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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. CH: Be mind, all people aren't on equal footing in terms of analogical reasoning and analytical thinking. It is a fact that people make decisions about their lives based on information available to them at the time thus, you can't generalize the entire population....... To tune in in the same frequency. Adiguse in yar oo aan dhib kuu geysanayn haddii lagu edbiyo maxaad ku diiday, unionkiina la badbaadiyo:)
  2. Ma in lays yara edbiyo baa waxan oo dhib ah keentay?
  3. Ihan hyvin, menin Vaasa Ammatti Korkeakoulu, ja toin Nokiassa Salossa.... mutta olen Kaliforniassa talla hetkella!.. Jag can ocksa svenska koska Vaasassa molemat kielit ovat puhelut, aiko nain?
  4. This reminds me my days in Nordic countries in particular Finland. We were in a mixture of locals and international students, and there was a Somali girl named Muna dheer, as our conversation and socializing were in a full swing, all of a sudden one Somali dude called Muna Dheer in Finnish form, it turn out pitka Munaa, which means long dick, all Finnish people were falling on the floor laughing until the confusion became apparent.
  5. Ka waran markuu leeyahay adoo qayil u diyaar garoobay ay koox tabliiq ahi kuu timaado.
  6. Good night guys... hope you all have a lovely Monday.
  7. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Waa hagaag aan ku hor maro qaybta hore ee gabayga: Dhool caano lagoo soo lisay, oo yara dhanaanaaday Dhool waa hal (she camel) magaceed, yare dhanaanaaday = waa caanuhu markay suusac noqdaan. Marka aad dhadhamisaa jidhkaba, dhidid ku qooyaaye Hal koob markaad ka laacdid, markaas baa wareer kuugu danbeeya, kama duwana adoo the blessed leaves buf ka siiyey oo kale Nin dhadhamiyey wuu garanayaa, dhul ay qaboojaane, You only know the effect of camel milk if you only drink/experiment it. Waxa dhaba habeenkaa ninkii, dhamma galxoorkooda Tani anigayba igu yare adag tahay any volunteers I ask. dhama galxoorkooda waxaa weeye yacni dhama caanahooda. Qodxihii dhallaanimo ku galaa, kaaga soo dhiciye In a nutshell your childhood miseries will be erased from your memory for good. Qaybta labaad ee gabaygu waxay ka hadlaysaa sida casriyaysan ee loogu dabakhay gabayga waqtigan aan joogno, ee bal hoos ka dheeho fasirkiisa. Allow Alle Dhuuxaa karaaciinka iyo, dhirahaan qooshaayo War karaaciinku ma calooshuu ahaa mise madaxa, miduun ka soo qaad iyo dhirahan qooshaayo, dee waa today's smoothes iyo what have you Qushkii dhallaanimo kugu galaa, kaaga soo dhiciye Oo la micno ah wax kasta oo xun oo kugu dhacay caruurnimadaadii baad ku ilaawaysaa. Hope that helps.
  8. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Run sheeg waa belo sheeg baa soomaaliyi hore u tiri, wax toosi uun baan is lahaa, ee marna aflagaado meesha uma iman. Mida kale, Ninay hashaasi summadii reerkayaga bay leedahay ee xaggaad sawirkeeda ka soo heshay? Alla maxaan caano ka dhamay oo weliba duur cidla ciirsi la'a ah la maray. Bal tixdan ila yara eeg: .... Dhool caano lagoo soo lisay, oo yara dhanaanaaday Marka aad dhadhamisaa jidhkaba, dhidid ku qooyaaye Nin dhadhamiyey wuu garanayaa, dhul ay qaboojaane Waxa dhaba habeenkaa ninkii, dhamma galxoorkooda Qodxihii dhallaanimo ku galaa, kaaga soo dhiciye…” Sidaas buu gabaygu ahaan jirey haddase waa la casriyeey maadaama geel jiruhu gabaabsi noqday, oo qurbo la soo wada galay, bal hoos ka yare dheeho sida loo bedelay. Dhuuxaa karaaciinka iyo, dhirahaan qooshaayo Nin dhadhamiyey wuu garanayaa, dhul ay qaboojaane Dhufashada malqaacaddaa farxadi, kugu dhammaataaye Dhumuq markaad ka siisaa jidhkaba, dhidid ku qooyaaye Waxa dhaba habeenkaa haddii, roodhi lagu dhuuqo Qushkii dhallaanimo kugu galaa, kaaga soo dhiciye… Hana iga gaagixin oo geela dhankiisa marna ha iga marin
  9. No question about it that the newly appointed PM made some political gaffes in his thesis and, he also showed a limited knowledge about Somali history. Nevertheless, in order we have continual process let us support him when he is right and hinder him when he is at fault. He has only one year left, hasn't he?
  10. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Ogow meel Turufo lagu hayo musuqmaasuq kama madhna
  11. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Originally posted by NinaNC: ^^^ciyaalka xaafada waa group ka wada tashta arrimaha gudaha. Degmooyinkeena dhan ayaan isu wada keeney oo hal maamul u sameyney. lol Che ayaan ka war sugaynaa. p.s. peace kii helaa barwaaqeysan 4.5 miyaa ciyaalka xaafadana kuraasta ku qaybsadaan? mise nidaam kale baa jira?
  12. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Marka wax laguu sheegaa wax garataa the serenity of the backdrops and the tranquil coupled with joy that is radiating from the figures' faces indeed point the existence of peace. Nina: Waxaan warka jilcinayaa marka Che inoo jilciyo wuxuu uga jeeday ereyadaa kor ku xusan. Teeda kale, obosiibooyinka xaafada miyaa la wada haystaa?, anna saborloogo been been ah baan wax ku doonayaa:)
  13. Originally posted by NASSIR: Farmajo seems to hold the same biased views as Faisal Roble and their knowledge of Somali history and governance is quite very limited. Was it too much of Barre's political influence? Farmajo however demonstrates in his thesis nationalist sentiments and pride that the general public holds. It's important to note the first Government in Italian Somaliland' was formed on May 7, 1956 by the prime minister-designate Abdullahi Isse (RIP). The clan composition of his 6-member cabinet reveals the first application of nepotism and cronyism. The performance of the responsibilities tasked with his government was not that impressive even though the UN Trusteeship committee decided to accelerate the date of our independence. In the north, the Somalization of higher positions had started a little late . The distinction of the first high commissioner in "Somaliland" and then governor of Las Anod and Berbera went to Imaan Dhorre, (son in law of Sultan Mohamed Ali). The USP which was subsequently formed by Sultan Mohamud as chairman in Las Anod was also very intrumental for the merger of the two regions and the Somalization of higher positions, held previously by British Officers. After the merger, there were two major camps that fiercely contended for the premiership. And the selection of the PM was based on the same power-sharing formula we use today, albeit in different version, between the major clan-families. At one time, Egal and Abdullahi Isse camp lobbied for the selection of Qablan (A highly educated Southern ***** politican) for the president of National Assembly to forestall the chances of Abdirashid securing the premier post. The Adan-Abdirashid camp however prevailed over Qablan who declined to run for the post. Adan-Abdirashid outmanouvered the other camp by having Abdullahi Jama Ghalib (cousin of Egal) get elected for the Speaker. Neither Abdullahi Isse nor Egal could become the PM. [/quote Good input Mr. Nassir as always.
  14. Aaliyah: You can only reason with those who are fair, just and rational. Walaalaheena reer Hargeiysa iyo Buroa markay soo miyirsadaan, cagahana dhulka dhigaan, oo weliba iimaansadaan waxay xaq u leeyihiin markaas hadal waa la furi karaa. Wixii intaa ka soo hadha waa I jiid aan ku jiidee waa gacmo daalis
  15. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by Taleexi: Thanks guys.... One question though, I watched the buraanburka from the lady in Boston event. Daa..roo.. d.ku ma quraysh buu galaa?.... Runtii way iga There was a Boston event? That is what she said . Refer to the above links.
  16. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Che_yow ma Wardhiigley baad ku soo kortay, you seem well versed lahjada xididkay
  17. Weynakaa hadaba weynakaa anoo more bantu ah haddii la yidhi quresh baa gashaa, Allow Alle. Aliyah: ta buraanburka waan sii wadi karayey balse inaan xas iyo reero muskood kala dhaco baan ka baqay:)
  18. Buraanburku wuu fiicnaa balse waxa iga qosliyey uun baan sheegay. Waxaan is idhi haddii habar waliba Quresh baan galaa tidhaahdo, tolow yaa bantu gala
  19. Aliyah: Sheekadii waa laysaga daba yimi. sidaad gabayga noogu qabsanteenba annaguba, ka rag ahaan, marmar baanu jac ka yare siinaa. Bal kan yare akhriso aan kuu tiriyey : ooo, ooo, eey inantii darwiisheey Ooo, eeey... War bal Che iyo Xaaji-ow ku dardara
  20. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Nina: Oo haddaad amen tidhaa, Allena aqbalo, saw talo kugu cadaan mayso:)