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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Taleexi


    End of the civilization is looming in that part of the country and mark my word guys, if you think you can mess up with the people of SSC in perpetuity by sending some mercenaries of their own to fight a proxy war for you.. I assure you, the fight will go on by God willing till peace becomes a priceless commodity to all. You may share with me the similarities of what a SSC soldier feels now and what German soldier felt then in WWI Adhi Adeye At Midnight A sapper's song from the War of Aggression Adhi Adeye, at midnight, A sapper atands on guard. A star shines high up in the sky, bringing greetings from a distant homeland. And with a spade in his hand, He waits forward in the sap-trench. He thinks with longing on his love, Wondering if he will ever see her again. The artillery roars like thunder, While we wait in front of the infantry, With shells crashing all around. The SNM Militias want to take our position. Should the enemy threaten us even more, We SSC fear him no more. And should he be so strong, He will not take our position. The storm breaks! The mortar crashes! The sapper begins his advance. Forward to the enemy trenches, There he pulls the pin on a grenade. The infantry stand in wait, Until the hand grenade explodes. Then forward with the assault against the enemy, And with a shout, break into their position. Adhi Adeye, Adhi Adeye, Soon thou willt be a quiet cemetary. In thy cool earth rests much gallant soldiers' blood.
  2. Taleexi


    Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: quote: a small number of greedy thugs who hail from SSC to invade, disrupt, kill and cause general havoc Cajiiiiiiiiib ,,,,,,,, bal anagu ku maqalnaye iyagu yaanay ku maqlin uun Your mockery remarks engrained with ignorance have been well received
  3. Taleexi


    Originally posted by Fahiye: LA IS Not DIVIDED AND ISNT LIKE ERIGAVO; such comparison spits the reality on the ground. North; the economy in the Triangle is inferior to that of Boasaso alone. Fahiye, take it easy it was hypothetical question of which I addressed it with hypothetical response,
  4. Taleexi


    ThePoint... It is such people that we are dealing with in day_in and day_out bases. They NEVER see their wrong doings and meddling of the affairs of their neighbors.. Rest assured, their detrimental actions will work in the favor of the people of SSC regions in the end.
  5. Taleexi


    There were divided cities in the world before and there are a number of cities sebarated by clan lines in Somalia today.. For instance Erigavo, Galkaio therefore LA shouldn't be different than those as long as the peace is the concern of this sub_sub_x groups
  6. Taleexi


    Northerner.. Don’t force me finding myself delving into the past… it is a known fact that Somalia has been descending to clan based fiefdoms since 1991. In that regard SSC region became the co-founders of then to be PL administration because of their clan affiliation. Thereafter, there were some consistent mishaps on the side of PL, be it lack of transparent, deliverables and accountability. In the same token, the people of Sool also fall short doing their homework 100% in the domain of their influence. However, a higher percentage of my people give still their allegiance to PL admin till today, for some reasons that I yet to understand, to this end my position belongs to the minority of school of thought of the populace but our numbers are growing exponentially, my position is emergence of a self-rule entity of some sort… at best I’m calling for a federated PL or the separation of it in proper and then forming entities that live side by side in peace which cooperate regarding to their common ends… If I may elaborate further, even if the people of SCC can’t put their act together and can't get along I see their separation as an option for the sake of lasting peace in the area. As you know, all of a sudden, your people trespassed and perpetuated our territories. I tell you if you care a bit the semblance of security that your administration achieved it so dearly over the years… It looks like you guys playing with a fire of which the end result is the liquidation of your militias and the humiliation of your self-promoted pride…”Nin kuu digay kuma dilin”, Peace and co-existence is what we have in store for you, accept or else will happen.
  7. Rationality and fairness appear to be corrupted!
  8. Dear Mr. Ngonge, I don’t know how many more layers you need me to go down to break it down for you the essence of this struggle.. let us make an assumption, pick up any ongoing conflict in the world, for instance the conflict in Sri Lanka between Sinhalese and Tamils, or in Kosovo where Albanians and Serbs are on each others throat, or in Darfur, or in Georgia-Abkhazia-South Ossetia or you name it.. in all of these and other conflicts around the world it all depends on whom you ask if they are JUST causes or not.. With that said, SSC people are in a self-correcting mode and whether we like it or not it is an inexorable reality. And If you can’t digest and swallow why the SSC people may be to fight with few tags of their own in order to achieve their ends then you must be either a naïve or unrealistic indivudual of the situation. In this scenario the means are less import than ends, even for your “to-be” state would be much better off having a cohesive SSC region on its side…but to that benefit only visionaries who are not stuck with the current scenarios can decipher.. On the other hand, me killing some of my cousins has less importance as we are all related to one way or another and still keep killing eachother.
  9. Originally posted by Fahiye: SH: Are you saying Maakhir will be part of SOmaliland then if there will be only a SOMALILAND as a working federal state? WHat will happen to Puntland? You are saying SSC will form its own adminstration? then what will happen to that too? You are being illogical mate; get real. Maakhir state is a part of the building blocks of Somalia in proper and it is already doing some holistic deeds behind the scenes therefore let us give it 'appluase" haha hahah ha followed by clubs
  10. The way I see it, SSC people are bounded paying an overdue annuity that is why they must anticipate paying the principal plus the interest if they dare/care sustaining their relevance
  11. Freedom of expression has been abused I must say
  12. Taleexi


    Fahiye.. It is not a secret that we've our own problems with the autonomous state of PL administration as the case is for all other stakeholders for the entity, thus this issue should be dealt with on due course in one way or another but let it be known that the people of SCC is lagging big time taking their responsibility therefore to that end, there is no justifiable execuse that I can think off why it is so,,, I wished I had my friend, pls advice me if you got any. Northerner.. My friend, in a nutshell the people of SSC have plenty on their plates nowadays, and it's up to us how we want to be "the masters of our affairs " as Dahia indicated earlier therefore just watch out how this saga unfolds. Be mind also your negative influence will be minimized with the minimum loss of human life and material wealth. All you can get from us is good neighborly and co-existence and if your admininstration Seeks beyond that I am here to surrender the liability of whatever happens thereafter..... In the case of me shooting at my cousins for good reasons because freedom has its own price, has no relevance since all Somalis, who are fighting eachother, are cousins to one way or another.
  13. Ngonge...No more cabaad saaxiib.. the second coming in progression!
  14. Taleexi


    Northerner.. See the light, this is a self-correcting effort and in the long hole this will contribute to the revival of "Somalinimo", if we've any concern of achieving that, I stress "collectively". At the minimum and/or subsequently, the people of SSC will be able managing their own affairs without your meddling
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: quote: Originally posted by NGONGE: quote: Originally posted by rudy: only way this place is gonna have peace is 2 build a wall around it... password the gate with clan dna. so only ogees can come in and no else. problem solved. Only if it were true, saaxib. Have you not realised yet that the fighting is between people of that city itself and not really any outsiders? What a corrupted people you are!, only ill-informed people exclude the outsiders' factor into the equation, you think when SSC regions burn down.. your tranquility and security are sustainable, Be mind geopolitically this tragedy will have a negative ramification on all players while zipping coffees in their comfy zones I admire your passion, I really do but I can't help detesting your blindness, saaxib. If it were up to me I'd order the Somaliland administration to leave that city well alone. But it's not up to me. In your mind, you divide Somalis along clan lines, I on the other hand class them by levels of foolishness. Today, and on the evidence we have here, the people of LA are head and shoulders above anyone else in the quality of their foolishness! Outside forces may be grinding the organs but the monkeys shooting each other are all cousins and brothers (now simmer down and don't get upset about the monkey call; it is a well known saying and not an actual description of the people of LA). Somalia, in its entirety, burns today. Yet, the only people that seem to be benefiting from this are those of Puntland and Somaliland. Those in the capital are going on non-ending circles, those in LA have forsaken the peace and started fighting each other and those in Makhir are only finding their feet. But can you see the obvious truth? Can you at all? Sadly not! You're still calling for more war between your brothers and kin! If it were not pathetic enough I would be laughing at you and thinking to myself: maxa ega galay, let them kill each other. If this useless war was explained to any passing stranger (unconnected to Somali affairs) I dare say he would be shocked at the madness of it all. He would probably advice the people of LA to unite first and then decide on which side best benefits their region and people. But of course such an option is far too rational for Somali sensibilities! Ps Rudy was under the impression that other clans were fighting in LA, hence his idea of a wall and DNA testing. Dear Mr. Ngonge, The temptation of your hypocrisy is too high and hard to ignore. Let it be remembered that our inalienable right of developing in our own pace and ways, administering our lands and seeking to pursue our daily lives in peace and tranquility are our damn business and priority. Moreover, If you truly believe for what you preach.. what the heck.. why are you sending your Hargeisa and Borame sons to die in the outskirts of Las Anod?, why.?. if you can’t see the shortcomings, and hollowness of your argument then you must be either insane or may be hallucinating . In any case, in regards to this looming war, you assisted to bring the charcoal and the fire to the effort and we decided to cooperate with you by bringing the flammable objects… In addition, I am communicating continuously with my contacts on the ground, and still WAR seems probable if all other peaceful options are exhausted… Call us fools, but in historical context I promise you the fire you started will reach deep in your houses and then history will be the judge who happened to be on the wrong side. In the case of Rudy, DNA test in Somali social fabric doesn’t work because if we take a sample of 100 people in each major clan of Somalia and take their DNAs and subsequently place the findings in a spreadsheet I am sure the closeness of the gene pool of some individuals who hail from unrelated tribes will have stronger association than those who claim to be the same clan. Therefore putting a gate for DNA test wouldn’t do anything good for the people of SSC.
  16. Taleexi


    Ok... my friend and pls for goodness sake, don't try twisting and distorting for what I said and stand by, let it be known that I believe, of course, unlike you "my clan's hopes/plans" should be in synch with what that of those who seek "Soomaalinimo" are after. Remember also that our respective positions are crystal clear, and who cares "Soomaalinimo"?, a valid question that should be passed on SOL Nomads, I must say!
  17. Taleexi


    At least I didn't expect from you to raise such a question since you abandoned the cause of nationalism and patriotism a long time ago... All I've to say on this is that I am only calling for a just war, either partake or be passive
  18. Dear Mr. Rudy, Riyaale and Yusuf will be the last people to be blamed on this conflict.... By God will the just war is about to reign
  19. Taleexi


    It is neither me nor Paragon who will decide the looming war, the responsibility of it rests merely on the shoulders of the people of SSC regions..
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by rudy: only way this place is gonna have peace is 2 build a wall around it... password the gate with clan dna. so only ogees can come in and no else. problem solved. Only if it were true, saaxib. Have you not realised yet that the fighting is between people of that city itself and not really any outsiders? What a corrupted people you are!, only ill-informed people exclude the outsiders' factor into the equation, you think when SSC regions burn down.. your tranquility and security are sustainable, Be mind geopolitically this tragedy will have a negative ramification on all players while zipping coffees in their comfy zones [ October 06, 2007, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Mansa Munsa ]
  21. Evolution is an inexorable change of which non of us can alter the outcome but can partake.. therefore to this argument Mr. Me got it right
  22. Taleexi


    Dear Paragon, Whether there are flaws in my logic or not. My remarks are out there all to see. I also beg to differ from you in terms of name calling therefore I urge you to invalidate my arguments rather than insulting me and the nomads’ intelligence. I said war is a BAD thing to experiment, however, once I've observed the all dimensions of this conflict, it looks like it is going to converge to only one thing, and sadly or luckily that is an all out war hence it is not the only way forward but WAR seems to be one of the best options still on the table. It is self-evident that the people of this region have been the safeguardian of Somali unity and Peace advocates for such a long time. To be honest history is also inline with my thoughts and attests how these peoples’ genuine position through out the years failed them big time. Mr. Paragon, I am neither here to alter your thinking nor rally behind your convictions, we merely supposed to have some civic debates when we can, to that end take it easy and treat yourself with cup of tea or coffee whichever is in your preference. You also indicated that Somalis have been fighting for the last seventeen years, so what?, I don’t like when people go behind the clouds and don’t put their arguments straight I didn’t understand what you are implying here in subtle way… All I can decipher from it is a promotion of the submissiveness of the people of SSC to an alien rule and external powers. This must be the purest form of Attribution theory that I’ve ever seen. Moreover, a war within SSC can even be the only way forward if they don’t put their act together let alone me advocating fighting against the aggressors. Finally, I will address your suggestions as I am bound to resume some errands.. till then stay well.
  23. It was indeed, the new administration managed it well and solved the problem pretty quickly and because of it I commend on them.