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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Bringing back Yusuf is not the way forward, thanks to God he already had his shot on us. However, finishing up with Aweys and his cohorts who appear to have hidden agendas of protracting Somali masses' misery is the call I make!
  2. Waxa ragga qaar ku dhacaya cibro qaadasho ayey mudan yihiin...
  3. Muxamad Idris Axmed nailed it down squarely and simplified for the gullibles in our midst to digest if they wish so oo Rabbi solonsiiyo..thanks Xiin for sharing this
  4. Emperor, Shucuurtoodii shaqsiyadeed iyo tii hab warbaahineedka baa iskaga dhex yaacday, bal mar u qalee, haddayse soo celceliyaan warkaa axalka leh, garla'aawayaal, hiilis xumo ku darsaday iga "dheh"
  5. Originally posted by Goodir: quote:Somalis which are 99.99% muslim all have welcomed the idea and are ready to rule their land and themselves according to Islamic Law. Meiji: How did you arrive to that magic 99.99%? Meiji: Apart of your magic percentile, who has the right islamic version you seem to support of, I'm assuming that you prealigned yourself with Aweys....... and if you think the exodus, the killing of innocent, the insecurity that this mixture of clannish and faith Mogadishu clashes caused is right then we for sure doom to fail and will be singing together in vacuum and the songs of hate and hopelessness for sometime to come.... I urge that we stop this bloodshed, madness, at least for a moment...give the genuine talk, reconcilation, mediation, a chance.
  6. Originally posted by Paragon: ^Ninka dhoofka ku yimi ayaa wax weeraraya. Saaxiib taladaad haysaa ee ergo ahaan Xamar ma kuugu dirnaa, sheekaduba sidaas bay u fududahay ee waa la fahmi la' yahay
  7. Waxba faraha inooguma jiraan, waa waxa Pakistan ka socda oo kale.... Illaa iyo imisa baynu u dulqaadanaynaa magaca Islaamka oo wixii la doono lagu sameeyo. Waa iga su'aale, yaa Islaamka marti loogu noqonayaa, goormuu Illaah xoghaynta yeeshay?.
  8. Gaalada baa muslinka la dagaalamaysa miyaa Xiinoow?, A war that will not have no winners but a bunch of losers indeed...
  9. Oo maad talaadaa Suldaanadaada iyo Madax dhaqameedyadaada horta ka soo dhaadhicisay, intaadan annaga nagula dul kufin
  10. Many of us care less where he hails from but his idea of integrating former pirates into the coast guard regents is well grounded call, this strategy of recruiting former evil doers into their respective fields calls a knowledge base and best practiced methods.
  11. I 2nd to that... on the outset, it at least appears to be work in progress, of course, ignoring our recent mishaps, I say; just ponder for a moment
  12. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: is that necessary ??? .... There are members from Buuhoodle in the Guurti. They can be sent and do a lot there. It is not necessary for the chairman to go there in person..... For the sake of our argument let me quote some verses of Qamaan Bulxan's poem, may Allah rest his soul in peace, where his description fits well with your position regarding the Buhodle tragedy. Baadida nin baa kula daydaya, daalna kaa badane Aan doonihayn inaad heshaa, daa’in abidkaaye Dadkuna moodi duul wada dhashaan, wax u dahsoonayne Dallo ma laha Aakhiro haddii, loo kitaab dayo’e Dullaal iyo mallaal wuxuba waa, Carabta deyntoode. Mr. Jacayl....you know well your people masterminded this and now you want to convice the gullible in our midst that you are the good guy, "af noolina waa hadlaa eyna waa ciyaa".... I believe Xiinfanin hinted you where you should spend your energy, and rest assured it should not be the Buhodle incident.
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: “Waanu Ka Xun Nahay Geerida Ka Dhacday Iyo Dhiiga Ku Daatay Buuhoole,Annaguna Guddi Ayaanu U Diraynaa”Guddoomiyah a Guurtida Somaliland Guddoomiyaha Golaha Guuritda Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan (Saleebaan-Gaal),aya a sheegay inuu aad uga xunyahay Shaqaaqadii shalay ka dhacday Magaaladda Buuhoodle ee dhimashada iyo dhaawaca sababtay,ka dib markii ay laba kooxood Rasaas is waydaarsadeen,isla markaana waxa uu Guddoomiyuhu sheegay in ay Guurti ahaan Guddi Ergo ah u diri doonaan Buuhoodle. Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan, oo maanta Warbaahinta Xafiiskiisa ugu waramayay, ayaa sheegay in dhexdhexaadin laga waday Beelihii ay dhawaan Dirirtu ku dhexmartay Deegaanka Ceelbardaale ee Gobolada Awdal iyo Gabilay dhexdooda oo ay Guddi isu soo dhawayn iyo heshiisiin ka dhalisa beelahaas oo Golaha Guurtida ka socotaa ay wakhtigan meel aad u fiican marayso, in dhawaan la soo gebagabeeyana lagu wado haddii Illaahay yidhaahdo. Waxaanu Guddoomiye Saleebaan intaa kuk daray in dhinaca dawladda laga sugayo kharashkii Guddigaas nabadayntu ku hawlgali lahayd. “Waanu ka xun nahay Geeridaasi ka dhacday Buuhoole dhiig baa daatay oo mashaqo ka dhacday gudahoodaba ha noqdee, ilaahay ha qaboojiyo labada reerna nabada ha ilaaliyaan nin dhintayn waa laga samraa,ka nool aan u talino. Deegaanka Gal-galo iyagana waa la isku hor fadhiyaa,haddii aan laga hor tagin oo aan halkaa lagu qaban mid tan ka weyn ayaa ka dhici karta,Guddi ayaanu dirinaynaa waanu ka diyaar garoobaynaa fasaxna waa lagu jiraa.” Sidaa ayuu yidhi Guddoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida Somaliland Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan (Saleebaan-Gaal). How can someone dispatch a reconcilation committee to Buhodle while he himself, the said "Gaal", cannot set his feet in Buhodle, that just services us a laughing stock, or really doesn't it?
  14. One may ask: Is Islamic Sharia law a solution to Somali problem?, BTW, who should be the guardians of Islam Rule in Somalia?, On what interpretation, yours, mine, his, hers or theirs, of Islamic Sharia should be adapted if Islam becomes the law of the land?, first of all, do we see eye to eye what the notion of Islam is all about?. Needless to say that one thing is self-evident we, Somalis, claim to be 100% Muslims. However, almost all of our actions manifest otherwise in recent memory, cajaa'ib. If we want to sing in a vacuum in perpetuity, that is matter of another day but I urge you all, don’t fall to the traps laid, I was /am a big believer and a staunch supporter of the holy war against the invading Ethiopia but they are gone now, so whoever masks himself an Islamic cause by hiding his true colors, I say go to hell. Once more, I said there is NO Righteous jihad as of now in Somalia where one groupA of Somalis Vs. another GroupB of Somalis with the exception of self-defense.
  15. I believe Garaad Jama has his inalienable right and capacity to represent his constituents by any form or shape possible , of course, with only one condition, the absence of your preapproval
  16. One may wonder!, how many ideologies with the suffix "ist" can one be?, i.e. Islamist, Somalist, pan africanist, humanist, liverpool FC-ist, the list goes and shankaroon keeps singing.
  17. A good read for whoever has a time to ponder and reflect.... An excerpt of the piece states as follows... "First and foremost, the SSC regions are geographically disadvantaged and hence uninviting to outsiders. Being peaceful, remote, landlocked, and sandwiched between one expansionist neighbour to the north west (Somaliland), and another indifferent but nominal partner (Puntland), the SSC news or appeals rarely ever make to Hargeisa or Garowe, let alone draw the reluctant hearing of clan-oriented BBC Somali Service, or the blinkered attention of the international humanitarian organisations based in Nairobi. In humanitarian crisis-ridden Somalia, where regions are competing for attention, those like the SSC that are out of sight, and kept incommunicado and inaccessible by its neighbours, will inevitably be relegated to the sidelines." Read the complete Mission Report
  18. War ma ka dhabbaa Xaaji_xundjuf!, illeyn ninna afkiisa lagama xaal mariyo
  19. Obviously, Faroole has plenty of legit questions on his plate. The sooner he addresses them the better. However, this piece lacks both substance and objectivity.... A laughing stock on its purest manifestation one may say.
  20. May be bad for "Somaliland". Why?. Picture this, recognition of SL has knocked the door this morning, people hit to the streets with joy, when the dust of the jubilation subsides and the reality of the ground kicks in and peoples' life doesn’t change much. Plus, as we know of it, the social fabric of SL is fructuous and very loose, it is a very fragile system that operates there since clan hegemony and allegiance is the norm, it is like a ticking bomb...... moreover, the cohesiveness of the clans in the north is very weak and a matter of interest if viable. Clearly, the clan supriority promoted and practiced in that part of the country is a recipe for disaster. BTW, I believe that SL needs to strengthen its institutions and care less/abandon about this elusive independence quest.
  21. I concur...peace doesnt deserve to be an orphan
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: The peace caravan has succeeded. It produced President Sharif. It was a success. But much remains to be done. edit: MM The issue of LA is however a notch higher than SL's internal politics. We will discuss a way out for the aspirant Darwiishs and examine lessons learned from the peril of dual allegiances. First, agreed Silaanyo greater than Riyaale in so many ways and secondly waan garawsaday, Dervishes certainly are learning in the hard way, their "dual allegience" has reached its maturity and they are harvesting it. However, I was merely tempting to bring to the surface the hollowness of arguments laid out by our chaps, and the falsehood of heavily invested propaganda machine that underestimates the tension and friction among northern communities.
  23. Clearly Xiinfaniin deserves a huge gratitude from diehard SL-ers in my view since he was so generous to them, but what did he get for return, I question?, cantarabaqash iga "dheh'. XF praised them for the sort of semblance of governance implemented in that part of the country, indeed he was right as it is all relevant and as was once said: one-eyed man among the blind is their king, as Somalia descended into chaos with the exception of closely catching up autonomous state of Puntland, SL has proved to be like the one-eyed man among the blind. However, what Xiinfaniin failed to expose is that SL is the only administration in Somali peninsula that promotes clan hegemony to the highest level, and as I write this it made some parts of the north like the Suweto of Somalia, Las Anod being the case. That been said, SL-ers have the right to exercise their form of democracy as they see fit but the course that they have adopted thus far exhibits that they are approaching/experien cing its detrimental effects by the day. Had they concentrated what matters them most: For instance, had they strengthened their government institutions, made their administration deliberations more transparent, minimized the corruption, not occupied others' territories and in the meantime redirect that resource where needed most like education and health. SL would have been a model of other region that are in self-search, unfortunately this kind of dream is diminishing gradually. I know this will fall into deaf ears but putting it out is much worth than keeping it. As far as Riyaale's power manipulation is concerned. I concur with Xiin, six months isn't that much of a time, let him run out of tricks as XF eloquently put it.
  24. Support yourself, support Somalia, pray for it
  25. Ducaysane, well put!, laakiin waano iyo abuur iyaamaa horaysay........baan isweydiiyey