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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Saacadaada ka hortow abidkaaba saarow miyaa sheekadu... Riyaale macalinkiisii buuba bara dheereeyey, khaldaamiintii wuxuu isugu qasay dimquraadiyad iyo socialism... innaa fajacnaa, wa amankaagnaa
  2. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Good design but crap content. I 2nd to that.
  3. Mr. Oodweyne, I feel sorry for you that these folks made the press release without your consent. Shit happens, just learn some ways to live with it.
  4. Beladaan ka qoslini belo ma aha , tani wallee waa iga qoslisay....
  5. Nominal sense PL exists hovever, it has to yet deliver any tangible progress in its sphere.
  6. War horta Al shabaab iyo hisbul islaam iyamaa la qaatay, mise arrintaa laysmaba waydiin.
  7. As crazy as it may sound to some. This is NOT something to be ridiculed rather something to be aspired and fascinated about it, I'm speaking in position of engineering background as my former career.
  8. In all fairness, Amoud University is one of the best higher education institutions in our country if NOT the best so, let us at least recognize for a moment, JUST for a moment, where credit is due.
  9. Anafsu binafsi, is the only, I say it again, ONLY way forward.
  10. ameen.... Yey is gone we have Sharif now. Should we save him or haddaynu Soomaali nahay wax dumiya mooyee, waxbaba daba qabta talada inooguma jirto miyaa. Cajabnaa fooqal cajabnaa...
  11. War Sophist-ow arrinkii meesha yaalayba waxaad ku farshaxamaysay dhowr sadar oo sheeko xariir ah, kuwii weeleeya biyo dhaca aragtidaada Alle ha naga dhigo
  12. War qar ha ka tuurin ee runta u sheeg talented man with corrupted mind fits him best.
  13. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote:Originally posted by [Waranle]: Mr. Somali, nobody asked you to leave your two cents. If you think the topic does not concern or that you deem it irrelevant, then the best way is perhaps not to contribute to it. This is a classical case of compulsivness- and to your support there are many that suffer from this disorder sxb. Why are you calling for a moderator on this??????? I guess you are of the many who wants only their points of view to suffice. Why should you bother Mr. Somali???????? ^^^ A masterpiece of pure unadulterated drivel. Now save us all, your petulant foot stomping in here. I do as I please, and I will ADD my 2, 5 or 10 cents to whatever topic, when it pleases me--and That's just the way it is. Now listen, and listen closely, because this is the last time I am going to address this issue for you. When and if you are ever able to ascertain the importance of posting topics worthy of intelligent discussion, then and only then will we ALL have something meaningful to contribute. In the meantime... find the medication for what ails you, 'cuz Xiin, as sure as hell, aint it! Considering the nature and chronicle of our self inflicted, protracted conflict, I ask you, how many times do we need/afford to start state crafting from scratch, I pose back this question to you, so would you please flesh our your alternative solution to our misery?, we may benefit from it.
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: probably teaching "shokolokobangushy" story ,,, , War ninyahow illeyn waynu is le'eg nahay..
  15. Sharif will go one way or another. What would be the alternative we ponder now.