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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Dee kayga ........... I'm a die hard remember ? ,, Very subjective response indeed
  2. Ma Soomaali baa bayaano diimeed kala joojinayaan, dhambaalkani wax la'aan uun buu dhaamaa
  3. AMISON shouldn't be there, had conflicting parties reconciled, had a sound mutual understanding and respect, and placed our common ends before their personal gain ... Wixii intaa ka soo hadhay "cantarabaqash iga dheh"
  4. The child in the white got the opportunity unlike others, it is just that simple
  5. To me, the forefront child aint joking at all. For your sake, these kids monitor SOL, so you better be fair to them in your analysis. Additionally, there is nothing wrong with those kids if you compare with what is wrong with us as adults
  6. Mr. Oodweyne, First, without any further reservations I thank you for the warm welcome and for the improper, entertaining description about me. Secondly, one wonders that you never get tired of not smelling the coffee. No matter how hard your quest of “SL’s” recognition hits dead ends like the quake mire it is in now. Thirdly, bad or good I’ve to admit the liberation of Las-Anod by Gallant Dervishes is long overdue, its citizens have to yet remove themselves from the shackles of your militias. With that said; there are more national and regional pressing issues that have taken precedence, just sit tight and be patient! I assure you sooner/later and in one way or another you will collect your dividend.
  7. Oodweyne, What is this crab that our chap Oodweyne is calling “inconvenient truth”? Is the guy really serious or was this childish story concocted in one of the Mafrash’s in England? And what does he mean when he uses the word “WE”? Since when has he become party to this politically disastrous decision of ina Dhoola Yare? Does he really understand what is involved in a congressional hearing? The fact remains that Somaliland had nothing, absolutely nothing to loose, but had plenty to gain by attending that hearing. It was a major gaffe any way you measure it. By the way Ted Dagne is not an assistant or a member of the staff of Congressman Payne, but is a specialist in African affairs of the congressional research service. The CRS for your information is a separate branch of the library of congress that was established over 90 years ago. It is a nonpartisan government think tank that has the sole purpose of providing support for the legislature, by doing policy research and analysis. It is therefore beyond me why you are attacking the credibility of Dr. Dagne? All he did was as others like Dr. Pham provide testimony to the committee. Finally the last time I checked Gaashaamo Bari was in Western Somalia which happens to be where Mr. Oodweyne is actually from. So if Dr. Dagne is married to a Western Somali, then he is a spouse of one of his compatriots who deserves his respect.
  8. Change, change is the the talk of the town in GB.However, most political bundits in the region, of course including me, believe that Mr. Brown is the best option and way forward for the country at this point in time so, let us not entertain his unlikely/remote resignation
  9. Fighting for control of Somalia
  10. Congtrats to the newly graduates. After all they are Somali treasure intellectual and they are also those expected to initiate the dialogue about the morality, feasibility, legality and applicability of dismemberingfurther the motherland
  11. Besides the apparent Eitho's classic game of divide and conquer of Somali people...it's self-evident that the people of SSC deserve to have a self rule and remove themselves from the shackles of their homegrown mercenaries and that ofthe enemy collaborators of our time
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: this reminds the story of the wicked man, who encouraged a teenage boy to go and find a girl to lay down. When the innocent boy pointed out the obvious, the wicked man gave him money to acquire a whore. Off the boy went to do the bad deed. When he came back, the wicked man wanted to know which girl in the town he slept with. the boy gladly took him to the doorsteps of the woman he slept with. well it was the mother of the wicked man that stripped the poor innocent boy off his little money in exchange of her skin, and the pleasure to get laid down. The wicked man complained about the acts of the little boy. maxaad hooyaday iiga waxaysay buu yiri Hadal garwaaqsi mudan iga dheh
  13. I dont intend diverting the purpose of the thread but I really wonder whose verses are they after all?... they smell, look and may be a craft of someone who is from Beledweyn and beyond I mean upward to the north, I could be wrong but my sixth sense coupled with my intuition came up with that assumption.... Any enlighten is appreciated.
  14. Oo hadduu Shariif is casilo, ma square one in lagu noqdaa la rabaa. Kamakace put it eloquently the second best option is the way forward, and that is supporting Sharif's government....take from me while the war is ongoing, there is no room for negotiation and mediation......
  15. Originally posted by Kamakace Limited: Xinn wuxuu isku halaynayaa aqli-xumadda iyo talo-la'aanta Alshabab. It is clear that they will lose. , Talo xumo weyn baa jirtaa dhanka Al Shabaab, bal islaamka "sidan isu baabi'iya yidhi" xaggee bay ka soo barteen. Hadafkooda ah cadka cunay ama ciideeyey kama shaqayn karro carro Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan, qarnigan kow iyo labaataneed. Libin amaan leh bay ka soo hooyeen dagaalkii lala galay xabashi balse markuu cadkii u bislaaday cuni kari waaye.
  16. Apart of the piece's lack of substance and objectivity. I don’t see any wrong doing on the side of JB. It is up to the reader to validate/invalidate the claims set forth by the author.
  17. Isku raacsanin inay leebka Caasha la geftey target-kiisa markan, ee waxaan rabey inaan xasuusiyo ragga qaar inaan qofka hal khalad oo mar ka dhacay lagu boodhayn taariikh nololeedkiisa oo dhan. Dhibaatada ugu weyn ee dawlada haysata waa Aweys iyo inta uu lugaha ku qaato!, ee hadalka Caasha waa deelqaaf yar oo aan loo baahnayn.
  18. Waxaa marag ma doonto ah in Marwo Caasho rag badan dhaanto, oo ay weliba hawada cabsiisey ina rageed badan golayaal hore fooda laysugu daray, Paragonow haweenaydan ha ku degdegin, igu soo orod maaha, "nin kuu digayna kuma dilin" ee bal horta intaa qabso
  19. FYI, I just hang up a call with Yusuf who is based in Yemen. The dude indulged me in depth how he has been coping with the new situation and intermingling with the locals, he said: you see I consume too much ceesh and smoke hookah now per excellence. With that said, I briefed him what is happening back home and the call of many for his return. However, it was the irony of all ironies that he said with confidence "I aint interested" and added Yusuf keliyaa dhiigyo cab ah ha iga hadho, Islaam baan u dagaalamaynaa hayga hadho, wuxuuse hadalkiisa ku soo afjaray talo uu u soo jeediyey Aweys, oo uu u dhigay sidatan “ Saaxiib Aweys-ow Soomaalidii way bahalowday, oo xitaa haddaad islaam ugu soo gabbatid ma xukumikarayside ee Eritrea inaad iskaga noqoto baa kuu dhaanta…. Ama hadba ciddii ku ogol.