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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Libaahe*: I though Mansa Munsa was from Gobolka Badhan ee Somaliland. Anaa Maakhir ka imi oo waa PL-e goormay SL ka mid noqotay?, yaabka yaabkiis illeyn mar mar baa riyada run la moodaa....
  2. First, if history has any relevance. As you know, I'm one of the co-founders of PL and last time I checked my SSC folks have not withdrawn from PL in unison and publicly and until that happens I'm a part and parcel of PL given, of course, with all its mishaps. Do you have a problem with that? Secondly, I support the intentions of SSC but what made you to believe that I'm questioning the self determination of SSC lot? Cajaa'ib show adaaba ka daran Oodweyne... Saaxiib
  3. Originally posted by me: Mansa, Erayada af ingriiska micnahooda ma taqaanid ayaan u malaynayaa. ' Subjects & Conquer' kan aad ka hadlaysay maxee ahaayeen? Bal ii fasir waxaad ka hadlaysay boowe. Kolay aniga waxay ila tahay in aadanba garanayn waxaad ka hadlaysid. quote: Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Xiin PL has the potential to be a vibrant state which can be an example to the rest of Somalia but I'm in doubt whether the path her current admin is on taking us nowhere. Spoken like a true dabadh*lif in the magnitude of Sandule, Xaabsade & Ina Ali Shire. Oo maxaad ii cayday saaxiib waynu yare wadlayney uune ...
  4. Mr. Me dictionary.com may help. Meet me half way adeer. Adaan kuu daayey sidaad u kala shaandhaysanaysid weedhaha hoos ku xardhan Synonym of Subjects John/Jane Q. Public, aborigine, burgess, burgher, civilian, commoner, cosmopolite, denizen, dweller, freeman/woman, householder, inhabitant, member of body politic, member of community, national, native, naturalized person, occupant, resident, settler, subject, taxpayer, townsperson, urbanite, villager, voter Synonym of Conquer Synonyms: beat, bring to knees, checkmate, circumvent, clobber, control, cream*, crush, discomfit, drub, foil, frustrate, get the better of, humble, lick, master, outwit, overmaster, overpower, override, overthrow, prevail, quell, reduce, rout, shut down, subdue, subjugate, succeed, surmount, throw, thwart, total*, trample underfoot, trash, triumph, vanquish, whip, wipe off map, worst, zap
  5. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ It's call "truth pipe", my friend . Which is a stuff, that if you are only lucky enough to take so much of a "passing whiff" , then, I can guarantee you, that your befuddled mind, will, afterwards, be as clear as early sunny summer morning, indeed... I've got the tobacco (the truth) but I was using the wrong pipe. Thanks for the advice, I made a note. Secessionist fooqal secessionist I must say
  6. Oodweyne I would like to have some with whatever you smoke. Me Ma xummada cudur walba la socota baa ku haysa. Xiin PL has the potential to be a vibrant state which can be an example to the rest of Somalia but I'm in doubt whether the path her current admin is on taking us anywhere.
  7. Che... That is JB's specialty, isn't it? Apart of the all hype given to the looming referendum of South Sudan (SS). SS is not capable as of yet to govern itself given it spins off the rest of Sudan proper. One, its populace are against one another. Two, all oil infrastructure goes through the northern Sudan. Three, Bashir secured the recent Sudan elections while in the South SPLM won. Apparently, many in the South don't favor SPLM which leads to the possibility of the emergence of some sort of alliance between Bashir and SPLM when the referendum comes around... Such cooperation has the potential of supporting one Sudan under Bashir. JB hold your horses; South Sudan may not be breath into life anytime soon.
  8. President Faroole ought to respect the will of his subjects. Mark my word, if he attempts to divide and conquer SSC people, it may be the beginning of the end of PL state as we know it. On astronomical view, if one analyses Mr. Farole’s lip service regarding the brewing liberation of Las Anod and the recent skirmishes of Buhodle and Widh Widh. One comes to a conclusion, how great my nominal leader lacks a vision and substance. I ask him how long does Las Anoders afford to wait until PL Dervishes to liberate them? To the secessionist, live in your mirage fantasies while it lasts.
  9. Originally posted by Norfsky: ^What are SSC fighitng for? Addressing relevant issues is a virtue.
  10. Duufaan :::: Xiin states above we are a collection of clans (which has some truth in it)and in there he admits that PL is merely a toothless, nominal state --a state of mind entity-- not a functioning state that can protect her borders and citizens thus,all PL can offer to SSC is a goodwill and moral support. Considering the face value of Xiin's remarks SSC people have to work against all odds in order they realize their inalienable rights. However, you got it wrong where you stated "SSC do not need help" quite contrary SSC needs friends, and any help that it can harness from anyone willing to assist their quest.
  11. ma-jer-tenka noo soo gabyow waa gar xaajaduye. Collection of clans "iga dheh"
  12. Let us not go with what Mr. Somalia is saying however PL has the potential to be reactive and also nonreactive. It is all about how her leaders play cards.
  13. Jaah wareerka siyaasadeed ee reer SSC ku jiraan cunugga dugsiga hoose dhigtaa xataa waa u jeedaa. Waxaadse mooddaa in yidadiilo jirto, oo dadku dareemay dullinimada, axmaqnimada leh ee ay ku hayaan beesha dhanka galbeedka kaga soo duushay. Mr. Soomaali, bal adna mid qabso, oo ogow in aan PL iyo SL lays barbar dhigi karin, maxaa yeelay PL wax baad ka aasaastay, wax baad ku leedahay, isku wax oo Soomaalinimo ah baad aaminsan tihiin. Halka SL, ay duulaan cad oo badheedh ah, xoolahaagii u boobayso, maatadaadii dilayso, dhulbalaadhsi aan xad lahayn oo hore loo aragna wado, markaa saaxiib calooshood u shaqaystayaal waa jiraan, haantuna gunta ayey ka tolantaa, mililna dushii lama dhayo, waana ogahay in midnimada SSC u muhiim tahay aaya ka tashigooda, waa haddii ay doonayaane balse dareensanow waxaad xaq ugu lahayd PL haddaad si hab farshaxamaysan oo qurux badan u weydiisatid wax xun ma'ahae, nimaan hadlin hooyadiina wax ma siiso baa hore loo yidhi, waxaad Mr. Somalia u egtahay nin ku sambariirixday dacaayadihii raqiiska ahaa ee maamul beleedka la magac baxay Somaliland afuufayey.
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Two quick points to consider when talking about current PL admin as it regards to SSC issues: 1- These regions changed hands when Cadde was the president of PL, and Yey was the head of TFG 2- Faroole inherited an essentially broken state that has been used and abused by prior admins Blaming Faroole for the current situation is therefore politically motivated. What needs to happen is the people of SCC to unite them selves politically, for if that happens it would be much easier to challenge the secessionist agenda in the north. This conflict is purely political in nature hence it would be foolish from Puntland’s side to mitigate by military means. Mudane Xiin has no clothes. Defending the indefensible is pure denial at its finest. Nevertheless, give President Farole the benefit of the doubt; assume that he inherited a broken state as you put it -- In order one gets a better picture about the guy though; one ought to consider his portfolios in previous PL admins --. but isn’t it an intellectual insult if you are telling us he was not aware of what he was getting into when he was running for presidency? However, let us judge the President on his own merits. A legit question would be; what has he done during his tenure in regards to SSC regions?, forget about exponential growth of piracy in our shores, weakened public institutions, lack of security and the increase of havoc and mistrust among PL communities...Arguably, one positive thing he has achieved so far is paying government employees in a timely manner. PL admin has not only neglected aiding to those SSC leaders who want to reclaim their ancestral lands rather harassed, threatened and sometimes jailed them and as we know of it; if PL lets SSC plays with its own devices, PL won’t be immune from becoming a weak entity and further fracturing is highly likely. I have to concede though that there are a small fraction of SSC mercenaries that Hargeisa admin uses for humiliating SSC populace. However, as recent clashes of Buhodle, Widh Widh and Las Anod attest, the people have spoken and they are vehemently against the invasion. Zooming you into the recent past, just in case you forgot, let it be remembered what happened when Ali Jama threatened then the president of PL Yusuf, an assault was waged until the fitna ceased. I expected no less than that from the current PL admin. Finally watching at the periphery and saying let SSC folks reconcile among them first is a position that is becoming very weak by the hour indeed.
  15. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: quote: Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: quote: Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: The Sayid and his dervish movement where Sufis, if they were still around, they would have been fighting along the side of ahlu sunna, not the shabaabs The Sayid and the Qadiriyah were opposed to each other. And the modern day Ahlul Sunta are Xabashi puppets, which the good Sayid was far from. ;)Besides, this is all irrelevant today. Tani waa hadal ku tiri ku teen ah oo waxba kama jiraan ah. Mansa, maxaa ku tiri ku teen ah?, ma in Sayidka & Qadiriyah dagaal ka dhexeeyey?, ma in Suufiyada waqtigan Xabashi u adeegaan, mise in Sayidku ka fogaa Xabashi? Waxaa ku tiri ku teen ah: In xidhiidh ka dhexeeyo SSC iyo Al Shabaab.
  16. This so called Baaqnabadeed is an insult iyo weliba ciyigii waa ka baryey. Btw, does his history matter? if it does then once upon a time Malcom X had a hard time convincing some of the blacks that they were slaves and oppressed people and then he made a remark that went in the history books, he said: The worst man is a slave who doesn't know he is a slave unfortunately a fraction of SSC populace fits squarely in that category.
  17. As far as I'm concerned PL admin appeased a piece of its land to the secessionist enclave for some reason I've yet failed to understand but the people of PL are in unison for the struggle of liberating their lands by any means necessary.
  18. The war of necessity is on. The invaders will be destroyed.
  19. Thankful, First, neither me nor you are in a position to approve or disapprove; who should be a Puntlander or who shouldn't. Remember, I'm one of the co-founders of PL State. In addition my uncle, the brother of my father is the current VP of PL, but I was/am vehemently against him as well as Mr. Farole. I didn't impress their election then because I knew they both were somewhat corrupted figures. Lastly, when we talk about PL, remember Qardho folks have no monopoly the affairs of PL state.
  20. Originally posted by Cowke: I know that gedo airport is in the making and also a university, but this airport design looks a bit unreal or highly qowdhanized. Take you vote guys!!! Does this look like it will be the gedo airport or is it just nostalgic faan from gedo? Gedo has no scarcity of engineers and city planners. Cowke go with your hantaatac in somewhere else.