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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Thankful Qardho and Dhahar are twin cities. Any progress in Dhahar will certainly spill over to Qardho so, embrace the progress and may I say; At least for a moment, just for a moment, swallow your pride oo dadkaaga dhinac ka raac
  2. I will cast my vote in bullet form. Watch out Oodweynoow
  3. Cabaad at its finest iga dheh.
  4. Believing the glorification of one clan specific election as it pertains others in the area is not only misguidance but detrimental to the very co-existence among the northern communities of Somalia. The earlier you, die-hard secessionists, get this right the better off we all be.
  5. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Lets talk about accounting specifically, if you want to advance in the field what's your choice... CPA or MBA? [/QB] Accounting has different tracks for instance – Accounting Information Systems Track – Corporate Track – Professional Track – Tax Track However, CPA is a supplementary certificate showing someone's degree of proficiency in Accountancy like there are certificates in other fields say professional engineering and the likes. Be MDs, Engineers, MBAs, lawyers or what have you are complimentary to one another as best hospitals house not only some of the best doctors but also some of the best and brightest among the business people and lawyers. It boils down to one thing though, as Mr. Nassir put it, it is all about hard work and how one ceases when an opportunity presents itself. Mr. Salah appears someone who just has not shelved some degrees rather he is dreaming big and undertaking mega projects as his actions attest to so, let us give him a big applause.
  6. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: The Sayid and his dervish movement where Sufis, if they were still around, they would have been fighting along the side of ahlu sunna, not the shabaabs The Sayid and the Qadiriyah were opposed to each other. And the modern day Ahlul Sunta are Xabashi puppets, which the good Sayid was far from. ;)Besides, this is all irrelevant today. Tani waa hadal ku tiri ku teen ah oo waxba kama jiraan ah.
  7. Originally posted by The Zack: Koora, haddii qof kastoo MBA heysto laga soo dhaweeyo tuulooyinkiina dhib baa jira. Intaas umbaan sheegay. Meesha jaamacada ka fura,. MBA buu heystaa, radio buu furanayaa, and IRS buu u shaqeeya doesn't qualify one for such a huge welcome. Verry simple. War Zack waxaan u qaatay inaad ka waalaysid shacabweynaha SOL. Putting even aside Mr. Salah's credentials. The fact is that he made his people rally behind him alone would convince us that Mr. Salah isn't only a young, and educated man but a promising leader. Would you pls see trees from the forest? and offer an apology.
  8. Originally posted by The Zack: -----Secondly, 50 out of 70 of my neigbors do have Master degree or higher, if that is not more than average I don't know what it is. But that is specific data representation of your neighborhood which does not reflect the reality of Somali people at large. The fallacy of your argument lies in there.
  9. Nassir: Indeed Salah has shown the path cid ku dayataa loo baahan yahay ee hadal tiro kale looma baahna.
  10. Waa muu ka joogo yaan lagu soo xabbadayne.
  11. The Buhodleh and Widhwidh Massacre: an opportunity for peace and stability Source: WDN
  12. Mr. Doonyaale is a self-made man, a role model, and an educated man. His contributions and home welcoming speak in volumes ya Maadeey.
  13. Originally posted by Aliyahh: ^Somaliland is 1.0 clan region. Where Somalia is multi clan country. And, that is indisputable fact. Indeed "1.0 clan region" Well put.
  14. Job well done. The young Salah has consistently proved to be a formidable and instrumental to the betterment of whichever community he lives in. Clearly, he is a kind of people we desperately need and a great role model to many.
  15. Ipad is just waste of money. The hype given betrayed a large number among gullible consumers. There have been lots of other gadgets that do the same job prior to its luanch.
  16. 7 is way better than Vista. Most of the corporations are going from XP to 7 while skipping the Vista generation.
  17. Originally posted by A_Khadar: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Gabiley Desk lasanod OFfice Classic Imbued some creativity at its finest.
  18. Peace and unity to all Somali people indeed.
  19. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Actually, if you look at this from purely political perspective, this raises their profile. CG: In order one to see that has to come up with open mind to the discussion table. To those whose thinking revolves and reaches not beyond their sight they've indeed fixed minds rather growing minds, balse qof nool lagama samro.
  20. Xudeedi: We are still calling for peace and coexistence among our communities unlike the secessionist/invaders who are maiming, killing and harrassing the weak and elderly. As usual the die-hard zealots, expansionist, and egocentrist may not heed my advice but those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
  21. On astronomical view this only seems pertaining SSC community but the petition has some universality in it where it promotes that each region should be left to its own devices until Somali populace agrees to reconstruct their nation again.
  22. Interesing theme indeed. I will come back and chip in when time permits