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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by B_A_L_L_E_R_Z: hiding behind bushes to do a hit and run is a desperate last resort, a man that lacks the balls to show his face is unable to clean up anything I forgot you started your gorilla war with B52s and tanks in your disposal; you must suffering with schizophrenia syndrome.
  2. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: waligeed ba way ahayd sxb Waa hagaag.
  3. Muhsin.max..... There is a prerequisite for Somali Political 101 class: Believe first your clan is everything as Ngonge put it plus it is the best and righteous one irrespective of the situation thereafter we can enlighten you how we got here
  4. Since when Buhuudle became SL's sphere of influence... Af noolina waa hadlaa, eyna waa ciyaa
  5. Anigu ma arko belaayada lala qaylinayo, dumarka aan Soomaalida ahayn ee aanu ciyaalka ka dhalno, iyagu miyaanay tol lahayn.
  6. Waa su'aal qurux badan tolow jawaab u qalanta Xaaji-gu ma dhiibi doonaa?
  7. Originally posted by GAAROODI: SOMALILAND<------------im the new sultan of sanag and sool. dont dwell to much into history. being an mp for kenya is not an achievement ...being the first somali independent country...now thats an achievement. Mar kasta oo aan is idhaahdo yarka GAAROODI wuu ka soo raynayaa, waa lagu soo laba kaclaynayaa, Rabbow sahal ummuuraha.
  8. Gefaf samee Seyid-ku laakiin caddaalad darro baa ka muuqata in labada halgan lays barbar dhigo.
  9. Originally posted by UZTAAD: see ku yeelatay sxb ma queen elithabeth baa kaala dardaarantay dadka dagan dhulkaas ma rabaan marshruucagee. Dhegihii wax maqlayaa talo la siiyaa. U dig ama ha u digin kuwan waa isugu mid.
  10. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: the somaliland websites dident report it yet Xingalool its near the border between somaliland and koonfuria.
  11. Which one came first the chicken or the egg? Which one controls the other? Which is one is by product of the other? PIS agency or PL?....... The Balkanization of the motherland is underway. Wake up guys and embrace the reality.
  12. Not under our name. PL ought to fix this. The sooner the better.
  13. Gabadhii naafada ahayd ee wejiga ka quruxda badnayd waxay arrintu markay halkaas marayso waan ka DHUTIYAA
  14. Illaa iyo goormuu dhalad Fadhage noqday, Yaa Oodweyne. Wax isweydiini ma xumee, wax is weydaaris baa daran.
  15. Whatever is in Hassan's mind is irrelevant. His actions are maiming the innocent masses of our populace, and that is what we should judge on his statue
  16. Gheele. T, Xiin baanba la yaabanaa wuxuu yarka u gestaye adna ma taas baad ugu sii dartay, Arxan xumo iga dheh
  17. If this is not a massacre, you tell ME what is it?. (CNN) -- At least 30 people died and 70 were wounded in shelling on a marketplace in the Somali capital of Mogadishu Thursday, according to journalists and emergency services. Members of Islamist militia Al-Shaabab patrol Bakara Market in Mogadishu, Somalia, earlier this month. A local journalist called the rocket fire on Bakara market "unprecedented." "This was the most brutal shelling," according to an ambulance service representative who said they had picked up 61 wounded, but expect the number to climb. Other victims were being brought to hospitals by family and friends. The source of the shelling could not immediately be determined. Journalists saw shell fire coming from AMISOM -- the African Union Mission in Somalia -- strongholds in a fortified district of the capital and from near the airport. AMISOM is the only force in the area believed to have the firepower capable of such an intense attack. However, AMISOM denied any involvement in the incident. The African Union has a 3,400-member peacekeeping force in Somalia, made up of troops from Burundi and Uganda. It operates under a U.N. mandate to support Somalia's transitional federal government. The peacekeeping force is charged with protecting key government and strategic installations in Mogadishu, including the port, airport and presidential palace. It is the de facto military force of the weak, transitional Somali government. Don't Miss Global pirate attacks on the increase French military fends off Somalia pirate attack U.S. delaying millions in aid to Somalia, U.N. says African Union forces have been battling an al Qaeda-linked Islamist militia in Somalia called Al-Shaabab. The United States is supporting the Somali government's fight against the insurgents, including providing weapons to government forces. Al-Shaabab is on the U.S. list of terror organizations because of its ties to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network. The United States is concerned that Somalia's weak government could fall to the Islamist insurgency, as it did in 2006 before Ethiopian forces ousted the militants from power in early 2007. Ethiopia invaded Somalia with the support of Somalia's weak transitional government. Source: Shelling kills at least 30 in Somalia