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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Geelu marba xeraduu joogo baa u xaq leh, xaaraan ma galo bay ahayd the last Somali Convention I've heard. Ibti: Wiki alone wouldn't do that much of reference.
  2. , waad iga qoslisay, Abtiyaday anaa kaa aqaan oo wuxuun bay samayn lahaayeen.. Xaji;;;; maxaa horta walaalahay lagaa siiyaa, teeda kale markaad tidhi ssc is part of somaliland and my army will always protect the people of ssc, what have you been smoking abti?
  3. How dare you make such booto!, SSC Dervishes are on my side
  4. Great development... Haddii tol la yahay reer Maakhir, ha layla xididsiiyo waaba gabdho hot ah.
  5. SNM Militia, don't they do any exercises? they look a bit out of shape?
  6. Secessionists have no cloths, is there anything to be amused with such a tragedy?
  7. Smart move President Yusuf that you lost weight. Keep exercising!
  8. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Suldaanka inadeer the soldiers are just going there to protect the people From these terrorist. But i do agree we will indeed build schools and hospitals etc in the region. My freedom fighters are your terrorists. Your triangle cities need schools and health centers.... My people need peace, if the clan enclave' s policies of expansion and isaqification not challenged collectively, cawaaqib xumada halkaa ka dhalata yaan waxba layga siin.... Our war of necessity will go on, and let us see how your of choice ends up.
  9. Do you have anything else to say that pertains to the discussion set forth?
  10. Some can not see trees from the forest. They say the one-eyed among the blind is their king. On my observations as a former engineer but business guru today; Dahabshiil is the best among other agencies in similar business settings. However, that doesn't mean the Jewel of Somali Hawalas' (DSH) actions are either warranted or sanctioned. It does good and bad, and some folks here have to digest that or hang themselves, that is all.
  11. Burco, wax kasta xamaasad way kicin karaan
  12. Che... I wanted to list chronological complaints about it but until the gullible masses take punitive actions against any entity that doesn't serve their interests well, including DSH... I will be an observer.
  13. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: People people, I'm sure Hargeysa has its charms, that said nothing beats Bilaajo Carab n Yaaqshiid With a condition, considering its yesteryears.
  14. Originally posted by The Zack: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote: Originally posted by The Zack: Been badanaa LOOL. Xamar, as destroyed as it is, is way more beautiful than any other city/town in Somalia. LoL, weird. I just wrote something similar to this in a minute ago on another thread. Weird walaahi, very coincidence. MMA, Great minds think hee? JK, it is a fact that no other city, town, tuulo, or xaafad in Somalia can be as beautiful as some parts of Xamar are. It is just a fact, bro. Even after it has been destroyed over and over. That is an intellectual insult, isn't it? .... Mogadishu has a natural beauty but for now it is a hell on earth.