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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Taleexi


    I for one who has a first hand experience since I spoke recently with my Dad and some other members of my siblings who dwell in Las Anod. War appears to be highly likely and inevitable in the near future, in the case of waging war in Las Anod becomes necessity, so be it I believe it to the morrow. Let it be known WAR is a bad thing to experiment but in this case, War will work in the favor of the people of SSC at end..
  2. Iska daa saaxiib, yarka xummadu way ka degi doontaaye
  3. Taleexi


    Originally posted by Paragon: War the time has come for reer LaasCaano to cut this bullcrap and declare their independence from both Puntland and Somaliland. For this to go on is nothing short of stup!dity nimanyahow. That being one of the best options out there, politically speaking the means cost more on SSC than ends. That being said in terms of "STUP!D!TY" I guess your remarks have not been fair to people of SSC because STUP!D!TY is not a native of SSC regions alone rather it is a syndrome found in all Somali territories.
  4. Originally posted by LLPP: quote:7. Time for a local admin that is looking out for the interests of the locals. Waay fiicnaan lahayd taasi balse horta yaa dhageysanaya the locals. Ta kale ayagii reer LA qudhooda ayaa 2da meelba madaafiicda isku soo garaacaye. Waa la yaabay! War nimanyahow sheeko yar baan idiin sheegayaa ee bal ila akhrista. Beri baa nin geesinimo lagu yaqaanay, oo bulshada uu markaa la noolaa tixgelin jirtey si lama filaan ah uu ugu fashilmay fagaare bulshadu isugu iman jirtey. Waxba yaanan hadal kugu daaline, ninkii odayga ahaa waxay is afdhaafeen habar markaa goobta joogtay dabadeed arrintii waxay noqotay in faraha laysula tago. Dee waxaa ilaahay qadaray in ninkii odayga ahaa intii islaantii hawada la gashay ay dhulka si xun ugu karbaashtay. Maalmo dabadeed, ninkii oo miyirkii ku soo noqday baa lagu yidhi ninyahow ma moodayn xitaa in habruhu kaa adag yihiin, ee maxaa kugu dhacay?. Markaasuu ku jawaabay si niyad leh: War akhyaarta anigaa habarta si walba uga adag balse saddex calaamo bay isu heshay: 1-Anigoo si xun u taagnaa 2-Habartoo sinsaaro tiqiin 3- iyo Meeshoo sisib ahayd Wuxuuna hadal ku soo afjaray wallee wacdaraan dhigi lahaa ilaahow muu mid arrimahaas kore ahi ka maqnaan lahaa meesha. Arrintaas waxaan uga gol leeyahay, reer Sool, in ay wax qabsadaanba looma kaadin, masiibo rogmanaysana wax laguma samayn karo balse koleyba anigu nin baan ahayow maamul maxali ah oo derisyadiisa nabad kula noolaada waan rumaysnahay inuu yahay sida keliya ee ummaddani hore ugu mari karayaan.
  5. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: But Yet, France and UK have diplomatic talks with the Somaliland Governement especailly UK. I guess they are open society who talk to whomever deems for discussion. In a nutshell talking does neither deny nor affirm the legality of your so-called Somaliland entity. Hope that we get this straight at least
  6. Waxay ila tahay reer waqooyi waa is yaqaanaa, oo reer walibu meeshu dego SOL laguma go'aamiyo.
  7. Originally posted by bilan: can someone tell me why someone who is from hargaisa wants to claim LA,or sanaag, what connects these two cities. On a face value, naked aggression I must say..
  8. Taleexi


    Thanks Mr.Sophist, I just received an email from my brother and he told me that LA is calm.
  9. "Stor i munen lite pa jorden" ar allt som ska Jag saga idag
  10. Originally posted by Caamir: This particular conflict rests theoritically on the security dillema in the region. "Somaliland" fears for its security or its assumption that they are the next target after Mogadisho's insurgency dampens, therefore, preemptive strikes ensures ultimate security guarantor. The other problem is that Hargeisa feels that Puntland forces are overstretched thus lacking countervailing balance to counter the Clan-based Somaliland forces. In many ways, this is a great miscalculation that would cause the local tribe of Puntland to feel acute existential threats from their neighbors. It is however very likely that this new conflict would challenge Adde's leadership to step up to the plate and manifest his military skills to secure resounding victories. Adde Muse has been engaged in activities of parochial interest that probably created an environment conducive to the fracture and division of the community. It is time that Muuse restores the sense of extended security assurances and mutual trust of the community Dear Caamir, You nailed that on the tail squarely, the inexorable demise of the SL influence in SSC area is a reality to be reckon with. Horaa soomaalidu u tidhi 'Rag walaal wuxuu ku dhaamo la waa", balse taasi dadka qaar baanay u cuntamin...taariikhda hadaynu tib u tibaaxno waxay ka marag kacaysaa in markan mar laga wada itaal daran yahay, nabada **** jiirkeed laga raadin doono. War hooy maa la kala joogo ileyn "inta nabadu joogtaa ninba labo nin le'eg yahay e" The security dillema is what it is all about, I am personally pro war as long as it is a just one, Mr. Caamir, if this isn't it, which one is it?, I question
  11. Maan hadal in Garowe: Massaging the Mullah A. Duale Sii'arag October 01, 2007 “I merely represent a new, mature wave of the Islamic awakening that is taking place today from Algeria and Jordan to Khartoum and Kuala Lumpur. As first evidenced in the Iranian revolution, this awakening is comprehensive – it is not just about individual piety; it is not just intellectual and cultural, nor is it just political. It is all of these, a comprehensive reconstruction of society from top to bottom”. Hassan al-Turabi Read here
  12. Tahliil, I also always advocated the implementation of SOL golden rules both equally and indiscriminately to all people and in all situations. On the other hand, SSC people have plenty on their plates, and they should put their home in order by any means necessary..
  13. Waxaan ka jeclaa hadalkaa mudane Paragonow, ilmaadeerayaalow maan ka deyno
  14. Dagaalku wuu jiitami doonaa, wuxuuna noqon doonaa mid hooyooyin badani ku goblami doonaan, dumaro badani asay ku qaadan doonaan, currado badan lagu waayi doono, oohin badani ku quban doonto. Reer SSC waxay ku balan qaadeen inta Nabadu noqonayso mid la wada jeclaysto, lagana doorbidbo wax kasta oo kale, inay la dagaalami doonaan gardarrada qaawan, ayna diyaar u yihiin markastaba nabad iyo si wanaag leh inay ula noolaadaan beelaha deriskooda ah, wixii iska dhex galana ku kala baxaan goobta wada hadalka. Nin dhirbaaxo quudheed dugsaday dhashadeed maalye dhashaaday sugtaa xaajadaa dhowrataa Abide
  15. Prof. Said Samatar analyzed "The Islamic courts and Ethiopia's intervention in Somalia" at the prestigious Chatham House in London, this is a good read indeed, if you got the time, it was worth spending on it. Read from here the full version of the article
  16. Originally posted by Saalih: and I thought Pro Somalilanders were gona put a big argument of why somalilands army is in control of laasacnood and bring their list of websites and creat those long threads of puntland vs somaliland again but i guess not. It isn't SL Vs PL per say, the Indigenous people are under siege, it is up to them whether they want to remove the shackles of aggression with valor and pride or accept the status quo with inferiority and exhibition of Stockholm syndrome
  17. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: This is wrong, regardless if you are Pro-somaliand or Pro-Puntland this is a sad day because people will die. isn't death inescapable scenario irrespective of ones situation?, so I say,either live with dignity or die being on the right side..
  18. In this case, WAR is the ONLY way forward for this region, all other alternatives have been tried and exhausted for many times in the past... like it or not the inexorable moment has arrived ..
  19. The way I see it, collectively our actions are calling for the reign and continuum of the curse of Allah in our land for sometime to come. With that said, Allah Almighty is the most Gracious and compassionate therefore Illaahay kurbada ha ka qaado masaakiintaa sidii yuhuudda wareegaalaysanaysay 17-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay, ee aan weliba waxba galabsan, hore baa Soomaalidu i tidhi "Dab munaafaq shiday, muumin baa ku gubta" [ September 29, 2007, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Mansa Munsa ]
  20. Originally posted by Caamir: Yaab ka Yaabkiis, please appreciate the effort in the midst of such faceless adversity and opposition. We can't live in anarchy forever. Well put Mr. Caamir
  21. In my view, there is a parallelism between Iraq and Somali violence, of course Somalia being the smaller fish in this context, all I know is that this convenient marriage can’t be indefinite ..
  22. Koore-Tuunshe, Don't underestimate the raising powers for the world today. For instance, China and India (Chindia), specially China...If things go the way they are, the world is shifting from Uni-polar system to Multi-polar system, good or bad needs further analysis. However, these changes are underway as we speak..therefore they can either be contained or slowed down but can't be stopped. I also agree with u that Russia is still too weak economically to withstand the hegemony of the US,... with that said, be mind it has both the natural and human resources. Apparently changes always take time but for sure something is cooking
  23. Naxar Nugaaleed, I am on and seated firmly
  24. Finding solution to this crisis rests on the shoulders on the locals. These people have to put their act together first and foremost and then deal with the adjacent administrations. It appears some of their leaders need to be eliminated in one way or another, this people are paying big price for their protracted passiveness, will they emancipate from the shackles of anarchy or dwell their lives as they've been doing for the last 16 years or so, remains to be seen.