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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Shaki kuma jiro in Soomaaliya gobolka X ee Itoobiya tahay amaba ku sii siqayso bal horta iga jaahil bixiya Ina_Gaweto muxuu cabsan yahay, bal inaan tijaabiyo baan jeclaan lahaa.
  2. Baxsashada lama yaabani...sida uu guryaha magaalada u kala yaqaaney baan la amankaagay. Tolow ma chip GPS ah baa maskaxdada kaga jirey
  3. War kuwan oo dhan waan garanayaa, waa ilmaabtiyaday oo Burco ayey ku nool yihiin .
  4. Do we have an alternative for replacing Sharif's TFG?
  5. Extension waa lagu khasban yahay Alla maxaa abtigay Siilaanyo haysta, burkaba bahal kama filan, wallee Riyaale soo rogaal celi.
  6. ThankfulSP, you are supporting the former governor out of thin air. Under his watch the minister was murdered, right?. Remember, peace is not an orphan, it is the interest of all. Don't ever try to apply justice selectively that is when we all doom to fail.
  7. War JB miyuu soo wataa. Horaa loo yidhi ninka Jimcaha waalanayaa Khamiista ayuu sii xayd xaytaa .... LA saaxiib lagama mudarahaadin ee bal taa qabso.
  8. Dabshid, he has zero thing to do with it but the guy was already a suspect of the minister's death and that is where my argument is directed @
  9. War dadka, dadka laayey ha la qabto, oo ha la dilo, war intaan noolahay talada ha layga qaato.
  10. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Xiin Faniin is munaafiq nummer uno. I don't see much difference between Cabdillahi Yusuf and Sheikh Sharif when it comes to Ethiopia. Xiin's caravan of nonsense is bent on enslaving the southerners. To Xiin and many other on SOL, the southern people deserve what they are getting. Xiin, come clean and admit that you hate the southern people of somalia. You want them to be enganged in endless wars. I don't understand how a somali in his own mind will defend a government that bombs its own people. You are either a tribalist hating southerners or you are a naive fadhi-ku-dirir looking for praises. Either case, spare us your nonsense about Sheikh Shariif's government. It is a warlord government led by an illitrate tribalist, sheikh shariif Waranle, who would you suggest to rule Somalia?, someone from the heaven or someone among us, Mogadishu said to NO every Somali ever elected from the last 20 years, no matter which clan he hails from, doesn't that make you wonder?... Give Sh. Sharif a chance, he only has one more year to go.
  11. War Wacdaraha_aduunka inuu na denbaajiyo oo soonkayaga khalkhal geliyo baan ka baqayaa.
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Mudane Baashe from Kulmiye Party ..... elected from Sool region. War hadalka naxalka ha laga daayo, oo ha la yidhaahdo Mudane Baashe waa loo doortay Sool ee lagama soo dooran illeyn dhab ahaan Sool Somaliland kama tirsana'e.
  13. Hawd wuu haleelay midhka ah in maskaxda la tuujiyo sida dharka marka la dhaqo loo tuujiyo
  14. Anigu hadalka ma oran, mana oran karo, ninkii yiri usagaa yiri, ee u yeera, ha yiraahdee, anigaa iri -Lama Yaqaan
  15. Hall of Fame: Those who fought for our freedom and independence Hall of Shame: Us
  16. War sheekadu intay kuraas laysla dhaco marayso ilama xuma ka qof ahaan
  17. True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice. -- MLK The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.--- Dante Aleghieri
  18. True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice. -- MLK The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.--- Dante Aleghieri
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I am younger than you old lady, thanks for the concern. Anyhow Ramadan Mubarak to you 2. Does SOL compromise members' ages?, it is about time to take some measures in here.....
  20. Hadal gar ah. Amxaaro yaan lagu af gobaadsan. Xamar ma amxaaraa maanta inagu laynaysa.... Siday doonto dacarta ha uga qadhaadhaato, Waa inaynu guuldarrada aan gacmaheena ku falkinay ogolaanaa, isfahamka iyo xalka guuldarrooyinka guunka inagu dhex noqdayna inuu gondeheena ku jiro waa mid marag ma doonto ah.... Haddii kale ilaa iyo qiyaamaha Itoobiyaa na qabsanaysa iyo catarabaqah kale ku digriya..Geedku markuu hadlay wuxuu yidhi.."Haddaan gudinka badhkay ku jirin ima goyseen". Ramadaan Kareem