ururadoodu Hargeisa u joogaan? Horaa loo yidhi "hal yahay geed walba daaqdaye markaad ciin daaqdaa laguu yaabaa!" Nimankan doonaya in ay Soomaali ka go'aan ayaa maanta waxay dani baday in dad noocan oo kale ah soo wakiishaan oo yiraahdaan na caawiya!!! Kuwani berina wax kalay soo wadaan!!! ------------------------------------------------ Bal hada waakuwani eega: Peter Tatchell: http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/peter_tatchell/2007/04/africas_success_story.html Halkan ka eega taariikhdiisa iyo wuxuu yahay: http://www.petertatchell.net/ Tyler Stiem: http://www.hiiraan.com/news2/2007/may/somaliland_the_little_micro_nation_that_could.aspx Halkan ka eega meesha uu degan yahay: http://www.lightstalkers.org/tyler_stiem Ururkan ayuu ka tirsan yahay: http://www.msm-aids2006.org/contact/contact.html
  14. The guy's intelligent and his blindly convictions aint indeed in synch
  15. The woman's credentials are superb, an oxford graduate..who speaks about five major languages .. her package is somewhat appealing..
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Thanks Mansa for the point. Well, Somaliland is not what some ppl are creating now ,,, it is a land which has it is internationally recognized borders with Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Half of the territory is not opposing the idea of seperation as some ppl in SOL exaggurate ,,, it is half of Sanaag region and Half of Sool region only. Even those half halfs are divided in between and we would use this to create and claim the land which will at the end cause a civil war in that area. We don't want this so we kept quiet and chose not to interfere for the moment. In the other hand, how many countries has a desputed areas ??? ,,,, why Kashmir is still controlled by India while their people want to join Pakistan ??? ,,,,, i mean the world is following a rule if you know what i mean. It is not that easy to start a whole country from the scratch and it will take years and years to slowly grow and reach its full authority, it is very close now and it will come. The world doesn't recognize clans, they only know territories and international borders. I like your analysis but they still fall short of either to convince anything or further your elusive cause. At its best it doesn't compare apples with apples. True, the international community knows borders but not clans. I would advice you to try to embrace that the demarcation line that then was between British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland, is being void for over sixty years. Reincarnating it will need great amount of energy and lots of handshaking in which your admin neither has it nor lacks its proper credentials. Finally, it remains to be seen whether you clan administration can impose on other people against their will or not.
  17. The guy is degrading himself! Period
  18. Malaa luuqada qalaad baynu si fiican isugu fahmi lahayn.. I personally despise how Adde runs the great autonomous Somali state of Puntland. Moreover, that has been my position since his mishaps have surfaced period. Adde performance is out there all to judge I am no way of supporting except what I owe to him as him being the president of where my people dwell
  19. Indeed, Ethiopian invasion is diminishing the legitimacy of the TFG by the day. Hope this being reversed sooner than later!
  20. Saaxiib khaladkaygii waa saxay oo hababka taariikh maalmeedka loo qoro ayaa ku kala gedisan hadba meesha qofku joogo. Tusaale ahaan Soomaaliya sidan baa loo qoraa maalinta-bisha-sanadka, Sweden: sanadka-bisha-maalinta, cariga Maraykankana bisha-maalinta-sanadka sidaas darteed baan waxaan ula mid noqday "ninkii cirka kaadida ula jeestay ee lagu tidhi war miyaad waalatay, markaasu ku jawaabay , maya ee nin culimo qastay baan ahay", sidaas darteed nin hababkan kala gedisan ku wareeray baan ahay ee ha layga raali ahaado.
  21. I think Alberto Gonzales will follow him suit.
  22. Waa xujo taagan oo furideedu ku beegan tahay todobada Jeenawari ee sannadka 2008-da haddii Alle idmo
  23. Paul Wolfowitz's Monica Lewinsky saga like has brought the guy down onto his knees.
  24. Has the heat now reached sub_sub_clans?, why all this fussy while this has been the realm since President Adde's inauguration. As a leader one thing you should always avoid, being a president of a segment of your subordinates in which Adde chose to be I say