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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. October 17, 2007 PRESS RELEASE Secessionist Somaliland’s Naked Aggression against the Peaceful Region of Sool For Immediate Release Somalia’s Northern regions, which until recently enjoyed a relative peace, are on the verge of entering an era of internecine clan warfare similar to, and may be worse than, what has plagued the southern part of the country for over a decade. The Hargeisa-based clan-driven secessionists’ northern enclave of Somaliland, in the early hours of October 15,2007, launched unprovoked armed aggression on the peaceful town of Las Anod, the capital of Sool region in the northern pro-unity State of Puntland. This naked aggression caused the death of at least 12 people and displacement of large residents of the city, as well as injuring unknown number of civilians. The local people are in arms defending their families and their properties against these invaders from their distant stronghold,Hargeisa, which is more than 900 Kilometers from Las Anod. Read here the press release in full
  2. Dear Mr. Caamir, Momentum is gathering...clearly the naked aggression on the side of SNM militia in LA, different international world bodies are recognizing it, what Mr. Oodweyne is missing that he must extend a visit to his ophthalmologist so he can fix his impairing vision as such to see what is happening in his surroundings.
  3. Dear Mr.Sophist, I would advice that you engage and partake behind the scene plans of reclaiming our territories and people, and as I see to it your announcement was unnecessary even though it is a touching honor to the depth of our bond and further proof of the spirit and the heart of the city that cherished by many and loved by a nation. Rest assured, it is a proven theory that a clan can’t impose their will on another, at least in the case of Somalia thus what do you have to worry about?, because we all are on the same boat and if it sails smoothly we are all save, if it sinks we will all descend to the bottom of the body water on the same rate. Game theory is exercised here, if they cooperate we cooperate if not whatever their action is, must reciprocated. The plain field is leveled, just compete!! and come up with strategy that is all what it really is
  4. SheekhaJacaylka, I don’t know what kind of substance you are under of its influence but how do you respond to your instructors when they ask you something. Let me break it down for you. If you come to my home and ask you would you like a cup of coffee?, naturally expected response should be either yes or no, right?. But you wouldn’t ask me back what I would like to drink instead, or would you?. I did ask you this question, have you got any clue to elaborate on your stand: WHY are the kids from Hargeisa and Borame dying in and around LA, for what cause I question?, isn't that a pure provocation of some sort?, or isn't it a demonstration of your clan expansion dogma?.
  5. On the record I resisted Ethiopian intervention to Somalia all along and my position didn't change a bit, if you are talking about the TFG, your clan has more representatives than mine, swallow and embrace the reality. However, this is the question I asked.. please address it : WHY are the kids from Hargeisa and Borame dying in and around LA, for what cause I question?, isn't that a pure provocation of some sort?, or isn't it a demonstration of your clan expansion dogma?.
  6. SJ, what the h_e_l_l is wrong if Adde says that Sool belongs to its residents?, is there any mystery about that?, even though I detest how this guy runs PL. Come on Sheekha!, and come to your sense, what is wrong if I choose seeking to achieve my inalienable rights by any means necessary?, if that makes me qabiiliste, so be it. Your diabolic argument is not only illogic but pathetic and beside the point, its shortcomings and loopholes are something that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. WHY are the kids from Hargeisa and Borame dying in and around LA, for what cause I question?, isn't that a pure provocation of some sort?, or isn't it a demonstration of your clan expansion dogma?. I am little bit delighted that my lovely city LA is burning today, for some obscure reasons beyond the IQ of the average person. However, all I can tell you is that "Your broke it and your own it". Finally, for heaven's sake don't lecture me how bad clannish doctrine is. not you at least because all you care and look at things is through the lenses of your clan interest.
  7. My Manifesto!! I dare you to Help Us to Resist the Oppressor’s Rule Before I break it apart and address squarely the stinking hypocrisy of Somali politics in our times I want to make a disclaimer on the record for the sake of what is about to come. First of all, let it be remembered that I am neither speaking in the position of power nor in celebrity mode unlike my SOL Comrades namely Oodweyne, Suldaanka, Ngonge and the likes. It was a revelation for me once I had a chat earlier of the today with my brother, who dwells in LA, on Google Talk, in that AIM session, my brother reassured me that the city of LA has fallen, end of the story he mesmerized and went on by saying that the situation is in both dynamic and delicate and because of that I can’t give you a comprehensive picture of what is really taking place in each section of the city, but take this as an eye bird’s view he stressed. However, he concluded, we are at the mercy of SL clan militia in collaboration with handful thugs, and mercenaries of our own. His last statements propagated via STMP triggered the compilation of this post. He described the situation with heavily loaded terms and will remain unclassified until the right moment of their exposure arrives. Moreover, it is not a mystery that this conflict has multi facets in the context of in both horizontal and vertical analysis. First, I acknowledge the ongoing “Divide and Rule” doctrine that is underway of which Ethiopia spearheads as our chap, Mr. Xiinfaniin, already alluded to in one of his earlier correspondents. Secondly, there is the factor of SL vs. PL and thirdly, there is a negligible friction between the SSC people, where few mercenaries.."Allay Diliye XXX adaa iiga sii dare" support SL clannish doctrine while majority supports PL and the remainder supports the emergence of some sort of self-rule entity. With all that said, I don’t have the resource to allot time covering all these aspects of the conflict, at least, in this piece therefore to our benefit I will narrow the discussion and analyze the feasibility and sustainability of whether SL clannish dogma will reign in the lands of SSC, and if yes at what cost?, or can few thugs of SSC mercenaries fight proxy war for SL in perpetuity?. Political Scenario: As bad as it may seem, this conflict, based on my own judgment, exhibits most of the characteristics of other global intractable conflicts, for instance the one in Sri Lanka, Republic of Congo and the disputed region of Kashmir. On all accounts I’ve to admit that on the surface the biggest losers of all times in this conflict are the SSC people, however, on one hand this will transcend and become a catalyst to their unification and on the other hand if not averted quickly, this conflict has the potential of paralyzing the economic distribution channels of the region, the semblance of security enjoyed in that part of the country for the last sixteen years or so will diminish by the day, this conflict can also disrupt the whole so called peaceful coexistence between North western and Eastern communities of Somalia a.k.a SL and PL respectively. The prospective of peace in this part of the world appears to be elusive than ever, and mark my word, it will be so inasmuch as some want hegemony, clan dominance and land expansion. Players:, As I indicated earlier, I am not here to analyze the hypothetical questions engrained multi facets of this conflict rather to focus on the ramification of the convenient marriage between SL militia and SSC mercenaries. All other players’ influence including SL vs. PL, and Ethiopian factor will not be addressed on this paper, the reason being for simplicity, assertiveness and to the point. Participants:, Participants have also multiple tiers, and I don’t intend covering them in this point of time. Resolution:, someone once said that I can’t tell you formula for success but can tell you formula for failure.. and “it is to please everyone” me aligning myself and singing in that line of thought I came up with this . After I’ve observed over this conflict and gave enough time to ponder about its complexity. The following steps must be reciprocated if a lasting peace is in the interest of all players, some these steps are concurrent and others are sequential. 1.SSC people are in crises now and they are still suffering the post drama of that unfavorable and unthinkable situation that they found and inflicted on themselves for the most part. But definitely they will and have to go back to the drawing board sooner or later, and examine what went wrong?, and plan strategically how they can emancipate themselves from the shackles of SNM militia and their stooges. 2.There must be the initiation of some sort of mediations that utilizes all techniques available in the field of conflict resolutions settings, be it arbitration, adjourn, conciliation and so on. There must be also some sort of mechanism in place for reinforcement the soon to-be agreed resolutions as such all parties can exercise in good faith in order to promote a lasting peace in Somalia. Where no body thinks has the right to decide for the other and visa versa. 3.Knowing that SSC Diaspora has already coined Liberation Movement Front for SSC regions in London. This movement should be the backbone of the struggle of which SSC people are seeking for restoring peace and reclaiming their shattered dreams of taking care of their people and land, meaning developing, securing their borders and aligning their political association whomever they want as they see to it with the absence of fear of repercussion of any sort. This front is obligated to adopt clear guidelines representing their constituents’ inalienable desires in order to reignite the lost pride of the community and achieve the supreme goal of unifying the SSC people by any means necessary. Means are nothing to the ends in this context. Getting there is what matters most. This will be a living document for generations to come and I urge all humanity who believes the way forward being cohabiting and coexisting in peace. I dare you to give us a hand to Resist the Oppressor’s Rule. Rest assured we will overcome the challenges that may lay a head and I recall what Dr. Martin Luther King once said “In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends”. In that regard I know how to deal with SL militia, but what many of us and historians will ponder many years to come is about the self-inflicted, inexorable scars on ourselves. “Sidi Sidi daada mooyee, dhul dhacaaga hubso” Waxa la yidhi “aduunyada nin joogow maxaa aragti kuu laaban”, aniga oo hal kuray ah kuna nool Xamar, baa waxaa caado ii ahaan jirtey oo aan dhegaysan jirey faaladii warka ee weriye Cawke qaadaa dhigi jirey, mudaduna waxay ahayd horaantii sideedamaadkii, badanaa waxaa xilligaa si ba’an loo maagi jirey taliskii Mingestu ee Itoobiya, sidaas darteed waxaan weligayba iga dhaadhacsanayd in aanay Itoobiya wax kasta oo dhaca marnaba Xamar cago soo dhigi karayn, balse waxaa marag ma doonto ah in taasi beenowday oo qaar Soomaali ahi, si xarago leh ugu soo dhoweeyeen xaruntii dalka ee Muqdishu.. Taas waxaa iiga dhigan maanta, markii dalku burburay ee nin walibaa ku noqday meeshii awoowayaashii ku abtirsan jireen, waa waxaan ugu yeedho “The renaissance of the revival of Pastoral Democracy” e marnaba kuma fekerin in qabiil, qabiil kale ka xoog badnaan karo amaba awaamiirta u siin karo sida maanta ka dhacday magaalada Laas Caanood. Hadaba waxaa is weydiin mudan guusha amaba jabka ba’a leh, hadba waa dhankaad ka eegto e, u soo hoyatay maanta maleeshiyaadka ina Riyaale hor boodayo iyo calooshood u shaqaystayaasha reer SSC ma abadiyan baa mise [/b] dadka hantidoodii, maatadoodii iyo dhulkoodiiba lagu tacadiyey way soo rogaal celin doonaan oo ka dooran doonaan nolosha dulinimada leh, geeri sharaf leh. Taas waxaan u deynayaa in waayaha taariikhdu xusto. Aniga aragtidayda, dadka SSC waxay xaq u leeyihiin in aayahooda, horumarkooda dhaqaale iyo is maamulkoodaba u madax banaanaadaan sida bini’aadamyada kale ee dunidan ku dhaqan.. balse maadaama taa laga sinaystay, oo rag go’aan qaateen ah, in dadka reer SSC marnaba nabad ku cawayn. Waxaan qabaa ku dhawaaqida amaba curinta “Ururka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Xoraynta iyo Midaynta ee SSC”, Ururkan oo hadafkiisu ahaan doono in ay naf iyo maalba huraan madax banaanida ummadooda, inay nabada beelaha deriskooda laga waayey iyana ceel dheer ku ridaan, inay dhaqaalaha wadanka iyo isu socodka curyaamiyaan, inay hadh iyo habeen u soo jeedaan sidii faraha loogaga guban lahaa cariga ay degaan reer SSC ee u dhexeeya Ceerigaabo ilaa Garowe iyo Buuhoodle ilaa Qardho, waa inaanay raga duulaanka ahi marnaba nasan ilaa qabiil walbaa garowsado wuxuu xaq u leeyahay..Halgankan bilowday, waa sidii Cumar Bin Khidaab Illahay ha u naxariistee u dhigaye… waa in dumar badani asay ku qaataan, kuwo kale oo badanina ku goblamaan, caruur badanina ku agoomowdo, ragga gardaradda wadaa waa in dhulku la soo yaryaraadaa, oo hadda waa marqaansan yihiine waa in laysla wada marqaamaa, dabadeedna NABADU noqoto wax la wada jeclaysto, oo aan qolo gaar ah, dan u ahayn. Marka halkaa arrintu marayso waa inaan Oodweyne, Suldaanka, Ngonge iyo kuwa la midka ahba, hadba iyaga wixii u cuntama la qaadaa dhigo amaba la gorfeeyaa, intii taa laga gaadhayo anigu golahan lagu haasaawo fasax baan ka qaadanayaa intii muddo cayiman ah, khaas ahaan nuqulkan Laas Caanood, Sidaas iyo kulan danbe iyo weliba isu qorid danbe oo xiiso leh.
  8. Thanks Mr. ME, I am aware of the Eithopian factor in regards to SSC dilemma and as evident SSC is not capable of fighting many fronts at this point in time therefore I am hopefull that they some how contain and mitigate the ramification of the problem.
  9. Mr. Caamir, Be mind that "War is a continuation of policy by other means", First and foremost, Reer LA needs to set the record straight and proclaim what the h_e_ll they want?.. In the case of the gullible kids from Borame and Hargeisa dying in the outskirts of LA for an elusive cause, history will judge them not me!, Soomaalidu hore ayey u tidhi "Abihii w_a_s_e ayaa aakhiro laga wayaa"
  10. Thanks Mr. ME for the heads up, The spark of this an all out war was an expected one. Only the foolish and short-sighted individuals were praying for peace while the eternal and inalienable rights of the locals have been abused not once, not twice but many times. On all accounts, the incubation period of this conflict is over. I talked to my Dad who is at or around 80 years of age and he told me that he neither wants nor is ready to be a displaced person for the third time in his country... He told me that the moment has arrived for me to live in dignity in my own community or die as a man.
  11. What a splendic views!! yaa Caamir, it appears that the city is situated in a valley where I liked the background image, a mountain that hosts what seems to be telecommunication tower I must say.. rest assured, After seeing this I already added Hadaaftimo my must-visit places whenever my soon to_be trip to Somalia comes reality. Eid Mubarak to all
  12. Sheekha Jacaylka ... War ninyahow maxaad been afuufinta ka heshaa...
  13. Taleexi


    Dear Mr. Oodweyne, War ileyn anagaa wax aragnay.. War ninyahow Oodweyne nin kaa hadal tiro badan ma arkin. My friend, I dare you that you don't ever try diverting the discussion topic at hand. I ask you.. What the hell are you doing in my lands?, Why are you meddling our internal affairs?. "The Soomaalinimo" that you obsessed is not applicable in this thread. Soomaalinimo is a shared value by all Somalis and it is up us all collectively how we are going to revive it or discredit it. That is being the case, Do you think the fire you ignited can be contained in relation to your instigation. I tell you this, this is the beginning of the decay of your so called SL entity. Coexistence in peace is the only thing that I have in store for you, however, if you seek anything beyond that, I beg to offer to you in a timely fashion.
  14. Originally posted by -: Mansa Munsa.....We shouldn't rush to war, but I think the likes of Xaabsade who puts his own need ahead that of his people should be dealt.And if Somaliland continues instigating instability in the region by inciting disgruntled tribesmen, it let be understood that instibality could be brought to their doorsteps. Peace is precious commodity in Somalia and it is hope Sland admin understands that pretty well, and it is my hope that Reer Pland don't rush to war either. Adeer dagaal wax lagu degdego ma aha balse mararka qaarkood waa lama huraan hadaadse i leedahay sidii lagaa doono ha lagaa yeelo ee gacmo laabo, taasina waa arrin tixgelinteeda mudan. However, I talked to my people on the ground and I was adviced that they are ready to remove the shackles of passiveness, reactionary behavior from themselves and thereafter claim their own right place in Somalia. If that sounds illogic then one of us mus be singing in a vacuum.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Adeer I like your resolve to resist SL dreams. But aayar with beating the war drums though ! I too think that SL is betting on the wrong horse. I am not at all sure if they really ready for a war as the status quo were to their advantage in many ways. With this, I think SL is risking igniting a wider conflict. I am not buying this division within the community argument. It does exist but in my estimation it’s both minor and negligible as it rests on political discontent from certain SOOL communities. For SL to base on its policy on these shifty personalities and risk war for it is really pathetic. Despite my good friend Oodweyne’s celebratory tone I do reckon the real joke is on our secessionist brethren. Word of advice for Oodweyne and his like-minded folks here: don’t get deceived by Puntland’s internal weakness for the love of unity is much deeper than that. Keep the peace by keeping the status quo. It’s good that way unless a unified Somali state with a genuine leadership is born. Awoowe… XF, your word of wisdom is well taken but be mind the provocation on the side of die-hard SLers is crystal clear and eminent to our existence . Any rational Somali who cares the coexistence of the communities in peace should give me a hand executing this JUST cause. I remind you “Dab munaaqaf shiday, muumin baa ku gubta”... Some say give the peace chance.. what chanceI question?,. PEACE has been already raped by the so-called SL-ers, what a such passive people who preach that kind of mantra, it is like telling the victim to forgive and forget while the victim can bounce back in any shape or form possible.
  16. Dear Mr. Xiinfaniin, Saaxiib my people are in the point of no return, whether this article is true or not, I mean by if worst comes worst SSC people decided not to surrender their inalienable right to anyone. Irrespective to his/her rank or position, what matters is what SSC people want at the end of the day. I assure you that trespassers will be dealt with iron fist till peace returns to our lands
  17. BBC neutrality has been compromised numerous times lately, that is not a secret or is it?. The latest case .. Egeh from Hargeisa reported that his clan militia conquered LA ..If that was not a pure lie, please explain to the crowd, what was it?
  18. Taleexi


    Security dilemma.. "iga dheh"
  19. Taleexi


    Caamir.. "These" people are not about to mitigate the already delicate security there rather than exacerbating it. And I thank you for breaking it down even further for the sake of simplicity and as you know our Garaads have spoken in a unified voice, the question remains: We've spoken, is anybody listening?. Hunguri, kuwan waanu isku naf iyo maalba waayaynaaye isukaayo daa saaxiib. ThePoint...Saaxiib raggan laga hayn la' yahay dadkayga iyo dhulkayga, bal daa' xeedhada salkeeda ha soo taabtaane..waxaa la yidhi "Wan weyn ilaa la gawraco indhihiisu cirka ma arkaan"
  20. The Demise of the BBC Somali Service WardheerNews Editorial October 08, 2007 Share with me this latest editorial piece written by WDN... An Excerpt of it is: "Providing reliable and impartial programmes have been the mission of the Service. In the process, it has become ingrained in the national psyche. Somalis may have lost their state and remained 16 years without a government with all the deprivations it entailed, but at the end of the day they could always count on listening to the BBC and chewing their Qat, two addictions that provided them a needed break from their daily miseries."... Read here the complete article
  21. Taleexi


    Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: In the case of me shooting at my cousins for good reasons because freedom has its own price, has no relevance since all Somalis, who are fighting eachother, are cousins to one way or another. ^^Hear Hear Dear Dahia, Few mercenaries should not /can't take the entire people of SSC hostage for any longer.. therefore the means are negligible in comparison to our ends. and remember peace shouldn't be an orphan!