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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: He is right somalia is better of national unity government. Right. Somalia is better off for national unity government, but aawaydahee, hate it or love it the bottom up approach, the building blocks model, is the way forward for Somalia. At least in this point in time.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: Qaynyare needs to liberate his house from Xasan Turki before opening his mouth. Lo Isn't Xasan Turki operating in southern lower Jubba, in his homeland...I just wonder...
  3. Originally posted by Jaanka: ^ I recognise the WHOLE COUNTRY needs development, as for the 1/3, it is not for me to decide. For the sake of the discussion. Why wouldn't you approve GD's request?
  4. Originally posted by Jaanka: ^ Everyone recognises that I hope so.
  5. Like it or not PL's interest is inseparable than that of Somalia.
  6. Originally posted by Dhubad.: lol@Article. Habar walba wax ha iska qorto!! Don't attack the messenger rather than message. The idea looks sexy to me and deserves for a dialogue
  7. Acuudka ma China mise India bay dadkani maamulayaan.... Qaran jab iga dheh.
  8. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: So if NW Somalia's admin is not a clan based one. Why are both opposition parties leaders from the same clan, why is the current vice president from that clan to? Why isn't Reer Sool or Sanaag not even running for the top office, forget about winning it? It's been rig so that no matter what the dominate clan will either be vice pres or president if there are any elections which i highly doubt seeing. That is why Riyaale (from minority tribe) the current president was given the vice presidents job in the previous admin (his tribe would have threaten to refuse to accept the current NW Admin), when Egal died, Riyaale became president to keep he's people happy. But as you saw last month they are protesting and bringing out the blue and white Somali flag in Riyaale's home area's. They are sending a message, you'll see more of this if he is takin out of office. So please, the Hargeysa NW Somali admin is just as much a tribal enclave as anyone else. There's no way Sool or Sanaag will ever be made pres or vice. First, that is what Gaaroodi calls : Multiparty system, and I call it multi_clan system at work, hence each sub_habar X has a party and then diehard secessionists want us to believe or to spoon-feed us what is obvious, of course, their hallucinations. Let it be remembered what is good for the goose is still good for the gander. Secondly, Soolers and Sanaageses have no desire of leading SL.
  9. Expanding the airport is a good thing if it is not one of Riyale's traditional diversion tactics.
  10. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: ^^Odayga kursi u kufadhisto ma lo waayay dhagaxa asaga kudul fadhiye Taasi waa su'aal meesha ku jirta.
  11. Georgie can not accept the forces of change that are in a full swing in our country. America that she wished and knew isn't going in her direction. Tan oo kale baroor diiq baan ugu yeedhaa.
  12. Apart of the regime's mayhem and bloody history, if Mr. Barre was praying in Lagos, in his last days: what does that tell us about his faith?, of course, he was a muslim unless some of us are capable of seeing what a dead person had in mind in the eve of his death.
  13. Ahaha, whites use Diana is news to me. Thnx for the insight.
  14. I agree with you the insignificance of news making her shaking Riyaale's hand but Tanya naturally exhibits some beauty, no Yaa Kool_Kat
  15. Originally posted by Allamagan: waa madaxweyne shaqo la'aan badani hayso. Wallee shaqo badan baa u taala ee waa madadaaliye, ma' daale ah. Shidanaaba shidan.
  16. Waa wax lago naxo hadday run tahay. Dagaal bilaa micho ah iga dheh.
  17. Wax baa salag leh. Allow ummuuraha qabooji.
  18. Faahfaahin ka soo baxaysa Dagaalada ka socda Degaanka G/Bari ee Magaalada Ufayn Ufayn:-Wararkii ugu dameyey ee Degmada Ufayn duleedkeeda ee Dagaalka Xoogan ku dhexmaray 2belood oo Agagarkaasi ku maransanaa Mudo dheer ayaa Waxaa laga Helayaa Warar Xaqiiqo ah oo Cadaynaya Tirada Dhimashada dagaalkaasi ka dhalatay iyo Dhaawac Weliba Farabadan oo Halkaasi ilaa galabta ay soo kala gaarey kooxahaasi. 19Qof ayaa dhintay mudo 12Sacadood ah,Waxaana Dagaalkaasi ku dhaawacmay in ka badan 25Ruux oo ka soo kala Jeeda 2Docood,Waxaa Dagaalkani uu ahaa Gurmad Xoogan mid ay isgu fidyeen 2Docood Iyadoo lugu arkayey Goobta Dagaalka Gawaari tignikooyin ah oo ay ku Rakibanyihiin Qoryaha Bikaamka iyo Zuuga. Dagaalkan oo dhexmaray 2Belood ee ****** iyo ************ ayaa ah Wax Aad looga Naxo marka la Fiiriyo Sida ay uga Gaabisay Xukuumada Maamulka Puntland Heshiisiinta Dadkan walaalaha oo hore uu dagaalkoodu uga kacay Xiisad Coladeed oo ka dhalatay dhul ay isku qabsadeen. Maxamed Axmed Ciise Radio Dhahar [ August 15, 2009, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  19. Dagaal Qadhaadh oo ka socda Gobolka Bari Warar aad loogu Kalsoonyahay oo aanu ka helayno dad War Gal ah ayaa sheegaya in Saaka barqadii uu Dagaal dhexmaray Laba Beelood oo wada degan Bariga Fog ee Gobolka Bari, Beelaha Dagaalamay ayaa Haatan Dagaal Faraha Looga Gubtay uu ku dhexmarayaa duleedka Magaalada Ufayn. Xidhiidh dhanka Isgaarsiinta ah oo aan Goor dhawayd la samaynay ayaa waxa naloo sheegay inay dhimasho aad u badan tahay Halka dhawaacanu Cirka isku shareeray. Odayaal dad Siyaasiyiin ah oo ka soo Jeedo Gobolka Bari ayaa saacadaha Fooda inaku soo haya ka Boqoolidoona dhanka Magaalada Dekeda leh ee Bosaaso kuwaasi oo u Qalab Qaatay inay Colaadi Damiyaan. Madaxwayen Faroole oo Haatan Jooga Magalaada Garoowe ee uu Asal ahaan ka soo Jeedo ayaa waxa uu ku Mashquulsan yahay La Kulanka Hay"adda Mashaariicda Bixiya Halka Beelo Walaalo ah Markii labaad Dagaal dhexmary. Guud ahaan Deegaanka UFayn ee Dagaalkaasi ka socda Wakhtigan ayaan ah meel Buuray u Badan oo ay Adag tahay in Xog Faah Faahsan Laga Ogaado. Source: Dhahar.com