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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Jaanjumow: ^^^^Oodweyne ask the TRUE natives of Sool who they favour, Somalia or Somaliland. Or to be their own admin
  2. Human Right's session held in Las Anod by SL militia is an insult to our intelligence Yaa JB
  3. Originally posted by sool_boy: ^ dude, garaad jamac garaad ismaaciil is son of las anod , from js subclan , this clan welcome sland becouse puntland was supporting their rival subclan and oppressed js people in their own las anod city.. if js turns against somaliland for sure they will lose las anod , lately alot of js people started losing faith on somaliland , i am fron las anod and garaad jamac garaad ismaaciil is my close cousin , i supported sland when pland oppresed my people in las anod wich is our own city... now i am starting to lose faith on sland , i spoke with ali sandule many times and he got no thing good for people of L.A and ssc as whole to offer...we as js will not like to see our ssc garaads to be exiled from their own land.. no matter wich side they support... now there is alot of meeting going on around the world and we will decide our future soon. somaliland and puntland are not answer , they just made our state a battle ground .. i think we will go the way our sanaag bari brothers went(by creating makhir state) and creat our own state...just lets wait and see. By the way garaad jamac garaad ismaaciil is in las anod right now , the place he was elected ,he is not like others who left the state,he is son of las anod and no one can chase him. here is news of his return to las anod after the tour http://www.jidbaale. com/index.php?option =com_content&view=ar ticle&id=239:garaad- jaamac-garaad-ismaac iil-oo-soo-dhamayste y-safaradii-uu-ku-ma rayey-deegaano-ka-mi d-ah-gobolka-sool-iy o-gobolka-cayn-galab tana-ku-soo-laabtay- laascaanood&catid=37 :warka-soomaaliya You've proofed to us squarely that you don't have a principal in regards to Somali political discourse.
  4. I don't see demonstrations in foreign capitals this time around, WHY I say?.. If we did it before can't we do it again?
  5. Pros: Great analysis for shedding light on: how the coexistence and peace among northerners have evolved and prevailed. A testament to the fact that peace will never be an orphan, in another words, when Clan A vs Clan B, peace is beneficial evenly to both clans if they can figure out its importance together. It addressed the much pronounced model for Somali conflict: the bottom up approach. Cons: Research is biased because it speaks in the lenses of Somaliland which is a clan enterprise to many in the north and beyond. Research ignores the reality of the ground because SL’s double stander is self-evident. For instance,its occupation of parts of Sool region and the enslavement of its people while the same admin calls for peace and coexistence. SL has the potential of déjà vu all over again if they don’t leave eastern regions alone. This is what I call "frozen conflicts".
  6. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: no way ma rabbno inu wiil naga ga dhinto koonfurta Like you aint losing your sons in the south in the mean time Rabbow haa iyo maya meel ha nagaga wada yeedhsiin
  7. Oodweyne is in dormant state that was at least the last word I heard from someone I dispached for discovering the whereabouts of the Odayga
  8. Kolay aniga odaygu mar shucuurtayda ku ciyaar
  9. Odayga habarta wax loo saar .. War Che hadduu idiin wanaag falo xitaa kama hadhaysaan miyaa
  10. In la baxnaaniyo mudane Gaaroodi baan soo jeedin lahaa.
  11. Best of Luck PL and the rest of the country
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: He could be the "Son of ina Godane" ,,,, Ina Godane uma eka taa aniga iga gunud Rag kalaan uga baqayaa
  13. Wallee Amanda Lindhout habeeno badan toronto way kaga sheekaysaa sida wadan semi-desert ah loogu dhalo, waa haddii Alle nabad ugu celiyo Canada
  14. Garoodi failed miserably to provide substantive response regarding how/why SL fortunately is immune from his well articulated, grim recipe for Somali’s political discourse. Gaaroodi has yet to smell the coffee
  15. Yeah, why not Garowe?, why not X, Y, or Z city?. this thread has no substance.
  16. War ma faan badnee aniguuba nambarkiisa iga qaatay
  17. Apparently, A.Khayre is a naive who is ignorant about the weight of his influence regarding the outcome of whether Somalis will preserve the unity or not when he said "-----There are cultural, social, economic links between all Somalis, and that will always be the case between Somaliland and Somalia , but a political union, never again. It is a sincere belief that the people of Somaliland have held for the last eighteen years and will continue to do so.-----"
  18. Selective condolences are products of corrupted minds. All in all, may they rest in peace.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: Xiin Hotel, you are lost in the abyss old boy you think "Midnimo Qaran" = TFG. Thank God President Faroole understands the truth and has delivered the point home to your father Sharif hotel and Walid Abdalla. "Xiin Hotel" ku lahaa, Duke, are you echoing Bush's doctrine: --Either you with us or with the terrorist--, anyone who opposes your views must have "Hotel" surname, pretty hilarious least to say
  20. Originally posted by Dabshid: Alshabaab are every where these days, I guess they even have some cyper-reps on SOL
  21. Mr. Oodweyne , Ma doonayo inaan kaa qalin daaro your life in a world of make-belief. Nevertheless, believe it or not the deteriorating situation of SL is neither my interest nor something I would like to see happen. However, my interest is to see more cohesive Somali society emerging from the ashes where the secessionists like you don't think/believe: they have a divine revelation to decide for others' destiny while they portray themselves to be the chosen people. The message is clear buddy, let each community decides its destiny in any shape or form that fits their desires and their own timing, no more spoon feeding in Somali peninsula in this time and age. Alle ha u naxariisto'e TimaCade waa kii lahaa: Dul iyo hoosba waan ugu dhigey, waa dix dhagaxeede. Anun baa damqanayee dheguhu, uma duleelaane. Ee Rabbi haynagu anfaco.
  22. Originally posted by Paragon: Not really a big news is it? Two boys got very angry and displayed the blue flag. Hardly a blue revolution, is it? When one looks on astronomical view, it indeed surfaces the volatility of the groundless principles of which SL admin was coined and it stands on