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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. War ninyahow anigu bilaajo carab iyo meeshii kale ee raggaa lagu sheegoba waan ka warwareegi jirey... oo raggaas halkii ninkii Ciise iska taagay, baan anna ka taagnahay
  2. CH & Che: Let us not entertain ourselves in a grandious delusional. We've been proud people once who could claim 100% Muslims, had no gays, and used to work hard, respected elders and guests. Unless we get to the bottom of this, we will be singing in a vacuum for a long time. It is essential that we address our social predicaments including but aint limited to; dysfunctional families in our midst, neglected children, fattening xaraam and ill-gained material wealth in our bellies. By all accounts, the core values of our social fabric are crumbling in front of our own eyes and, we are numb. Rest assured, nothing will change unless we, on individual level, reassess our deeds. Wixii intaa ka soo hadha waa shimbirayohow heesa, heesa heesa!, halkan soo fadhiista, kaalaya hortayda
  3. Illaahay ceebteena asturi maayo ilaa aynu falcelis la nimaadno. At least sunnada Weynuhu wax iska jeclaysi ma aha.... balse inay ka soo raynayso waa iska mala'awaali karnaa oo weliba isku maaweelin karnaa aniguse isma odhan Illaahay amarkii
  4. Secessionists should refrain from making any scores the public discontent with the PL admin.
  5. Saaxiibow maradaa shiidka ah, ee diillimaha badan, waan ku xajiimoodaa ee iga daa. Balse kii cirka uu ekaa ee xiddigtu badhtanka kaga suntanayd, ma qashinkaa lagu darayaa?
  6. Khadarow: Inamada daa inta guryohoodii lagaga celinayo, xoog iyo xeelad tay doonto ha ahaatee, gar bay u leeyihiin inay isu jiibiyaan.
  7. CarmeloBrown: ku soo dhowaynay, oo ku soo dhowaynay ee bal hal su'aal nooga jawaab, adoo weliba raali ah, muxuu yahay your other nick on SOL?
  8. I neither expected the TFG to be fully functional nor to be successful. With that said, I'm a great proponent of continuity... clearly, nation building takes time and change doesn't happen overnight therefore I wanted to see new faces on the cabinet. Btw, we are putting the cart before the horse, we don't even know if the said list is an authentic one. Maxaase ku tusay naive-nimadayda adba aqoonsigii aad rimay gacmeedka ku waday 20-ka sano, kama aan hadline. Maxaase ka khaldan aragtida ah inaan mala' awaasho in dawlad fiican Soomaaliya u dhalato? Alla dadka qaar baan la yaabaa naive-nimadooda
  9. Alla muxuu qoraagii dhambaalkani af-soomaaliga ka aradnaa bal muu iska yidhaahdo Haweenayda Sannadka Illaahay amarkii
  10. Congrats to Dr. Xaawo and her daughters but be mind they deserve more than that. Best of lucky to the trio!
  11. It is a great project worth undertaking. Such mega projects are what Africa needs. Unfortunately, Somalia isn't party of these intercontinental projects considering the importance of its strategic geographical location, it should be an ideal place for direct investments but the place is lacking semblance of governance and security. Sadly, all self inflicted. Thnx Nassir for sharing this.
  12. Waan garowsay hogatusaalayntaada. Timir-na nin fog ma aha balse xamaasaddii baa xambaaro la heshay, oo u yare been guurtay. Yaan la illaawin, ninkani wuxuu jaggada ku helay African-American platform'e. Koleyba waxay aniga igula quruxbadnayd in lagaga hadho nin Soomaali ah baa guulaystay, Illaahay amarkiis
  13. Xaaji : You would be surprised if I tell you he is my real uncle and his son, my cousin, visited me last week complaining about how much I critique PL admin's performance..... I told him I'm a stakeholder on this enterprise and have the right to offend and, offer where my enlightenment is needed. Qandalawi: War ninyahow duriyadaa sidaa tidhi annaguna waa ka daba oranaynaa miyaa xaalku? Iyagaanuba rabnaa inaan qaranka Soomaaliya dib ugu soo dabaalo ee naga daaya ethnic this, ethnic that-ka........let us not be reactionary that is all I wanted to say.
  14. I've been long time Blackberry user and recently switched to NOT iPhone but android based phone. To be honest, by all accounts open source OS based phones are the way forward like linux is. iPhone is fancy but its restrictions in terms of carrier and its OS I wouldn't recommend.... samething applies to Blackberries and Palms.... However, competition is good and peoples' choices should be respected.
  15. The book is in my possession and I read it. I must say it is a good read not to mention the author is a Somali political pundit. Nevertheless, like any other book it should be examined and critiqued. Both its strengths and weaknesses should be put under the radar.
  16. PUNT-LAND NEEDS A STRUCTURAL REFORM WITH MAAKHIR FOLKS AT THE FOREFRONT. BY AHMED OSMAN DIRIE Dear readers, We have seen the arrogance and cynicism of our appointed leaders and the near collapse of a political system our people championed. How can we regain our relative peace and governance back while putting the grand ambitions of self-interested politicians to an end. Yes the Maakhir Diaspora (esp the Dubai and Minneapolis residents and businessmen) have given unlimited contributions to their sole candidate and his political platform to turn around our dismal economic conditions. Yes he promised to strengthen the security of the ancient coastal city of Laas Qoray and win or privide grants for the functions of the management structure already set up in order to pave the way for the final re-construction of its port. Given that Puntland has shown no plans to revitalize cities in Sanaag and western Bari regions or support local Co-operative Societies in Maakhir, the only alternative option I can now imagine is the adoption of a new strategy. The details or the method of its implementation is practically left for the reformers of the state. But it has to be a peaceful method. One of which could be how to help the state achieve comprehensive peace while pursuing its national aim and objectives. We have to encourage a policy of Diaspora return and investment as to bridge the widening gap of social needs and to stop the brain drain. Entering the national debate and process of forming viable political parties in Puntland has been an ongoing trend. I foresee the multi-party system shall rein in the excesses of tribalism, positively influence policymakers and hold our leaders accountable. This popular electorate could be a viable solution to our societal ills and the essence of our young democracy in Puntland. (A democracy that is based on the traditional role of our elders and sultans on ocassions that demand the application of conflict resolution on sensitive matters is insufficient). I acknowledge more social and political space is needed for the press and the media to exercise their constitutional right to inform, investigate and have direct access to politicians and elected officials' public records. The time has come for the Puntlanders to cast themselves not only as the gatekeepers of our common interest, peace and sustainable development but also as the vanguard of a new political order without forgetting the injustices of the past. To gainsay the current tidal wave of public discontent with Faroole's power structure, the irresponsible behavior with which the Galgala debacle was handled, and the regressive agreements of mineral and oil exploration rights in all of the conflict-prone areas of Puntland without proper consultation, planning and a feasibility study of the potential spillover cost and benefits, is to commit political suicide. Nevertheless, the current amorphous crisis---and attendant social and economic deterioration---needs real reform of our political system with a Abdullahi-Yusuf style of leadership as the cornerstone. Corruption which always interfers with the normal function of any government was wholly unheard of or minimal to say the least. He worked with decisiveness for the ultimate goal of our colective interest and the restoration of Somalia unlike a government run by Farole's remote control. Now that we are back to a normal situation, President Faroole should avoid taking a backseat from a huge task ahead or let his extremist members of the cabinet bask in their current celebratory mood of yet another looming victory. That certainly is a recipe for a similar miscalculation when the elders of Western Bari region asked the administration for a temporary mandate to peacefully disarm the tribal militias in Galgala. President Faroole should not court another armed revolt. We should also be aware of the external and internal dark forces that are working to destablize the region: Foreign conspiracy to sow the seeds of discord in one community, the unchallenged presence of a well-armed piracy in the coastal villages of Eyl and Gar'ad, the daring expansion of the secessionists, and a possible organized attack of Puntland by Islamic extremists from the South. All of these elements have one common denominator and that is to accelerate the violent dissolution of Puntland State and the marginalization of its clans just like in the early 90s. Conclusion Both citizens and government ministers, civil society, our women and elders must all hold onto a vision that trancends narrow interest groups (nepotism, clannism, etc) and must come up with new models and research efforts on how to improve our fragile democracy and achieve good governance. We aspire to a government that provides essential services, ensures the safety of its citizens, that regulates the number of businesses through advisory services, licensing, trade promition. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry should also establish commercial attaches, so that our thriving fishing industry such as Laas Qoray and Habo can explore and take advatange of new international markets for exporting opportunities. The Laas Qoray firm has already begun exporting its variety of products to as far as Australia. Similarly, other ministry departments can establish their own research organization that make detailed reports on their findings on both domestic projects and participation of seminars outside the country. 'Governance', The new book by Ismail Ali Ismail, for instance, has valuable resources on the specific functions for the departments of the Ministry of Interior and Local Government. Ahmed Osman Dirie Source:Laasqoray Online
  17. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Facebook la'aantiis abaar waaye! Thanks to a SOL member, I've finally got connected with my aunts and uncles from my dad's side (first cousins)...It is a way to keep in touch with friends/family/business colleagues/schoolmates from around the world...Best of it all, it is all FREE! Sometimes waxaadan shaqo kuleheen baad ka ogaan, I'm still recovering from a shock I've learned recently about a friend! KK: Believe me WejiBook bilaash ma'aha, bilaash ma'aha, bilaash ma ah'a, I dare you! who knows why Wejibuug is not free after all?
  18. KK: I was even up to the point where I danced on my desk like nobody is watching and run naked on the streets like Archimedes did when he discovered the buoyant force on floating objects. You are going back to work in 3 weeks and want our sympathy, that is a long time my dear, you can even produce a kid.