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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Gabal: Qoraaga anaa aqaan oo qar baad jafaysaa ee bal mar ku noqo jaallehayow
  2. Originally posted by Malika: ^gabdha been baa laguu shukansadaa,run walaguu daqaa - the holes in his story could be the 'spiced up been'..lol 23yr university drop out banker/sucessful businessman - ceesh calaa! Wacdaraha - aduunka, goodluck dear..as suggested by juxa,look around you. I am sure your family/friends would know someone. Well done and second to that.... what would be your status hadn't you drop out uni... just wondering?
  3. Originally posted by NinaNC: ^Qof khidad fahmaayo ma joogaa horta? dhallinyarada hadalka waa loo jilciyaa (according to a 2010 study on how to improve geeljire communication), ogsoonow intaas, u sii gudbina your colleagues aan ogeyn sheekadaas cusub oo casriyeysan. good luck n good night Ciao Nina: Ma igu soo kala firaysay . Btw, waxaan isugu yeeray an urgent kulan for all Geeljire(GJ) who dwell in southern Cali. In there waxaanu kaga doodnay pressing issues including balse aan ku ekayn the demise of Geeljire’s good old and glory days. Waxaan ku adkaystay in all beverages, kulayl iyo qabowba, be on me since that is Geeljire dhaqan. The barista of the Biibitada, quruxley with curves she was; not to mention neecawda waqtigaa dhacaysay coupled with the apparent serenity and tranquil of that ambience, the radiance of indhaheeda, dibnaheeda iyo her long qoor dhabtii raised my sunniyo. The Barista waxay dareentay the peculiarity of this Geeljire gathering dabadeed with modest waxay na waydiisay if there were western film shooting maanta considering, dabcan, the proximity of Hollywood and hab lebiskayaga. Geeljire maxaad ku taqaanaa! one in our midst uttered without la tashi; waa sidaase ma na soo daawanaysaa? :confused: thereafter, GJ2 asked war maxay that question noo weydiisay? mid kale responded voluntarily oo dhahay, as a geeljire our lifestyle waa the thing of the past ninyahow, swaggering, possessing a smart phone, hadal macaan with no substance u sheegid gabdhaha loo yaqaano Say wallaahi ee laga yaabee in Nina ka mid tahay , thinking and ku kharash garayn more muuqaalkaaga than mustaqbalkaaga are the new trend ee lagu cabiro how modern, reer magaal and sophisticated someone is, war ma i garateen?. GJ3: Wuxuu soo jeediyey there must be middle ground taasoo ah we can preserve hab dhaqan wanaageena while aan la jaan qaadayno the changes in our surroundings. GJ4: asked goobjoogayaashii, su’aal ka baxsan the ongoing mawduuc and said: ma ogtihiin, in Al Shebaab dhimay the number of hours for shukaansi in Jalalaqsi, for the love of guurka, and seduction, what can we do about this mushkilad? GL5: Baa si caro forceful ahi ka maquuto u yiri, war ragga waa in legdin iyo sabbaaxad nafta lagaga qaadaa, the rest fall to the floor laughing iyaga oo la yaaban how war mooge this miskiin Geeljire was. This will continue and the next installment will be when Allah ordains. Nina: The communication style of Geeljiraha haddaad faraha la gasho you are asking the better of them ee waxaad ka hesho waxba hayga siin sidaas iyo Jimce wanaagsan dhammaantiin.
  4. Jimce wanaagsan peeps ......hurdadii baaba dhakhso iiga dhamaatay
  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Very provocative writer Tolow waa qolodee Waa laguu yaqaan balse xitaa kuwuu ka dhashay waxay jeclaan lahaayeen inaanu ka dhalan maxaa yeelay fikirkiisa gurucan, waa siday u arkaane, bay ku diidan yihiin. Related read
  6. The most pathetic thing is for a slave who doesn't know that he is a slave. – Malcolm X.
  7. This must be one of the last frontiers of AS's power acquisition. Khidad kale baan dhalinyarada deegaankaa Jalalaqsi u hayaa ee tolow SOL cidi ma kaga jirtaa?
  8. Liibaan: Soomaalidu sidaa uma kala foga ee bal cagta u yara dhig, xataa qoladan xag jirka ah ee Soomaalinimada ka cararaya; waxaan hubaa markuu marqaanku ka yare dego inay eheladooda Soomaaliyeed dib u soo miciin bidi doonaan. They must/should be comfortable with their skins and who they really are and aint they still Somalis after all these elusive, and futile exercises for recognition?
  9. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Qosol la dhac xee tahay. Ereyada kuwa lasoo gaabiye waayee, oo ah 'laughing my *** off.' Marka it should be: Laughing my as's off = dabada ayaan ka koodooyaa/qoslaayaa. The world of languages you can't have literal translation all the time. Haddaan kuu jilciyo qosol baan la dhacay [/b] baa ku habboon Laughing my *** off...... unlike as you put it up there. okay ya MMA.
  10. Wiil Cusub: Xaajiga JB baa cudurkiisa degdegsiinyaha ku daartay, old habits die hard indeed. War iska hubsada sawirada Soomaali midnimadeeda muujinaya
  11. Originally posted by umu zakaria: Cant anyone tell me what these words are, only in Somali. LMAO VIVA dont jump over it just answer. was that not the rule? Lmao = Qosol ladhac Viva = Waar, raag dee tani way micno badan tahay
  12. NASSIR: Indeed that is the case. Somali history revisionists must be dealt with in unison. Clearly, Somali people have more things in common than those they differ but those who want to balkanize the state, oppress others with different opinions, and ruin the glue that binds our social fabric, we should not take lightly the threat they pose to our unity. We should leave no stone unturned unless every Somali's dignity is protected, and his/her inalienable rights are honored.
  13. Originally posted by Cara.: ^I don't know what you're on about Sheh. I routinely sneak into my neighbor's apartment to cook and clean for him. In fact I'm hiding under the couch right now, waiting for him to leave so I can finish darning his socks. Wish I'd thought to wash them first though, a bit on the ripe side they are... Cara, you are thoughtful and considerate. One would hope other SOL girls reciprocate your holistic lifestyle. Rest assured though, awelba waa kugu ogayn kartida iyo jacaylka aad u qabto u adeega bulshada
  14. Originally posted by Showqi: quote:Originally posted by NinaNC: Askari xataa ma loo daahaayo. ,,,,Haa Qorisagaaro ayey dhakab ku siisey. Ar Saaxiibkey Taleexi aaway..... aan sawirkan tusee Qoodhiin iyo xeradiin goormuu raggii sidan u jabay, oo xaawalay dumar isugu habarwacatay. Laakiinse soo joog ninkii laga waayo soo jiif baa laga helaa.
  15. Lovely read indeed Everything Men Know About Women by Dr. Alan Francis.
  16. An Open Letter to Johnnie Carson Assistant Secretary for African Affairs : Stirring Hornet's Nest in "Somaliland" By Osman Hassan Northern Somalia Unionist Movement Nov. 08, 2010 Mr. Assistant Secretary We are writing to you as the Northern Somalia Unionist Movement (NSUM), whose members are mainly from the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC), in NW Somalia (former British Somaliland). The absence of a functioning Somali government since the collapse of the Somali State in 1991 has led to the formation of a plethora of organisations dealing with various burning issues that are of particular concern to the whole country or to specific regions or clans. Our movement, for its part, is dedicated to conflict prevention and resolution in our own region and above all the defence of Somalia's unity in the face of one clan which, through its hegemony, occupation and use of force, is imposing its unilateral declaration of secession on all the other peace-loving unionist clans in the region. All Somalis believe, other than the secessionists, that the only sustainable solution for Somalia's long-standing conflict is one that seeks to bring about a united, democratic, federal state that could live at peace with itself and also with its neighbours. Any other policy pursued by outsiders, be it the USA or others, that is not consonant with these objectives, is bound to backfire as happened in the past, with detrimental consequences for Somalia as well as for outsiders, including the USA. Turning to your vision for our country, we have learned- both with optimism and trepidation- of your briefing on Somalia on September 24th in which you enunciated your government's two-track policy towards our country: one directed at the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), and the second aimed at the self-proclaimed self-administering northern regions of Puntland and "Somaliland". It is the track towards "Somaliland" which is of particular interest or concern to those who of us who hail from the area. Before we air the pros and cons of your new initiative, it is essential that you are under no illusion about what this "Somaliland" you are about to engage actually constitutes. Read more Source: WDN
  17. Originally posted by grasshopper: disgusting news! but I'm so confused! there are two hijabis in the pictures :confused: are we sure these charges are legit? I just don't understand why somali girls would be helping with this..istagfurallah.. Alla maxaynu been isugu sheekaynaynaa... Xijaabka guryahaa lagaga baxaa dee.... Like it or not sex trafficking is a part of our history now so, the question remains; what should we be doing about this? Exactly, we should heed what Sayid-Somal said earlier in this thread: Last time I checked calaacal has not elevated anyone’s ills… what their ages are and other cantarabaqash shouldn't not be a matter of a concern at least methinks. They can do many things - last being take the law into their own hands and violent deal with those that are ruining their lives. others are *unite in common purpose *elect strong leadership among themselves *integrate into society *start community lead iniatives to deal with wayward youngsters *adopt and foster children who run away *police their own neighbourhoods *run social programmes for chidlren and families *Educate themselves and other about their culture and religion *and no matter what always be unified in their dealings with others as one * etc. etc. etc.
  18. War dhex yar yaraa miyaaney hamburger cunin
  19. Taleexi


    Inaa Lilaahi Wa innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun.