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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Malika: Sarcastically, I was dispatching you to see Godane. Please don't ever go in his sight unless you want to be one of his wives yacni aad isu hibaynaysid Che: Waa runtaa oo haddaanu reer waqooyi nahay we are sometimes in between the two extremes, no moderation at the times one may think.
  2. Abdi380 Adeer gar baad leedahay ee soo dhowow oo ganbar gaaban ku soo fadhiiso.
  3. Originally posted by Som@li: War Nassir waxaan xagaad ka soo quftaa. Diintiisu Isaga Illaah bay ka dhexaysaa, Muwaadin Soomaali ah buu ahaa. Habeen dhoweyd oo aan booqday NASSIR gurigiisa anigaaba ka yaabay, waxaanba is mooday inaan caalam kale joogo, war gurigiisu waa carwo buug iyo waxyaalo kale oo badanba hodan ku ah.
  4. Malika: Tell that to Godane and Roobow and do share what you may encounter
  5. 20 sano oo good, ugly iyo bad-ba lahaa iga dheh. Illaahay armarkiis.
  6. Illaahay amarkiis is his motto... mid dhego xidhan, hadday doontana ha dhego la'aato Wallee kani waa jaajaale dhab ah...
  7. The significance about him is that he was an accepted murtad among his kin. Not only was that he a prominent one. An irony you may say but that is the fact.
  8. Saaxiib PL can not go on in its current formation of pursuit of happiness. Fariidna waa ogyahay, doqona iga daa warkiisa, It has to be federalized; Makhir, Darwiish and North Eastern states should be envisaged. Anything less will lead us no where and you know it but you are just in a grandiose delusional, aint you?
  9. Saaxiib dadka la laynayo bilaa macnaha, iyo dalka la duminayo baan ka diiray.
  10. War Ngonge iyo Xiinow haddaanu tashanay maad na dhigtaan. PL-na Atam bay ka dhammaan weyday. SL-na calamo buluug ah baa Boorame ka buuxa bay ka dhammaan waayeen. Geeridaada raagtaa geel dhalayana waa ku tustaa.
  11. Ma caydii baa bilaabantay, armuu nacasku soo rogaal celiyaa?
  12. PL is in a panic mode. Can it hold together? The sinister from all this is that PL displays military might and some sort of shallow unison where not needed.
  13. A known fact Prof. Pham is a revisionist of history and an impartial figure when it comes to Somali political discourse. In this regard, whatever he says needs to be scrutinized. Pham does not hide his true colors of balkanizing Somalia and that is something Somalis need to be aware of, be secessionist, SSCist, Puntlander, Galmudegelese Benaderi or what have you.
  14. Ismalura: It seems that the desciplining will go on without consideration of our mixed feelings.
  15. Originally posted by Prometheus: ^ Wadaadku wuxuu leeyahay waa caruur cago weyn. War Maadey arrintaa afka haw gelin
  16. Originally posted by NinaNC: Qaxii meeshan ayaa joogey 2 bilood, I still remember it like it was last night before 23:00 hrs. Ciyaal Waamada arkahee? kuwaan yaa kaluun ku dherbaaxa? MMA, suaashaas aad ayey u fududeyd. Meeshan ma Sambuusaa.... I vividly remember visiting there my days in Ceel Jaalle in Marka Caddeey.... Marka Caddeey minankow Cismaanka iga dheh
  17. Went through red light this morning with no casualties whatsoever... morning coffee helps. Have a nice weekend.
  18. The likes of Thankful are making PL entity to be more and more one sub clan enclave and enterprise...... History attests that Galgala conflict was treated differently than Yusuf vs Ali Jama....... Don't PL broke it thus, must own it.
  19. This is not a unique phenomena to UK. Even my state, Cali, is considering similar measures. However, in the short term, lots of people will be hit hard but in the long term, most of the populace and the state will be better off. I see the point of those who claim nothing good will come out less enjoyment coupled with higher work force. If history is any indicator, the economy will self correct, people will go back to school, the state will decrease dramatically its deficit..... Thereafter, life will be normal again therefore nothing to be alarmed except adjustment must be in order.