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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Liibaan saaxiib, dumarka Australia mid baan ka helay, ee sidee lagu hadlaheeda lagu helayaa , siday u boodayso in mingis hayo baa la moodaa!
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;908061 wrote: Waa iska caadi anigu fawziya la ima didiin culusow xita nin xun maha sh dalxiis ba ka darnaan laha , culusow wa nin fahansan siyasaadu siday u dhacayso manaad arkayn sidu u qoslayow. Wa reer mareeg state oo siyasaada HAG iyaga gardaadiyaa sidu faisal cali warabe siyasasada SNM u gardaadiyo. War wax fahan!, I support 100% so called Irirism movement
  3. Malika: 4.5 must be used otherwise we are going to boycott this thread!
  4. Waa hagaag ee bal aan isu soo noqonno hadhow hadda sac baa raaf igu haya'e.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;908016 wrote: Taleexi khatumo maxay ka qabta wada hadalada ileen iyaga ba wa khuseysa eh maan fahmin waxay khatumo uga amuustay? Khaatumo waxay ka qabtaa in walaalaha SL waxay xaq u leeyihiin laga duudsiyin, waxaanay xaq u lahayna lagu marti soorin. Guud ahaan, Khaatumo waa nabad iyo caddaalad doon sid SL dulmi doon ma aha.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;908073 wrote: True carafaat status is quo is not good Somaliland not recognized Somalia not stable and its sovereignty being violated by foreign troops including France. Somaliland non recognition status gives Ethiopia the upper hand to influence Hargeysa and even Mogadishu because of its fragile situation. Ethiopia Kenya are happy with the status quo but its not good for SL and Somalia. lets talk either unite or separate but the status quo needs to end. Xaajiyoow, sheekadu qof walba waa ku jiq - Rabbow na sama bixi
  7. Carafaat;908071 wrote: Faroole seems to oppose it. Ask him why? I actually support it, no matter the qualification or status of these talks. I will exercise my 5th amendment in here, may I ?
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;908077 wrote: Imtiaxaanki qalinkaan ku ansixiyey. Sheekadaadu waa wada af Carabi wallee waxaad caddaysatay inaad reer bini-haashim ka soo jeedid - After all, Waraabe was on the mark
  9. Nin-Yaaban;908070 wrote: Ereyga ugu dhow Imtixaam soomaahan Kadis? Mise waxbaan isku khaldayaa? Wax weyn baad isku khaldaysaa - sheekooyin aan is lahayn baad madaxa isu gelinaysaa:, kedis ku lahaa magacaa jir Ninyaaban. Aalliyah: Af Soomaaliga cayaarta ka dhaaf.... Imtixaankii waa ku cayaaray waxay la micno tahay - waa u dhammeeyey, si ba'an baan ula dhaqmay, waxba uma xeerin, iyo wixii kale oo la hal maala. Balse waa runtaa oo sidii la doono baa loo fahmi karaa thus, your analytical critiquing was not misplaced at all.
  10. Qof marqaasan yaa la garnaqsan jirey, war Siilaanyo looma baahna Culusow baad igu khasabtay anna eeddadaa baan sanka kaaga tolay - khalaas.
  11. Then we are in one country - she represents you in the talks not Siilaanyo. The days of the free ride is over ....
  12. Apophis;908051 wrote: In fact I would think a better strategy for Mogadishu would be to support all those who wish to re-unite with the republic and then the few regions left will have to re-join. You can't make a country out of 2 regions. The negotiations should be with those who wish to secede the secessionist, if you get my meaning. It would be ideal but it is not where we are now. Blame the arrogance, shortsightedness, ignorance and tribalism.
  13. XX: See wax kuugu sheega saaxiib oh well whatever floats your boat. SL will represent your clan not as you wished the former British Protectorate citizens. You talk about Xaglotoosiye, what about Fowzia .. warninyahow, chill bill qaado cid aan naftaada ahayn ma matali kartide
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;908042 wrote: But if they support anti SL rebels that would mean they are jeprodizing the future talks with Somaliland and thats something the folks in xamar dont want to risk. Imagine if the talks fail than the IC needs to facilitate new talks and it will take lots of time again and the new govt in xamar will have another foe in the region Somaliland. Raising ur concern will not help khatumo so why do that and than further push away the SL govt. XX: saaxiib I notated that your kin folks are more sacred than the rest of Somalis and their agitation is a political gaffe if not a sin . I hope president Hassan doesn't take your advice of alienating Awdal, Makhir & Khatumo communities for the sake of SL's appeasement. If our president is smart he better treat SL an entity that represents only what it represents not as it portrays itself. I hope the leadership of your enclave reads that tsunami changes that are taking place in its surroundings and thereafter factors out its future political maneuvers.
  15. Apophis;908039 wrote: They could speak out everytime the Junta in H-town decide to go on rampage against the locals of that region. The Somali government is buddying up to a state which says it does not want to be part of Somalia and ignoring one which is fighting for the right to be part of Somalia. The least the government in Mogadishu can do is bring up the issue of Khaatumo in the on-going negotiation with S-LAND. + 1 - well put. All the federal government is supposed to do is to be fair to all; that is all otherwise it is digging its own grave.
  16. My adeer Faroole is just doing fine but I posed the question.
  17. Carafaat;907507 wrote: The Proffesor seems to hint at talks between Khatumo and SL, and supports the Somaliland and Somalia talks. What is wrong with Somalia talking with one of its regions hence your enclave aka "SL"
  18. Ahhaha, Waan taageersanahay shuruuddaa ha ku adkaystaan.
  19. Mogadishu residents should enjoy same rights and privileges like other citizens do in their respective regions and elect their own house of representatives however, the capital should be federally administered since it gets more privileges - or it should be transferred to another city that wants to be governed by the Federal government.
  20. Taleexi

    and I am single

    Being single is sexy.
  21. Nin-Yaaban;907747 wrote: Well YouTube sensation Mahubo Fab lived in Ohio briefly, does that count? She is in my town now. Search for someone else Mr. NY.
  22. Opportunities exist in places you least expect from.