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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Cowke: Amistad, Untill this is verified by other puntland media, I wouldn't believe it!!! Sanaagpost is not really that reliable when it comes to quality journalism. Ps: For some reason all news media that from waqoyi are really untrustworthy, that is why you never see many people sourcing their material. Quality media that is trusted by all news agencies domestic and international are always 90% koonfuur based!!! So always be weary of waqoyi news they don't seem to adhere to standard media practises!!! You insulted our intelligence ee xaal na sii and that is only haddaad garanayso what indeed xaal means?
  2. Hunguri: Sheekaadaa aad sida wanaagsan u farshaxamaysay waxay ku fiicnaan lahayd mar xubnaha SOL badankoodu afka hooyo ka arradnayn. Ugu danbayn ku mahadsanid murtidaa qiimaha iyo qaayaha leh ee aad nala wadaagtay, waxayna u eg tahay dabagaalayaal kale oo Puntland la mid ahi inay jiraan balse aan fursadeeda oo kale haysan.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Empty talk really. Al Shabab will not change their way just because afar odey sat in Garowe and spoke about what is xalal and what is xaram. These scholars would have done well to go directly to Al Shabab and sit with them face to face instead of talking from far away Garowe and appearing to support the opposition. This is not how disputes are sorted. Dare anyone sit and reason with Al Shabaab? you must be singing into a vacuum.
  4. Abwaan:Call it if u will; a classical, selective justice @ its finest.
  5. Thankful: War afkaaga ka du' Madaxweynaha, ragga xiniinyaha Berbera iyo Hargeysa kaga guri jirey.
  6. Ugu yaraan marka qofku jiritaanka iintiisa garto, waa bilow wanaagsan.
  7. War maxaad arrintan kala socotaan: Secret Documents linking the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to a Planned Recovery of Frozen Financial Assets in Foreign Banks* Source: WDN or WD Radio
  8. War Xaji.... koleyba Cowke taladiisa baa ta Buurmadoobe noo dhaanta, iga daa hadal tirada abti
  9. War ragga yaa Boxing ring isugu geeya
  10. The lip service of such foreign-merchants is clear detrimental to the pursuit of your clannish dogma happiness.
  11. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Dear Ms. Ibtisam , Sorry for your lost, my dearest . And, I am sure of it that what I am about to say will not be much of a consolation to you in here, to say the least; but, perhaps, you should think of it, as that of the larger human sacrifice that we are all call to do for our particular “Maandeeq” call Somaliland , in larger scheme of things, as it were. Hence, the recently and tragically departed “Mujaahid” from us in the living, have died a heroic dearth, in which, furthermore, the cowardly act that has snuffed his live could not have hold a candle to it, indeed, in the first place. Regards, Oodweyne. Ma kaa dhab baa ninka dhintay inuu mujaahid ahaa, maxaa caddayn ah oo aad haysaa Abti?, Mujaahidow xaal qaado
  12. Originally posted by Muhammed: Allaha unaxariisto. Illaahay waa caadil nina gardaro uguma naxariisto, ee Illaahay duco aanu aqbalayn ha waydiisan
  13. Tolow ma shaqo la'aan baa haysa dadkan canatarabaqashka qora
  14. Originally posted by Nogobawi: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: When Siilaanyo wins the upcoming election in SL beesha Gabiley will become the link between the leaders of Djibouti+Somaliland+Puntland. Sadexda dumar ah Siyaasada waa inay hoosta ka ciyaaran oo odeyada isku soo dhaweeyan. Then it must be made sure for Silanyo to win, as the effort of the three wives could mean alot for half of the Somalis, not that I think they will never unite one day Taasi talo xun ma aha. Dumarkuna baal dahab ah bay taariikhda ka geli lahaayeen.
  15. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by Cowke: Formula. (3/5) X 100 = 80%. The kid is right. Cowke waxaynaan arkayn buu arkaaye xikmada ha laga dhuro. His formulas are profound dont take them at their face value.
  16. Thanks Mr. Paragon for sharing with us your genuine thoughts, not under our name I repeat after you. Saaxiib Jafe101, you have a point but filter your message whenever you say cagdheer land the cause for the liberation will be hurt as lots of Somalis of different clans hail from that region. It is about time giving the Somali region a neutral name for the sake of our common good. Otherwise, contaminating the struggle with clannish dogma will have a detrimental effect.
  17. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Ninka dhan ee Jabarti National Movement madaxda u ah waa nin isku buuqay miyaa? Faisal Waraabe ba ku daartay cudurkiisii
  18. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Waa mujaahid qofka falkaas fuliyey. Ma qof nin somali ah oo muslim ah dilay aya mujaheed ah Ninka dhintay ifkana sharaf dhac buu ku dhintay, aakhirona way caddahay meesha uu tegayo saaxiib.