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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Suldaanka, Runtii waa wax laga yaqyaqsoodo haddii hadalka sidaad u dhigtay run yahay, taasina waxay ku tusaysaa sida dadnimaddii soomaalidu maalinba maalinta ka danbaysa uga sii darayso. Intaa ka dib waa inaynu Reer Sool amaba Reer Buuhoodle ku amaannaa inay ku guulaysteen inay ka mid noqdeen raacyaddii ugu danbeeyey ee wadaninimadda cagta hoosteeda geliya, waa haddii warkaad sheegtay run yahay, maadaama maamulkaaga Somaliland uu isagu hore ugu talaxtegey in masaakiinta uu Ethiopia u qafaalo, si ay kalsooni uga helaan Senawi.
  2. Originally posted by Nephthys: Hadiiba kursi si loogu fariisto ay yaqaanaan oonan korka inta ka korin ku kadaloobsan weli waa cayntaane, xaa ka rabtiin? Hadal gar ah iga dheh!
  3. Indeed Caamir, the ball is in the court of the Las Anoders, let us wait and see how they manage it!
  4. Dear Mr.Caamir, Thanks for taking the time to analyze the grim situation that has been looming lately over Puntland, some of us here on SOL can't smell the coffee after so many gross human injustices have been committed by the name of PL administration, these include, the unabated deforestation, the ill-fated contracts of the natural resources of the region, pocketing the hardly earned revenues by the citizens, and bypassing the supreme laws of the land for the sake of the common ends of THE FEW. The forces of change are in full gear in PL, neither us nor someone else can stop it. In the case of people of SSC, it has been advised in both implicit and explicit over the years, their genuine concern of preserving Somali unity is fading, clearly now they at least realize that they are in between a rock and a hard place, their policy of relying on good political gesture failed them miserably and now they hit dead-end of the road. As they say "Human will is stronger the iron bars" therefore these people have the option of governing themselves if they wish so. As we all aware of, there is an internal conflict ongoing in Las Anod, some of the natives of the region are fighting a proxy war, these people need to be stopped by any means necessary, the theory of zero-sum game is applicable to this situation. Caamir, It can't get worse than this us advocating the further fragmentation of our motherland, but be mind that the stakes are to high, the in action of this people might deserve the curse of the Almighty. Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them. By Aristotle
  5. This is a terrible time for the people of this region, history will be the judge how long a segment of the people can fight a proxy war
  6. Patience has its own limits, incubation period of this has reached its zenith and I'm hoping that aggressors return their homes without further bloodshed...
  7. Dear Mr. Naxar_Nugaaleed, Your argument reminds me when prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was calling his people in one point of time and said, of course, when loosely translated," Maa Uriiddu an ukhaalifakum ilaa maa anhaa minkum canhu", I don't want to differ you except those things I warned you not to do... In the same token, I and like-minded people, all we are asking is the reciprocation of what the respective constitutions are calling for and caring the plight of the citizens. It is not out of love that I hate these guys but I've genuine concerns about their actions, which are very fluid... For instance you raised an issue saying that we should seek making changes in the proper channels. No problem, but what proper channels are there when the head of state, in this case President Adde doesn't have any respect for the constitution and his subjects... It is just beyond me when some of us try to defend the indefensible. [ September 15, 2007, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Mansa Munsa ]
  8. Dear Mr. XF, You took the thesis of my argument to the next level, by doing so you squeezed myself into a corner and made me to deal with the scope creep of the relevant issue.. to that end I must admit that our respective positions are somewhat complimentary to one another therefore if what I am after, being the change of PL leadership for the better, is achieved, the dominion of Somali dilemma is shrunk,doesn't it?. Having said that, let us remind ourselves that Somalia is still a failed nation and I am not gonna dwell all problems that emerge as nations fail however, Somalia is a unique nation because the pundits of conflict resolution settings have been struggling quite awhile to understand and crack the code of why Somalis can’t get alone, they say “a homogeneous people” so attached, all being distanced cousins, look like each other, same faith and religion what the heck.. this homogeneity definitely did not serve somalis’ interest and had its toll on us. If I narrow my point of view, any sane person would agree with you that we, Somalis, are lacking a charismatic leader who is visionary, and can see beyond clanism, and regionalism but since that “Mahdi” is yet to come, wouldn’t you think the better leadership that the local administrations (PL & SL) have, the better off we all will be?. Hence I am just a satisfiser considering how to achieve a lasting peace in Somalia rather than being optimizer. The emergence of better leadership coupled with transparent government in PL is < problems for Somalia reconciliation process. Dear MJ. Waleed, “Puntland is dead horse. You can't be state within a state.” you are putting the cart before the horse so, please be a decent Nomad and be mind the civility and modest of the discussion are likable virtue activities Ramadan Kareem to all SOL Nomads
  9. It is not a news to many that PL is being behaving weirdly lately in regards to its deliberations, pretty much its day-to-day activities lacked objectivity and substance and were a roller coaster like... However, considering this situation... the editorial board of WDN took the initiative and dedicated their latest editorial to square away this relevant issue once and for all. Pls, share with me an excerpt of the editorial...... ..... There was high hope when Gen. Cadde won the election on January, 2005. In Post Abdillahi Yusuf’s iron fist rule, many envisioned Puntland to thrive as a center for commerce and land of opportunities while the General is at the helm. His many years of residence in a Democratic country, Canada, created the hope that Gen. Cadde would be well equipped to tackle the pressing issues of the State and lead Puntland to peace, socio-economic development and prosperity. Regrettably, soon after he took power, his incompetence and lack of leadership qualities became quite evident...... Read the full article here
  10. Barre was a bitter and sweet on the same spot, first ten years of his tenure he bridged the intellect gap among Somalis and in the same token built lots of infrastructure be roads, schools, hospitals, agriculture and introduced the written format of the Somali language without this, Somali literacy rate would be much lower than it's today. However, after 77 war he messed it up a big time and the rest is just a history.
  11. SW, as for one I despise the further inexorable fragmentation of our country. While I am in the same line of thought of mending the already existing entity that is called Puntland. Known fact, the reincarnation and revival of the glory days of monarchy in Puntland is dearly costing too high on Puntlanders, and has impacted negatively the lives of ordinary citizens who dwell in the cities, valleys, and plains, be urbanized or pastoral, that are in between from Buhodle to Ras Hafun and from Galkaio to Erigavo. Moreover, a fact, President Adde and the cronies of his administration took Puntland into the stone age, their lifestyle convinces you that there is no tomorrow because they live on an extravaganza, of course, on the expense of their subordinates, furthermore Adde has proved time and again to be an incompetent for the position and when genuine Plders made numerous calls for change from right to left, did anybody listen?, the answer is simply “NO” and because of this, the incubation period of the grievances has reached its acme. Be mind under these aforementioned circumstances Maakhir State surfaced after the local people agreed in greater numbers that inaction was not an option. In a nutshell they reclaimed their inalienable right of exercising their economic development, managing their own affairs and governing themselves since the state (PL) in which they fall under neglected big time and could neither guaranteed nor wanted to accommodate their desires. However, Maakhir State has a rocky road ahead which there is no a bypass route to success of which I know off, for the most part its feasibility and viability rests on the shoulders of its citizens, to proclaim a state is the easiest part of a nation building therefore let us give them a chance hence Puntland is eight years old administration after all and its situation is very much like it was in the eve of its inception IF not worse. In this case time will be only the fair judge. In my opinion, we should focus on the more urgent issues currently facing Puntland State instead of splitting too much ink on Maakhir State, for instance how can we save the remainder of Puntland?. How can we make the current administration more accountable and transparent?, and we’ve to get used to living side by side in peace with the newly formed of Maakhir State.
  12. Khlaf, You have a point there but be mind it is a human pride and reality that people prefer the rule of their brutal, corrupted and authoritative leaders of their own than outsiders. Hence Garowe and Hargeisa administrations are neither inclined nor accept, if my memory services me right here, relinquishing or at least rotating the authority of these respective enclaves, of course, utilizing a fair based system to the other groups whom happened to be stakeholders of these entities. Why treat Maakhir State differently, let them complain the shortcomings of their own people I become second tired off hearing their grievances of PL and SL..Some of those complaints are legit, others are not. In my opinion Maakhir State must be the least thing that SL and PL should worry about. Wish them luck and let them experiment thier own way of governance. A genuine Somali should support Maakhir State considering the Somali situation at this point of time
  13. Much has been said lately about the newly formed of Maakhir State. A question that seems most of us are missing is that; is this enterprise a legal and a binding contract or is it a void, a non-existent, and a futile exercise?, one may ask on what context, and I anticipate addressing that later on its own right. However, by default I detest clan administrations but time had proved me wrong many times in the past because clan based administrations namely Somaliland and Puntland brought some sort of stability within their dominions therefore I accepted their existence till Somalis as a whole come to their sense and say NO to Qabiil YES to Nation. Case in point, whether we like it or not Maakhir State is here to stay, with that said its feasibility is some what obscure because it lacks lots of governmental institutions, the assets to carry out government duties and many more fatal issues. The rectangular shaped State, its borders, are overlaping and/or in conflict with its neighbors be it south, east and west therefore in regards to the borders I urge to the leaders of Maakhir State to be very carefull and vigilant of pushing the envelope as that has the potential of shattering the dreams of citizens of Maakhir State, concentrate on the more urgent issues, like providing health services, improving education system, strengthening the law enforcement, building military. All in all, I anticipate that your language to your neighbors be peace, peace, and ONLY peace. Consider also the alterations of Somali political calculus meaning a possible handshake may take place between Hargeisa and Garowe, be minded this is a real politik...and nothing is gaurenteed that is why I disclaim not to be responsible any of its effects. Strong Puntland and eventually strong Somalia is what I always supported and longed and I am as off yet, hence my patience has its own price, but as it turned out of which an even elementary child can dechiper the endeavor of the revival of the mighty of Adde's kingdom had, indeed,its toll or costed too much on Puntland. History is interesting subject Reer Garowe blindly supported Adde Muse during the last elections and now they against him, Let me prophecy and say this; we are talking about Maakhir State, or the prospective Darveshland.. God forbid if what is happening in Puntland is not averted in a timely manner I assure you we may even see Bari State, or Nugaal State or What not. Hope my predictions doom to fail but the reality of the ground in Puntland is too tempting to ignore. Adde and his cronies have the ball in their court, it is matter of wait and see how they manage it. Until now I rest my case here. [ August 22, 2007, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: Mansa Munsa ]
  14. Freedom has never been free and it never will. I agree with JB, in some other instances of history teach us that the combination of the two, political wing and the resistance, will accelerate the achievement of whatever the oppressed people are after. Case in point the efforts of Malcom X and Martin Luther King were complimentary to one another, they had one vision yet they wanted to achieve it in different ways.
  15. God bless you guys. Hope one day you may approach considered issues more analytically and objectively
  16. Good piece, however, the simple formula of divide and rule has been applied, too harshly and too long, on Somalis irrespective of their locations therefore only one group of us has no the capacity of removing the shackles of the Ethiopians. When one looks at what is happening in Mogadishu and elsewhere, these incidences boiled down to one thing. The way forward is having common front.
  17. Reminder!, I am accountable for my own actions, and in my tradition I always dare admitting whenever I am wrong or right, the way I see it, in this case I am doing just fine until now .. Rest assured, I agree that our discussion regarding this matter has become unproductive and`sidetracked into an infinite loop therefore,calling off would be the best option that will save our energy and time. Don't I have a right to safeguard my pride?
  18. Mr. Northerner That is pure denial about the facts coupled with your monolithic view I say. The information you are requesting me, have I ever claim that they are in my disposal..NO I say to that. a word of advice.. the more you bombard their misinformations on us, the more you proof to yourself and us the alleged relationship exists. However, your best bet would be asking that info to your lobbyists who are the minimum overstating the influence of Mr. Thatchell and the likes, may have your cause of seeking recognition. Indeed, I watched the show, and to be honest if healing and healthy discussion are what we all after.. There were too much contradictions , loopholes and shortcomings that could be easily highlighted, would the host bring up pro-union northerner to the show, instead of compromising the credibility and fairness of journalism per se. The only legit point that you may complain about me is that I posted the written pieces concerning the association between these figures and the enterprise of your recognition. If you are saying keep quite and don't publish anything you may not see has a merit of publishing.. I am sorry I refuse to comply with that.
  19. Originally posted by Northerner: A case of attack the message and not the messenger dhe! quote: Lately though, some of them have gone even farther and have been saying that Somalilanders are recruiting Western gays to champion their cause. Where is that thread tolow? The ignorance imputed to this argument is that it emphasizes only on one angle in regards to the problem at hand. Whose Somaliland are we talking about? BTW, I question, First, in a legal sense under the UN Charter, there is very slim chance for SL getting a recognition since the then two regions of British & Italian Somalilands was accepted in 1960 at the UN as one entity. Secondly, all these die hard secessionists believe there is only one way right, and that being theirs . They dont take into consideration to the masses who are northerners, who rationally or at least supposedly should be entitled to their point of views. These are the people, I say, that they should seek recognition from unlike uncountable futile foreign exercises. Every saga, has two sides.. and as we know Somaliland is in its incubation period. be it how the secessionist hijacking the peoples aspirations or capitalizing the hatred and animosity rhetorics in order to further their cause of dismembering the brotherly people. I for one support the idea of forming a reconciliation commission headed say a figure of the secessionists camp..in which your grievances can be addressed. However, by all accounts I reject that history remembers me to neither be unfair to myself nor others.
  20. Isn't a passport a piece of paper enshrined nationhood?, if it is.. then as long as SL is not recognized I think accepting their passport is against international norms. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if each region, city or even village of somalia rejects either SL or TFG passports whenever they see it so.
  21. Isn't a passport a piece of paper enshrined nationhood?, if it is.. then as long as SL is not recognized I think accepting their passport is against international norms. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if each region, city or even village of somalia rejects either SL or TFG passports whenever they see it so.
  22. Isn't a passport a piece of paper enshrined nationhood?, if it is.. then as long as SL is not recognized I think accepting their passport is against international norms. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if each region, city or even village of somalia rejects either SL or TFG passports whenever they see it so.
  23. Nuune.. we paying the price of not having a government