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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Shirwac waa maamulahaygii Casa Popalare... Well done my former principal, waa ninkii tiriyey qoraxdoo aroortii while he was in Lafole and Qarad was his classmate..... Great endeavor Ya Shirwa you undertook.
  2. Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Infrastructure, way to go.
  3. Che, If history is any indicator, when certain group, in this case Somalis, are in the verge of magnificent historical collapse, anything becomes no surprise. What streams in the minds of Somalis who support Ethiopian heinous crimes against humanity is the million dollar question. Even more, justifying Ethiopian actions by citing and equating with Somalis' misdeeds among them is not only unfair, distortion and misinformation but an insult of our intelligence. Mr. Che, if we look ahead in the horizon beyond what our sight can see while we keep rejoicing and collaborating with our enemy, when they slaughter our brothers, rape our mothers and sisters, wouldn't that qualify the beginning of the decay of Somali race?. I leave that historians and anthropologists to ponder and entertain. However, the essence of Mr. Yabarag's piece is that the populous of my regions, in this case, PL and SL understand the threat posed by Ethiopia to our own existence but without the change of the leadership of those admins, aint we all singing in a vacuum? "It takes whole village to raise a child", therefore Somalis are failing themselves collectively indeed.
  4. My vacation plan is being changed to Berbera. Nassirow JB iyo ilmaadeeradiis waa dad xamaasad badane anigoo iska dabaalanaya amay budh ila dhacaan
  5. Ethiopia’s Hegemony on Somalis: the case in Somaliland By Mohamed F. Yabarag Sept. 20, 2010 Following the recent incursion of over 300 of allegedly ONLF men armed with RPGs and other light weaponry into “western Somaliland” from the long coastal line Somalia shares with Yemen among other countries, it is obvious to everyone that Ethiopian security forces can enter into any Somali territory at will and terrorize the local population whether that territory is on the notebook of Zenawi’s friendly countries or not. As far as Ethiopia is concerned the fight against “terrorism” will have the overriding priority over anything else. Now, instead of defending its sovereignty and its people from Ethiopia’s marauding army, Somaliland officials have started blaming each other on who is going to bear the ultimate responsibility of this fiasco, and the finger of blame had already pointed at Awdal and Salal communities for abetting and aiding the ONLF fighters. Everybody knows Somaliland has neither the military might nor the political will to confront Ethiopia, but at least you would expect some to voice their anger and frustration at the lack of respect of the Ethiopian government towards them. Ethiopia’s killing and harassment of Somalis along the bogus borderline that divides between the two countries is not new. They used to kill Somalis at random like they did before in Dannood in the early sixties, Aisha’a in mid sixties and elsewhere. What is new today is the fact that there is no resistance on the Somali side, be it Huddur, Beled Weyne, Tog Wajaalle or Hariirad. So much has changed in Somalia and for the Somalis to the worst of course since the ouster of the last recognized central government of the late and often posthumously vilified Mohamed Siyad Barre. Ethiopians must be dancing on his grave and rubbing their hands in glee, while the clannish Somalis are competing for the help and protection of their old nemesis, Ethiopia. What a transformation! Ma annaa waalan mise Cadan (Aden) baa laga heesayaa? Am I crazy, or someone is singing from afar/ Aden? You look no further than the current situation in “Somaliland” and it’s squabbling over whom to hand in to the Ethiopians to become their latest victim to see how far Somalis have transformed from brave men and women who stood on their ground against the Ethiopian aggression since the days of Ahmed Gurey and the giant Makhtal Dahir to today’s self serving Abdi Mahmoud Omar, the current puppet president of Somali region. The current president comes after a long line of presidents who fall foul with Ethiopia’s strong man Meles Zenawi, who seems to have perfected the art of banging Somali heads together. Zenawi has now taken the back seat and let president Abdi do his dirty work in the Somali region in which the latter did not disappoint. Despite his effort to sell himself well to the big man, a docile attempt that failed his predecessors, sooner or later president Abdi will become another sorry statistic in the region with the blood of his fallen comrades in his hands. My blood boils and my stomach churns in anger and frustration when I hear some so-called Somali politicians particularly those in Somaliland and Puntland uttering such words as “our Ethiopian brothers” and similar shortsighted remarks. I have nothing against the Ethiopian population (I have to emphasize here) but there are no brothers in the Meles Camp but killers and mass murderers. Clannish Somalis must have the shortest memories of any human race on the whole universe. When did Ethiopian government become our best friend? Perhaps, since the collapse of the last Somali government. Have we not fought two bitter wars against them where we lost thousands of our brothers and sisters? Isn’t it Ethiopia that colluded with colonial powers during the infamous scramble for Africa to annex and occupy a large swathe of Somali territory to make its permanent land - the bone of contention of the current stalemate between the two people? Are we suggesting that we were mad when we fought against them in all those years and that our previous ancestors and their leaders were a bunch of ****** who led us to unwinnable wars? Or perhaps because Ethiopia gave sanctuary to people who fled Somalia during our fratricidal civil war that it has earned to become the best available friend overnight. Don’t forget Zenawi was living on Somali taxpayer’s money for a long time. We should ask ourselves what gave courage and determination to the peasant man from Gondar, Wallaga and Tigrey to come all the way to Wajaalle, Wardheer, Fiq, Beled Weyne and Bay and Bakool region to dictate for the hapless Somalis living in those regions? All these questions beg answers, and the answers may lie in our doorsteps. Shortly after the last Arab-Israeli war in 1973, Anwar Sadat, the then Egyptian president flew to Tel Aviv uninvited to initiate an unconditional peace accord with the Israelis to the surprise of the outside world and to the utter dismay of his fellow Arabs. A few years later a peace agreement between the two sides was signed in Camp David under the auspices of the US. The rest is history now as the Arabs were dealt a major blow by the said agreement as it gave a free hand to Israelis to meddle the Arab affairs. Similarly, the clan-based so-called liberation movements such as SSDF, SNM, SPM, etc. that ousted Siyad Barre and his last government in early 1990s have without any shadow of a doubt given Ethiopia the ultimate power to meddle in Somalia’s internal affairs. The so-called autonomous regions (Maamul-goboleedyo) that sprang to life after the disintegration of Somali state have further fuelled the Somali misery to the extent that Ethiopian forces can come at will and apprehend any Somali in his/her own backyard. In the case of Somaliland, Ethiopia has thrown the gauntlet to the newly-elected government of Ahmed Siilaanyo and labeled members of his cabinet as being Al Shabab sympathizers and Somaliweyn supporters. Consequently, the new government was all of a sudden on the back foot, and instead of confronting Ethiopia with facts, they simply caved in and started blaming their own people for the ONLF incursion, if there is one in the region. That is why Awdal elders are fighting back and the possibility of similar organization to SSC may not be ruled out in Awdal. In conclusion, Somalis should learn one or two things from the latest fiasco in Somaliland: no Somali is spared from the long and cruel arms of Ethiopia’s security forces no matter how proud and powerful your clan is. In the eyes of Ethiopia’s Zenawi, no Somali regional government is immune from Ethiopia’s intervention. Those clans pointing the finger at Awdal and Salal communities could have a similar fate at anytime. If it was southern Somalia who bore the brunt of Ethiopia’s aggression yesterday, it could be Somaliland tomorrow and nobody ain’t gonna do a thing about it. When Zenawi and fellow comrades were fighting against Mengistu’s Dergue regime many years back, there was a very popular political slogan among students, showing a picture of mass graves filled with human skeletons and the following message: THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP THEM UNITED. Borrowing a similar line from that popular slogan, the only way to confront the permanent Ethiopian threat and menace is to get rid of these banana republics (Somaliland and Puntland included) and bring back the Somali nation to its glorious past. Nothing else can stand in the way of Ethiopian regimes. Mohamed F Yabarag E-Mail: myabarag@yahooo.co.uk Source: WDN
  6. Xudeedi, It would be premature and unjust if I give you a comprehensive response at this point but rest assured something big is taking in that part of our country. Clearly SSC communities are not playing the tango smoothly but they are predominately convinced that their time has come and want eject invaders from their territories. In addition, many of SOLers do not see it now but something is cooking in Awdal State and the reincarnation of Maakhir State is a matter of interest. Combining all these may give you a glimpse of the determinants of the political landscape of northern Somalia. Finally, I believe the emergence of SSC, Awdal and Maakhir are good tools for the resurrection of Somali Republic, building blocks at its finest methinks.
  7. Xudeedi that is what is happening anyway, gradually but surely I say.
  8. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Galkacyo is the only city in Somalia which is administrated by two different regional clan states What about Erigavo?
  9. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Galkacyo is the only city in Somalia which is administrated by two different regional clan states What about Erigavo?
  10. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Galkacyo is the only city in Somalia which is administrated by two different regional clan states What about Erigavo?
  11. As long as recognition is conditional, we are talking about the same thing.
  12. If you at least recognized it is a silly question I'm rejoiced... To address your question, Somalia will return when justice returns, and when is it?, when every region becomes content with what it has.
  13. When will the recognition come it is been 20 years as well?
  14. Duke and Thankful are suffering from grandiose delusional disorder if you guys can not see trees from the forest and at least not realize PL's lack of self sustaining if its current policies maintained then psychiatrists and therapists must have plenty on their plates. PL admin has antagonized its constituents one after the other; SSC first and now Makhirities. BTW, producing an image of the freedom fighter Atam, what does it have to do with the lack of leadership in PL? PL has the potential to self correct and put her faults right but Duke and Thankful's blindly, clannish support of PL is indeed doing more harm than good. Xudeedi I will remind you what Nelson Mandela once said; no injustice/impunity can last forever therefore, let history takes its course and people of our regions are learning it in the harder way.... 'd man hears no the shot that kill him.
  15. Ethiopia will not recognize "Somaliland" because of geopolitical reasons. Clearly, Ethiopia's interests are served well in the status quo. SL, PL, and the TFG being friendly agents to her, where anything asked by Ethiopia to any of them expedited fast enough. If I would be in charge in Ethiopia and sit in Addis, I wouldn't antagonize either of them as long as my interests are served well... This is the immediate rejection against SL quest of recognition. The far reaching one is the uncertainty of the domino effect of the Ethiopian social fabric in proper if SL recognition is considered.... Zenawi proofed to be smarter than JB, X_X and Silaanyo's brains combined.
  16. Taleexi

    Somali Men

    are women what mold men? If yes is the answer then women need to do more on this front...as well..
  17. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Maxaabiistii baa xoog looga furtay markaauu ku leeyahay 'peaceful protest' indha adakkaa!. Reer abtigay bahashay dhoobdhoobayeen marba dhan baa buuq lagaga furayaa... Peaceful demonstration ow xaal qaado
  18. Afkii hooyo weli ma dhiman..... mahadsanid baadhow bal wuxuu weedho ereyga Q ka bilowda isku xidhiidhiyey dhugta.
  19. Great development... May Maakhir University succeed and feel the gap.
  20. Originally posted by Jacpher: ^Ever consider running for warlord? You'd make a fine warlord macalinka. Don't waste your time here as a cyber one. Run run run. Why not digest the message instead of name calling on the messenger.
  21. Norf: Your comments are impartial and biased. Your admin will never be able controlling the lands and the people it claims to represent..... As long as the indigenous ain't with you.