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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Mostapha Dualeh: Just reading between the lines and trying to learn. 1 week of Somali politics is all you need. knalmtalkinbout I had my faith in you but you disappointed me big time. ONE week is just waste of time for figuring out Somali political dynamism. Dhegodhegayn hal ama labo saac, maqaaxi ay fadhi ku dirir joogaan, is all you need to master the art of Somali politics
  2. Originally posted by Hunguri: Yes, and soon Puntland together in unisom, will over come these obstacles. Those who murdered the Pakistani Tabliiqis and the minister should be brought to justice and accordingly be dealt with zero tolerance policy. "Zero Tolerance". I concur.
  3. Originally posted by Sophist: Galaal sounds bitter, waa loo cago wareejiyey! Muxuu isla waalayaa Soomaali ma cagawareejis baa ka dhamaada.
  4. Agreed, his reaction in Galkacayo incident will be factored out his credibility as a leader, not entirely though.
  5. Let us give him at least half of his tenure. By then we will have a clue about what direction he is taking PL.
  6. Originally posted by peacenow: Very good news this happened. These pakis where their to teach taliban behaviour. Well they chose the wrong country. Good riddance they are gone. All of them should be shipped back to where they came from. War bal ka fiirso hadalkaa, Pakistan hosts far more somalis than you think.
  7. War ka daa sidaas ha u hadline. Markii iigu danbaysay dumar magaalo kasta waa deganaayeen.
  8. Soomaalidu inay lahjado badan tahay yaan la moogaan.
  9. Haddaynu Soomaali nahay Itoobiya bay inagaga dhegtay intaynu wax walba isku samayno.
  10. Sad thing indeed. May Allah rest their soul in peace.
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: When I saw the title, I thought it was gonna Mansa Munsa's take on Puntland...disappoin ted. Be on the lookout for my analysis on PL.
  12. Let us face it as Xiin stated ICG is a bunch of profiteering, European academics equally likely truth to be told: Puntland has got problems, major ones I may say. We can be blind about them and pursue our lives in PL without acknowledging the determinants of our demise in the making. Xiin & Duke, If we are referring to the same PL, isn’t there a tension between south Mudug and PL?, another one between SL and PL over Sool and Sanaag regions, aint the sentiments of the indigenous people of those regions on the rise?, are you telling me there is no relatively grim corruption in PL, or a rift between among some sub-sub clans in the state. Indeed, PL has made inroads thus far to be where it is today and we wish her to go further. However, not addressing the real issues facing PL isn’t helpful in my view.
  13. Somalia: The Trouble with Puntland
  14. I wish peace prevails in Galkacayo and else where but replacing a governor is just the tip of the iceberg as long as assassins are at large, unfortunately we’ve nothing to talk about.
  15. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: So, why are the killer's "family" not turning in the killers? Of course Xiin's intent of cooperation from the murderer's family is both subjective and conditional.
  16. NGONGE---- Thanx for starting my day with a witty remark!
  17. NGONGE---- Thanx for starting my day with a witty remark!
  18. NGONGE---- Thanx for starting my day with a witty remark!
  19. Dr. Dalxa is not only a talented guy but a high ranking Somali official and doesn't deserve this. The funny thing is that this government's actions surprise you every now and then.
  20. Juje. I hope the problem in the deep south subsides too but remember no one has thus far blamed the south of Galkaio folks for the tragedy.