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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Baafin: Odaygii Oodweyne meel uu jaan iyo cidhib dhigay ma la hayaa?
  2. Nassir That aint happening... Blood must be spilled before realizing that.
  3. War odaygii Odweyne yaa war ka haya? arrinta buu inoo kala saafi lahaaye.
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^For all we know, these armed men are Riyaale's new secessionist movement seceding from the other secessionist project. Derivative of Seccession
  5. Thanks for the genuine, impartial update yaa Suldaanka
  6. War odaygu honeymoon-kii dhamaysay.... oo dabadeed belaayo bay ku afuufeen.
  7. Then nothing to be alarmed thereof if they landed in Awdal, in their homelands...
  8. SL leadership is suffering from Galgala syndrome
  9. War ONLF baa xitaa San Diego ila joogta... by all accounts this has the imprints of local hands.
  10. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^ I have sneaky suspicion, in a conspiratorial sort of way of course, that these guys were INDEED reinforcements who were supposed to join the hapless terrorist named ATAM, who is hiding in the Galgala hills; but unfortunately for them the Puntland security forces have frustrated these efforts of theirs, when they abruptly restricted ATAM's free movements and forward base in Galgala. I suppose, now, they thought they could land undetected on the Awdal coast, and trek eastwards to join up with him later-- but it seems that attempt as well has been thwarted by the new Marfashland authorities. Kudos to them! War ninkii Somalia miyaa loo fasaxay inuu wuxuu doono ku hadlo.
  11. ...."War is ugly besides being an enormous cost on taxpayer's money, it is doubly darn waste of time. Even if it is maintained long enough and with brutal force, the war on Galgala is unwinnable in its current definition of "terrorism"..... Is Puntland leadership suffering from a terrorism syndrome? source: WDN
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ The madness of this tired old logic is astounding. A man spends almost thirty years watching an idea evolve and prosper then, suddenly, and for sentimental reasons alone (for Somalia offers him nothing today ) he decides to drop it all and go pass the camel to a chaotic school teacher? Why? If anything, the Somaliweyne proponents should realise that their unity dream has almost vanished with this latest (election/Siilaanyo assisted) blow. Back to the drawing board, chaps. Your product is not selling. Horta hambalyo sida nabadgelyada leh ee aad dawladiina u bedesheen. However, if we see the SL entity in the same lense that being a clan entity, then you've a lot to celebrate, but if you think SL is for all northerners then there is a lot you should worry about.
  13. Hunguriyow ma wax iska cad baad Suldaanka waydiinaysaa...
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^The party crushers were kicked out.Oodweyne came all the way to annoy people. I thought they weren't part of Somalia any more, what the beef!
  15. Waxaan mooday in duriyada doorashooyinkooda ku mashquulsan yihiin...Weli ma SSC bay daba joogaan. Amankaag.com iga dheh.
  16. Go Tayo College!... Great development indeed. JB: Ta geeska xigtaa anay ii doonan tahay ee ina kala ilaali saaxiib...
  17. Mr. Somalia: Adeer, your blind support of president Farole has no limits and been noticed. Anigu ma Faroole waxaan mooday mise wuxuu noqday, horta midna sheegi maayo balse waxay u muuqataa inuu ku sifoobay maahmaahdii Soomaaliyeed ee odhanaysay "Doqontu xadhkaha lagu xidhayo xusuladay ku sidataa".... Faroole hoosaasinta reer SSC ha ka daayo ma dhib bay noqotay? Fikir ahaantay, ma iin la'a hogaanka SSC balse Faroole wax tar mooyee waxyeelo loogama fadhiyin.
  18. Arguably, SSC has its fair share of the blame but one thing remains undeniable. SL, PL and SSC are in the same boat --their common interests are intertwined and inseparable-- With all that said; if this recent, surreal alliance between PL & SL, which intends to oppress/undermine SSC struggle and mute their just voices, stays in place. Be mind SSC is capable of making a hole in the boat and drowning it that will in turn make this relative peaceful part of the country a hell on earth. I assume that won’t be anyone’s interest. Inta nabadu joogtaa ninba labo nin le’eg yahay.
  19. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: You can sometimes start negotiations and get thing done in that way. It is politics and with an open negotiations you can get the support of the whole world. Abti... Practice what you preach.
  20. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Oodweyne do these people like nafaqo. Yo Yo the flag has been raised , Somalia will be fixed African union troops will turn into xooga dalka , and shabaab will assist them as true angels of Somalia. And their foreign fighters will be ambassadors, to the waving flag country And miraclesly the pirates from the clan enclave will operate as the Somali navy , thanks to wave the flag. And sh dalxiis would for the first time fly with the Somali airlines if he is leaving Mogadishu, for a foreign country , waving flag indeed And the donkeys in Mogadishu stadium will sing waving flag waving flag it is Whatever you've been smoking aside, you are not making any sense at all.