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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Gardarro Garab Og WQ: Farxiya Cabsiiye Source: WDN
  2. Good one, that waa sheekadii Soomaali diidka, ma doonayo in lagu qaado sharcigaa mubaadiniinta.
  3. Mubaadiniin aan waxba galabsan, iyagoo weliba dalkoodii hooyo jooga, in layska qabqabsado waa damiir xumanimo iyo weliba gef ehelnimo. Siyaasada gurucan ee waxashnimada leh ee SL ku hayso qaybo dadyowga waqooyiga dega ka mid ah siyaabo ku haboon in lagula dagaalamo waa lama huraan, balse fal celiskan ka dhacay Gaalkacayo aad baan uga soo horjeedaa.
  4. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Xudeeydi indeed Somaliland will never harm or attack their people from maakhir, Somaliland will never try to influence you tribally Somaliland’s message is simple it’s based on interest and on consensus and living in peace and harmony as equal citizens and we shall indeed prosper. On the other hand you have the pirate state who are willing to steal the rich resources from the maakhir region using bullets and their military might to force the people from the maakhir region to submit to the clan administration in garowe. And that’s not all they try to label them as terrorist in the mean time they claim to represent these people in their clannish parliament in garowe. The irony. Ma aanu illaabin: Buhodleh & Widh Widh Massacre Xingalool Massacre Xudun Massacre LA occupation, maiming, killing, and raping her people. SL's fascism and ethnic cleansing policies must be treated as a real threat that will endanger the coexistence among the communities in the north. We've to fight them collectively as our life depends on it.
  5. Dhankaan ka hadlay waa kaa Gallad dhaafay hadalkiiye, an opinion remains to be merely an opinion, do Maakhirities, or their majority see that their interests are served well under SL admin.
  6. Nabadgelyo iska kaashi waa sexy subject but there is some sinister smelling out of it.
  7. While you are in your Google account you can draft an email and send it on behalf of your other accounts. Very neat indeed.
  8. While you are in your Google account you can draft an email and send it on behalf of your other accounts. Very neat indeed.
  9. On my end, I can not reproduce that fault.
  10. Ciidamada SSC oo Soo Bandhigay dhoolatus Source: Boocame
  11. How many clan enclaves are in the pipe then Kenya to entertain for recognition?
  12. Xudeedi , horta nothing I called holly. Maakhirities have every damn right to associate or align with any entity that they see serves their interests well but if history is any indicator We, SSC, have experimented the phenomena of dual allegience. Unfortunately, we are still reaping its miseries and thus I wanted you guys learn something from other' s mistakes, in this case from us. According to your remarks, this guy left from PL to SL, he is there to raise fund for the hospital this indeed sounds deja vu all over again. It is a proven fact, as long as people are divided, they are susceptible to manipulation. Are you denying a segment of Maakhirities support PL? The way forward is to consolidate local resources and political leadership, and to be independent from those who shuttle between Garowe and Hargeisa and even stigmatizing them is a must in my books. Finally, SSC has no choice but to fight and pay their blood for the sake of our freedom, may be Maakhirities can achieve the same thing for peaceful means and in their endeavor to this end I say best to them [ September 27, 2010, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  13. Timir PL reerkiinaa dubtay ee maadhow hadal tirada iga daa.
  14. Some merchants of SSC & Maakhir never fail to disappoint you sometimes.
  15. Open up a new thread for the indha shareerka proliferation in Somali peninsula, the theme of this is for the engagement shown by these women Maakhir University.
  16. "Fund-ees", if that is a word, have to be blamed too why? because if you are in a leadership position, you are not only a leader for your subclan but rather for all clans in your dominion therefore, if you misuse your power and subjugate others then you are as well to be blamed.
  17. I think this approach will further make irrelevant the aspirations of our regions, as PL and SL entities get the big sums, our regions will be kept on the dark as it has been. The only viable way to be visible oo adduunka laysula socodsiiyo waa in nin walbaa goobtiisa ka taliyo inta Soomaaliyi isu imanayso.
  18. Good criterion Xiin, I will add something to it when time permits.
  19. It is a good indicator of how hard it is to be free without local infrastructure in place, local robust economy established and sustainable self-reliance system being adapted. This reminds me, when Secessionist militia attacked Widhwidh and Buhoodle, Somtel played the same tactic such as the heinous crimes comitted so call SL not get publicity. Let this incident, Galgala folks and others in similar situations take it as lessons learned.
  20. Oo hadda ma aqoon kororsigii afka hooyo baa dhib noqday. War bar amaba baro haddaadan garanayn.
  21. SL doesn't deserve recognition when considered its current political orientations.