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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Dear Mr. Xudeedi, One thing we see eye-to-eye is that PL has indeed used our communities as bargaining chip over the years and as you put it eloquently, we are now dearly paying our deficiencies in the past, hence PL enclave alone can not be blamed, our narrow minded representatives including adeerkay Abdisamad & adeerkaa Ilka Jiir are to be blamed too. In the case of SL, actions speak louder than words saaxiib, I strongly disagree with you where you stated: SL has more clearer agenda/vision towards our regions, Saaxiib SL is more hostile and sinister to us, they don't just want to use us as bargaining chip, but want to make us irrelevant in our lands, they maim, kill, misplace our people as I write this note. Their land grabbing and expansionism policies are out there all to see. Yes I say, SL admin has an opportunity to reconcile among northern communities, but how Silanyo approached his first 100 days in office speaks in volumes, he is an old man, who is clannish to the marrow, his government composition attests to that. His inaction regarding the occupation of LA is also matter of interest. I hope I'm on the wrong side of this, but let time be the witness. Here comes what I envision for our regions; self reliance, self rule that can coexist in peace and harmony with our neighbors, of course unlike your approach, which is switching allegiance in subtle way from PL to SL as that will immense us in peace, prosperity and tranquil life. The bond we share with clans in PL and its geopolitical proximity are equally important or even stronger than SL. Finally, calling names to those who inhabit PL enclave won't do anything good to our political ambitions. Civil engagement is the way to go, mark my word, wherever our political destiny go, we will be still dealing with our brethren in PL in terms of trade, security, may be alliance and/ intermarriages. Even if you are divorcing your wife, it is modesty to do it with grace therefore, if we could not run an admin with our brothers let us so declare out in the open and draw a line in the sand instead of dancing around the issue and developing some symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.
  2. Xudeedi Regardless of our political associations, at the end of the day, Maakhir, SSC, PL, and Somaliland must coexist because other choices are too grim. I feel your frustrations in regards to Galgala and Majiyahan but your change of heart to the secessionist camp is like kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur .... The clanish dogma of Hargeisa admin is as bad as the one in Garowe if not worse. How dare you say that you are ok with the oppression and invasion of SL while our lands and people are under siege. You said Hargeisa admin is a reality to be reckoned with, be mind so SSC, Maakhir, and PL are.
  3. Originally posted by August 1st: Wiilkaaga nuur axmed, adeer nin taleex ku faanaya oo la magac baxay adigoo ah baan la yaabanahay waxa kaa qaylasiiyey uun. Ma cidlaad taagantahay? Adigaana lagugu eedeya laguna xantaa sadbursi iyo kursi reereed ku takri falkeeda. Nin madax ah baad tahay ee waa iga talo siin sida ummadaha jahwareersan ha u hasaawin inaadeer. Adeerkaaga iyo tol sokeeyahaa intaad ka dudey baa hadana na leedahay raggii laascaanood milishiyada keeney baa xoreynaysa. Dantaada eego oo labada Jaamac reerahooda kowda mar haku hor mareen ileen iyagaa maamulka hargeisa keensadaye laascaanood. Tan kale wiilka carada xun la tagtay oo madaxtinimada ku walaan rabo ee xaglotoosiye nin wax soo wado ma ahane yeenan raga ka dambeeya god idin qodin. Baadhe, horta marka fikir siyaasadeed laysku hayo in adeerkaa baa madaxweyne ku xigeen ah in laysula shiryimaado ma aha. The way I see it, Somalis' interests are intertwine and inseparable laakiinse haddii maamulka PL hagraday reer SSC iyo Maakhir, iyo beelo kaleba miyaaney daw u lahayn inay ka gadoodaan godobtaa lagu sameeyey? Midda kale, haddii hogaamiye Xaglatoosiye uu xukun ku waashay, immisa nin oo hore baa xukun idinkaga waashay, war miyaydaan tol ahayn bal hal nin oo xukun naga dhexmaray baad u adkaysan la'dihiin. Xagga Laas Caanoodna beelahaas aad sheegtay iyagaaba ugu horeeya xoraynteeda.
  4. I'm in agreement with that but my problem comes when one labels the rest criminals like the secessionists do. Gari laba nin kama wada qosliso, calling some folks' leaders, and political associations criminals how would SSC endeavor benefit it from?. Nevertheless, SSC is a just cause and needs to be mature, pragmatic and make itself more comprehensive in order it realizes its dreams.
  5. War nimanyahow markaad been isu jiibisaan baan idinla yaabaa.
  6. What my inaadeer to overlook is that our freedom fighters are someone else's criminals, at least as they see fit, and visa versa. Liibaan, do you see no one can have both ways?
  7. Originally posted by August 1st: ^Ina Shirow maxad tirsanaysa adigu oo kaa maqani? Hadalku laba shub buu kuugu dhacaa, ma maan hadalkaygaa ku dhibay, haddaan maamulka fadhiidka ah wax ka sheegay. Adeerkay baa VP ka ah iyo waxa madaxayga ku jira waa kala labo.
  8. Dhankaas waad ku saxan tahay oo islama diidanin, ee dhankaan marin habowday waa inaad wax ka sheegto habka gurucan ee maamulka PL uga taliyo deegaanaadaas iyo in sidan lagu sii jiri karayo.
  9. Peace is priceless commodity, Radio Garowe reporting it makes nonesense though, a mouthpiece of Farole's admin....
  10. SSC= Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. However, Manchester folks were creative enough coming up with other connotations that still, in essence, have conformity with SSC goals. That being Soomaali, Sinaan iyo Caddaalad.
  11. War ninkan Duke hadal cad caddaa, waxaad moodaa buuggii miinkaaf, amaba Marximska, amaba the Green book of Khadafi inuu saaka soo akhristey, adeer meel hoo doonaysa hadal waxba kama taro, PL leadership is failing both the land and its people, if you can see that then mercy lord.
  12. "God gave me the right to defend myself, my property and my land." by Captain-Mike, if your simple logic is taken into account then people of Awdal State, SSC and Maakhir deserve nothing less.
  13. Apparently, SSC is making uncomfortable the secessionist camp.
  14. PIS, PIS, bay hadaayaa ku muusonowdaa... Immisaan lahaa war PL ha la badbaadiyo, immisaan lahaa, war maamulka yaan la beellayn ee beelaha ha la wadaajiyo, immisaan lahaa war nabadgelyada yaan agoon laga dhigin, immisaan lahaa m..r.y.a.a.n.i.m.a.d.a Madaxweyne Faroole ha laga hor tago, mushkilada maamulka iyo shacaybka PL haysata ma aha mid maanta iyo shalay dhacday ee waa sheeko beryahanba isa soo taraysay, wixii reer PL isugu dulqaatay baa maanta midheheedii la guranayaa. Allow sahal ummuuraha.
  15. Originally posted by Xudeedi: ^Captain Puntlander, your cover was long blown so go entertain yourself. SSC will co-exist with Somaliland and develop to be a among the powers of Somalia. Qofkii wax fahmaya baa wax loo sheegaa.
  16. Karbaash iga dheh,,, Af noolina waa hadlaa eyna waa ciyaa.
  17. Originally posted by Captain_Mike20: loooooool, dreamers. I would advice you to spare your local population or what left of it, before its to late. because like i said before saxib, this is buhoodle verses the world, not SSC. Sool its largest city cainabo and las canod are part of Somaliland, says who...? SAYS MY MILITARY...! Sanag including its regional capital is mine, says who?? MY MILITARY ! so before you kill off the last bits of your population you should think twice. Your freedom of expression is enshrined in our books.
  18. Taleexi

    Somali Men

    Originally posted by nuune: ^^ We appreciate when they do this: Waxaas baa canjeelo dubis last dhahaa
  19. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Taleexi, No more Puntland na dhaaftay, Allah ha u naxariitu In 1998 people of SSC supported Puntland including current SSC leaders, do you know time changes things? Today people of SSC don't want to be part of so-called Puntland anymore, because Puntland like Somalidiid is fighting with SSC people and SSC freedom movement Puntland is NOT holy or sacred, people have right to leave a political entity, nothing is written in stone Most of secessionists including their leaders,before 1991 were supporters of Somaliweyn Riyaale was a spy for siyad, and the 80 years old warlord siilaanyo was minister for Siyad Well said and best to SSC. Nothing is written in stone indeed. Hope SSC leadership understands who their really enemy is.. For the record none including PL, SSC, SL or even Somalia is holly or sacred. Each is a political association of which its stakeholders are entitled to agree or disagree on its destiny.
  20. Ina Caydiid, awelba shaatigii aabihii buu ku noolaa, dee isna ka idlaa.
  21. Wallee waa Xinne Xiirey oo sidayda oo kale xuub siibtay, tolow muxuu cunay..... For the record, among all conflicting parties in ****-block, including PL camp, NSUM, and the gullible, intangible fraction that supports SL, SSC's agenda is the most holistic one, and thus I support it. With that said, my folks have to yet convince to large segments of my community when did they rescind PL enterprise? emotions should not based on everlasting decisions. Forget about PL, we even share more than Somalinimo with ****, those who are occupying our lands, and we are about to eject from our lands. [ September 22, 2010, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  22. War JB ma iskuulkaas baad aadi jirtey mise waad ag degenayd?