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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Apparently, it was a political gaffe and miscalculation on the part of SL invading SSC..but I assure you whatever comes out from this mess Mr. Xaabsade and others in his camp will have no place in that soon to-be administration in that part of the country. Meaning traitors are loosing in the long term as much as SL is.
  2. War maxay odayga sidaa u yeeleen.. Waan ka xumahay!
  3. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: So, LA is not belong to Fuáad aadan cadde, Baashe, Xaabsade, Dhakool, and the many others in LA ?? Are you giving out a land or something ?? War Jacayl, ma heer baynu gaadhnay aanba la kala xishoon, oo wax walba ma layskula hadlayaa, ,..I just wonder how long can you keep breathing life to these traitors..not very long as human history attests to it.
  4. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: So, LA is not belong to Fuáad aadan cadde, Baashe, Xaabsade, Dhakool, and the many others in LA ?? Are you giving out a land or something ?? <War Jacayl) wax walba ma layskula hadlayaa,,..I just wonder how long can you breath to life for these traitors..not very long as human history attests to it.
  5. By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Published: 10/25/2007 Many people had thought that, viewed comparably with the chaotic and bellicose Somali South, Somaliland and Puntland in the Northwest and the Northeast would be idyllic spots of calmness and peace in the Horn of Africa area. Read here in full
  6. Originally posted by LANDER: Fighting back against what exactly? From what I know the SL forces were never inside the city making there presence felt to begin with, secondly a sincere question. Are things really that different now than they were a few weeks ago in Lascanood? my instincts tell me no. Simply put it, your instincts are just corrupted...In LA, no Human free movement, no business as usual and my brother's hotel "Hamdi" has been confiscated...FYI, as he departed from his property, he reassured to the perpetrators that the only way that they can enjoy in his property is only after he rests in his tomb... Mr. Lander, if that seems to you indifference before and then...the situation on the ground speaks for itself I must say
  7. Dear Mr. Ooodweyne, you said "Consequently, one can say in here, and it’s also true that then SNM never had an avowedly open political position on this argument. Because the leadership of the then SNM, knew that this argument was something that the owners of the political decision that will effect the country as a whole must finally say so other-wise; namely the clan-leaders who would suffice it, in the absence of a properly-constituted plebiscite held in-order to determine the democratic verdict that the citizens hold where this issue is concern.", That is pure human political re-enegineering where you intended to bluff the gullible segment of the SOL nomads, how dare you fit and reconcile the secession issue in our present times with the SNM's struggle which in all its recorded history confirms the lack thereof dismembering the country. Be that as it may, yesterday was yesterday and today is another!, where each clan went back to their homeland. With that said, do you truely believe that your occupation of SSC regions will bring lasting peace in that part of the country?.
  8. Originally posted by Hunguri: Waxaan filayaa, waa iska caddahay . Wixiinu maaha wax fahansii. Waxa weeye khasab fekkerkiina ku marsiiya loool. Dee diidyee iska seexda. Hurdadiiba idin-ka tagtaye. Waar waamaxay nimankani qadh adakkaa !! Hadii kale mid idinka idinka mid ahoo seexan u qorsheeya. Dee Waqdii Jaadkana waxaad ugaso qabataa Caqqaar qaad ah. Waliba waxaad usoo qabtaa kii cusbaayee Hargaisa cishadii dhawayto la keenay. "Aabaa Yaabay" looooool Mudane Hunguri, isu kaayo daa' akhyaartan if iyo aakhiroba waa isku waayaynaa ilaa ay ka kala gartaan waxay xaq u leeyihiin iyo wax kale. Waxay moodeen in ay buuq iyo qaylo dad aan doonayn ku qabsan karaan... Ha lays daba dhabooloqo bal aan aragno dhaxalkee
  9. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: mayee isaga waxaanu u keenaynaa hooyaa yaabtay SheekhaJacaylka, in order our debate goes forward and becomes more constructive and enables us or at least lays the ground for the convergence of our relative extreme positions on SL's aggression, let us not cross examine eachother. I did ask you a simple question my friend! of which if you don't have the guts to address, you've the right to remain silent or proclaim no comment!!, it is as simple as that. For the record, and to the discretion of SOL nomads.. Would you please stand up and answer the stated Question? .
  10. Ileyn nin meeli u cadahay meeli ka madow, war abtiyaal luuqadee iskula hadalaa ileyn af soomaaligii wuu adkaaday inaan isku fahamno e
  11. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: I don't want to make a long argument but it is sad how you burn up when things come close to your house and look better when it is at someone else's house ....... If i look the same clanish window you are using, then why the boys from Sool, Garowe and Bosaso and dying in Mogadishu and Baidoa ?? AGain, I always thought Cade Muse is the same clan that resides in Sool (as they always used to say) ,, what is changed now ?? why is he withdrawing himself from Sool and LA ??? Finally, LA is not burning ,, if you want to burn it then you can never do that. I'm glad those militia were chased away without a single civilian and property damage. Thanks to the Somaliland army skills. If you were referring your response to be this above qoute... I guess that doesn't answer my question, or does it?.. I am assuming we aint singing the same lines of the song on the same page.... Just expose your stand on the considered issue.. I am just waiting whether the real Mr. SheekhaJacaylka can stand up or not?
  12. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: well-put Suldaanka .... It is always hard to move from clanism to Nationalism as it was the case in the rest of Somaliland in the 90s ..... I feel the pain but people on the ground will understand this before those who fight online. Mansa, you never answered my question thus ,, warku wuu inoo xidhan yahay ,,,, HA KUGU TAAGNAATO. Saaxiib iguma taagna e, su'aashaydii kama aad jawaabin, aan ku xasuusiyo koleyba beryahan farxadii baa kaa badatay oo inaad ilowday baa laga yaabaa , sababma ayaa caruurta Hargeisa iyo Borame ugu dhimanayaan duleedka Laas Caanood?, My stand on Habashi is on the record, share with us what is your stand on this
  13. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Fatah, It isn't about whether Lascaanood is 50% or 100% anti Somaliland or pro Somaliland. It is about, where LA falls on the international border. Lascaanood falls inside Somaliland borders as was drawn by colonialism. Whose international border are you talking about I question?, My people never singed any treaties with the British colony and according to jurisprudence after the end of the British colony we naturally we inherit that lands that we've dwelled for centures, end of history. I know you wished to revise history but remember it is virtue of embracing reality
  14. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: loooool , runtii i met some relatives who came from LA last night. The information was almost the same and i'm now less worried about a civil war among reer LA ....... Mr. SheekhaJacaylka, that being the case,,, your occupation of LA is in both unwarranted and unacceptable as that is counterproductive to the bottom-up approach or building blocks recommended by many political analysts so our nation can stand on its feet once more if, at all, possible. FYI, the aggression of your administration towards SSC region will further exacerbate the already delicate semblance of security that has reigned in that part of the country for the last sixteen years or so. For the sake of the common good, consider the detrimental of your political moves.
  15. Xaabsade is just a Xaabsade
  16. Originally posted by Hunguri: I agree with you xiin. Haddaan meeshan poltical reform iyo is beddel laga faaiidaaysan. Wajji kale ayay yeelan doontaa. Bal waa eegnaa Hassan Abshir wuxuu soo kordhiyo. Cadde has already named his thugs once again. Just the same cabinet the same guys. (1) Awaare (2)Bakiin (3)Siciid Maxed Raage And many incompetent guys! Hunguri, Alla saaxiib cid kaleba keenoo, ina ka daa Hassan Abshir..... maxaa yeelay wuxuu ku jiraa ma daalayaasha xagga siyaasad dhalanteedka.. A man with principle is what we are longing in these times!!
  17. Ana waa la hadlay Boosaaso, Allaa mahad leh, sheekaduna sidii markii hore loo faafiyey maaha, oo wax labo beelood oo iska soo horjeeda ma jiraan balse waxay ahaayeen maamulka nabadgelyada ee PL oo rabay inay mushkilad taagnayd nabad ku soo dabaalaan, balse faraha ka baxday dabadeedna shabakadaha lagu shaaciyey war khaldan oo aan ka turjumayn xaqiiqada dhabta ah. Nabadgelyo ayay ugu danbayn arrintii ku dhamaatay.
  18. Welcome back Mr. Castro and thanks for zooming us in the chronicle of the last 500 years or so. The shifts and turns of which seeking Somali identity took... The myth of "Somalinimo" proved to be questionable in our times as much as it was then. Let us not give up we are the men of this moment.
  19. The iteration of such incidents are making the PL admin. more irrelevant by the day. Hope the anguish caused by this standoff subsides sooner than later..
  20. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: quote: Although Mr. Baashe is from Sool, he doesn't represent people of Sool Yeah ,, and Afqudhac represent people of Sool sow maaha ?/ what a double standard iga dheh ...... Oo saaxiib miyaad ilowday raggii Buubaa iyo Sifir lahaa ee TFG-da idiinku jiray, Walle double standard bigger than yours I've to yet see
  21. Arrintani waa sheeko aad u xun oo u baahan in si dhakhso leh wax looga qabto, dagaalada noocan ahi kaba daran ka socda Laas Caanood.
  22. Originally posted by SomaliThinker: Mansa Munsa, sorry for your loss old boy, but the fact is that LA is a divided town and segments of the people of LA kicked out the pro-puntland side, its that simple. You can blame somaliland all you like but its not only somaliland forces the drove you guys running. I guess we can say know that the puntland army is like fast or their feet when its time to run. Mr.Somalithinker, Those few tugs, who hail from my region, that collaborated with the SNM cult’s miscalculated desperate attack of LA clearly they don’t represent my people and there is already strategy in place to deal with them in one way or another, get that. Also be patient and don’t put the cart before the horse, just wait till the fat lady sings. Share with me these poem lines about the few mercenaries Xurmo waalid waa garanayaa walad xalaaleede Xigto baaniyaaladuba way isugu xubeeraane Xayawaanku waa kala yaqaan xaafaduu yahaye Xaaxaa layadhi neef hadduu xoolo kaa gale’eh Xaaraamiyahow Daraawiish maxaad uga xishoon wayday!! Mr. Oodweyne, if you don’t know the mission and values of NSPU. Please educate yourself and extend a visit to their website (NSPU) , it is really a self-explanatory and speaks for itself. On the other hand, Today LA is in the hands of your militia. That being the case I am very confident that it is just a matter of time of reclaiming our lands, but by then who becomes the fastest sprinter in that part of the country is indeed a tempting track and field game to watch. If memory services me right here, the title holder is your so called president Mr. Riyoode when he tried sneaking to LA number of years back