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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;911872 wrote: Xaasha nin weyn baan ahay hooyo waxba kama sheegin ,slaamoyinka oo dhan ya ku yidhi hooyooyin weye imisa ayaan waxba dhalin. Kuwaan waxba dhalin baanba ugu jeclahay.
  2. Car garo sababta there is no content in here?
  3. , Axmadullilaah I'm divorcee., Sh-it fooqal sh-it waa iga fakatay.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;912177 wrote: An honest advise for the Khatumo folks, the best way to keep their land safe so they can safeguard it and develop it to the fullest is if they come to an agreement with the SL government. They can even win some sort of autonomy with in Somaliland, instead of wasting its resources on creating a federal state under Somalia which is out of their reach , for several reasons, in Somalia the criteria is to have 2 region or more. Khatumo doesn't even control the entire eastern sool. And have a hard time to enforce the law of the land , that of Khatumo in their regions. Puntland trespasses Khatumo territory in eastern Sool. Khatumo rejects this but there is little they can do about it they dont have the means to safeguard their territory. Even if they succeed to evict SL from Laascanood and the vast majority of Sool. They still don't fulfill the criteria to be a federal state under the jurisdiction of Somalia remember 2 regions or more. No friends in the region Puntland to the east claims Khatumo territory and will not stop claiming it and the goverment in Mogadishu cannot give its support it doesn't want to lose PL as an ally. Nor does it wants to jeopardize the upcoming talks with the SL government. Khatumo needs to make a few decisions real fast before its to late don't listen to Xiinfaniin the faroole agents do not really care for Khatumo. And i think they will wisdom kama dhamaan guriga Khatumo ileen rag tallo kama dhamaato bay Somalidu ku mah mahan eh. Thanks for the advice and here comes mind: Leave Khatumo, Makhir to their own devices, promote peace and respect the wishes of others if you only care getting back the same or rely only on the barrel of gun to achieve your ends in this case expect a similar reaction. Insofar Somali Federal Structure is concerned; 90 percentile of Sool goes to Khatumo folks, southern Togdheer has become Ain with Buhodle being its capital, most of Sanaag landmass is a home of Makhir and Khatumo thus, Khatumo may need to do some politiking but it has what it takes to be a federal state, your SL is in the same situation, there are no two regions that are exclusive to your clan, Forget about Awdal, southern Togdheer has been annexed to Ain, on the west of Sanaag your clan resides and Waqooyi Galbeed is not an exclusive region therefore, your situation is murkier than mine . You've not only loose international recognition but you've to draft some convincing argument as Khatumo to be a federal state if at all possible. In the case of Pl, I care less what they say when they are in Garowe as long as they don't kill the innocent, elderly, weak and use rape as a means of subjugation. PS: I'm arguing like that and I know for a fact or at least foresee the demise of all clan states including mine once they reach their maturity but Khatumo is a transient remedy to your likes who've been infected.
  5. By Safi Abdi Jan 24, 2013 A fulltime homemaker, and native of Somalia, I can tell you that I have firsthand knowledge of both of these two entities and know full well how they operate; so you would say, I am certainly not talking out of my hat. Reason tells us that when you want to build a house for yourself, there’s a few things that you would need to do. And unless you are a spider, or uncivilized, you wouldn’t make a dash for your neighbor’s house, without taking into consideration the consequences of your actions. Therefore, the first thing you’ll need to do before you embark on your project is to secure a space of your own, so as to build your home on safe grounds. We do not need a scientist to tell us what spiders do when they get the urge for accommodation. As any housewife would tell you, you may go off on that vacation, but don’t you blame me if you find little aliens dangling down from your ceiling or from under your bed, on your return. In case you didn’t know, spiders don’t know how to ask, nor do they have any scruples about messing up your system. Read more - http://wardheernews.com/public_html/Articles%202013/Jan/24_Silanyo_Safi.html
  6. Warsaxaafadeed 25 Janaayo, 2013 Ku: Oba, afhayeenka madaxweynaha ee SOL Timajaraha madaxweynuhu xariif ma aha ee ha iska bedelo. Qaderin, Taleexi
  7. I concur. Banning the khat/Qat is for sure not the solution however, the idea seems to be s-exy and appealing.
  8. I hope Ethiopia doesn't disintegrate because the ramifications of such phenomena may be unprecedented and have a far reaching consequence in the horn. Political justice is what Ethiopia needs.
  9. 'Liibaan';910505 wrote: http://youtu.be/6DI6rBs7IY8 " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Xuskii Sanad Guurada Khaatumo State - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia War Lii, ciyaartan ninkii bartaa cholesterol waa is deynayaan. Caashaq digaag baan ahay sannad walba mid baan jeclaadaa sidaas darteed taa yar ee boodaysa ma igu war dhaantaa?
  10. Saalax;911728 wrote: That is because you don't have the means whether it is intelligence nor force. You tried it with the Mad Mullah as the foot soldiers but miserably failed as always, Khaatumo will follow suit sometime in the future. Khaatumo is a reality in Taleex village, that is about it. What about the queen's offspring ? .. We shall leave it there buddy.
  11. Saalax;911725 wrote: What a dejected person you are, after having no principles you now want to drift away from the reality further. There is disagreements between those places you cited,Puntland for example denies the existence of Khaatumo. We don't impose people what to believe or what not to believe thus, we've created a reality and Khatumo doesn't need the approval of anyone. Fariintii horena dib ugu noqo bal inaad wax ka fahanto baa laga yaabaaye.
  12. Jacpher;911565 wrote: ^who wrote this Sarah Palin? Africa is not one country. Sidaas u badi. I pray that Africa doesn't become one country.
  13. Saalax;911716 wrote: Taleexi Labadeena ya daryeel uu bahan ma ninkagan jirjiroolaha ah mar tageera Puntland marna Khaatumo marna Koonfurta Somalia. Ma'abda ma lihiid. Have some principles first young lad. In the grand scheme of things Mogadishu, Garowe and LA believe one Somalia hence no disagreement however the semantics of each one's specific interests are diffident. Way adag tahay bahasha kala saafto maadaama cajaladi kaa dhex hadlayso - eject button-kiina uu malfunction yahay.
  14. I swear ... Whenever I travel and drive in a new metropolitan after two days I neither use maps nor gps' 90% of the time.
  15. Wadani;911718 wrote: Taleexi either u have comprehension problems or u don't read any of my posts. I noticed that with Aaliyah and Malika too. Anaa waalan oo kolba idiinka hiilinaya tolkay, balse waan loo noqon doonin. Ish. Wadani, Maroodigu takarta saaran ma arkee, ta kan kale saaran buu arkaa however, breath, live and die for your dogmatic tribalism and I will suffer from my comprehension problems. Name calling helps sometimes . SL should leave alone Khatumo and Makhir lands if it wants to live side by side in peace with its neighbors. 2+2 = ?
  16. Naxar, casharadu waxay anfacaan qofkii dhego daloola leh, qalbi furan oo weeleeya leh balse iska wad Madax muuqda iyo mindi af daran midna lagama sabro'e. Rest assured, Khatumo struggle is maturing and in the point of no return. At the end they shall be victories - no injustice can last forever but it is a prerequisite that Khatumites realize their freedom is not free and has a price tag.
  17. Saalax, daryeel baad u baahan tahay waxaanse ka xumahay adeeg caafimaadkii kugu habboonaan lahaa SOL laguma hayo
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;911621 wrote: Marmar baad sida slaamah xaawalayda u hadasha Hooyooyinka afkaaga ka jeedi never the less this is a good development.
  19. Wadani;911705 wrote: Stoic should learn sida loo kala dago when it comes to Somaliland. I'm sure he'll be surprised. Sool and Sanaag r definitely shared by various clans. And then what business do you have in Khatumo territories?, everyone is on-board and the ship is sinking saxib. And Khatumo shall prevail.
  20. Wadani;911560 wrote: I'm not hypocritical nor am I a warmonger. Like I said if the majority of your people want to seperate from the Hargaysa admin then I support them. But you shouldn't deny that there are divisions within the clan over this. Some support SL, some Puntland and the others Khaatumo. Rants remain only to be rants .. Why are your boys digging their graves in Khatumo yards?, Fowsia represents your clan in the federal structure, be mind the fallacy of your logic therein. Clearly, your clan enclave will neither have a recognition nor political power it wishes through its hypocrisy and double standards. Your clan map has to be taken back to the photoshop and be redrawn, heed my advice lad. Sheeko xariirtii waa dhammaatay, difference of opinion exist in Khatumites but they are in unison to be the architects of their destiny. The president and co are slipping a chance to condemn such naked aggressions in return they may gain more confidence.
  21. Si anshax ku jiro Alpha wax ha loogu sharaxo.
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;910520 wrote: Some people really dont get it cigaal silanyo tuur were the closest union matter infact vast majority of snm were unionist The. People said no to mogadsiho not the politicians some people really think the politicians are holding people hostage. Its not like that my friend go to somaliland speak to the people snm wanted some fair union in 1991 But the people said mogadisho has nothing to offer us eeh ina goyaa Not my people, for decency sake speak on behalf of your kin folks alone !
  23. Carafaat;910262 wrote: War hada nabad rabtid. Qoriga dhig oo isku dhiib dawlada Somalia ama Somaliland. Choice kale ma jirto. Or may be the other way around