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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: This is what the SSC group want ,, they must be smiling now and celebrating coz people died and there is a bloodshed. Not even respecting the Eid day ..... so sad Ilaahay ha u naxariisto intii ku dhimatay ,,,, Give me break!, since when the SNM cult has human values. They're maiming, killing, raping, and displacing innocent people as we speak of. We shall see where such detrimental path leads us. Nevertheless, Rabbow dadka kala qabooji. Aamiin.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: This is good news. I have to confess that I like these SSC guys. They are leaving no stone unturned in the search for a better deal for their people and that's the least any concerned follower would expect from his leaders. Were I to hazard a guess however, I would wager that they will return disappointed! Not because their efforts are not worthy but more to do with the incompetence of the TFG itself. With the PL route closed and relations there as strained as they've never been before, sooner or later, all the roads will lead to H Town. SSC entity, with all of its shortcomings, must be the best thing ever emerged from these regions for the last twenty years. Unlike your intake, where you self-assured and foresaw that these people have no choice but to be part of H-block at the end, it is an axiom where that stand might’ve some truth in it, but clearly the success and failure of SSC political endeavors depend on her leaders. If they promote unity and cement cohesion in their communities they shall be victorious irrespective of whomever they’ve political associations with and, under whatever circumstances they may be in at the time. Meeting with the nominal, weak TFG leadership I see it as a progress but as I stated earlier in order SSC realizes her dreams; more needs to be done at the home front instead of dwelling afar places. Apparently, most of the solutions of SSC's predicaments are within. However, one thing is for certain; a friend and foe alike, we all admit that SSC reassembles the more pronounced model of building blocks, bottom up approach for the resurrection of Somali Republic in proper. And, to this end, we’ve to support the holistic elements of their political endeavor as that will benefit us in a way that is not visible to many of us.
  3. Anna way kan Iga Dheh Illaahay amarkiis.
  4. Oo Sool caydii ma loo ogolaaday? I personally prefer if Golden Rules of SOL are still in operation and enforceable.
  5. It is all about business blended with real politik... Folks be mind this kind of mouse cat game/tit-for-tat isn't the first and won't be last in this globalized world.
  6. War anigu inay duriyadu aabahood jeclaadaan waan taageersanahay
  7. Zack: Wax fahan waa reer ONLF oo waxaa la rabaa Zenawi in layskaga dhiso.
  8. Maakhir community's sentiments are justified but at the same time can be addressed in an amicable manner. There are other alternatives of handling such grievances. To this end, secessionists appears to be content with the new cabinet therefore no further instigation between the TFG and Maakhir community can be tolerated coming from the secessionist lot.
  9. Eebow waxaan idin weydiiyey NinaNC daadiska maxaas ka heshaa?... muddaan ku lahaa reerkaaga dhaqo balse dheg jalaq umay siin. Che & MMA, maa qoftaan na dhex gashaan oo qofka rabshada wada qabataan? Sidii Awkoombe sheekadu ha u dhacdee Labo qaawan waa toostay
  10. Waa hagaag Gabbalow. Ta jaallahana afka hooyo dadka u ololeeya baan ka mid ahay, ee isku daya in meel kasta oo weedh ku haboon, oo af Soomaali ah loo heli karo, lagu dhaqmo, ereyga jaalle-na as you put it; it means a comrade in Russian context but the term has another derogatory connotation when referred to in our recent history. However let us zoom into the past a bit further when the late Somali nationalist, Sayid Mohamed, recited The Death of Richard Corfield poem. In there, he had a verse oo ahayd: Naf jaclaysigii baan ku idhi, jaallow iga daa dheh markaa eregya si aan turxaan lahayn baan u adeegsaday balse hadduu ku dhibay, xaal ka qaado
  11. Libaaxe: Rest assured Abti, wax ka badan intaad mudane Senawi weydiisateen si aad ugu bootaysaan qowmiyadaha kale ee waqooyiga SSC Sheikh Sharif ma waydiisan... Markaas Abti don't mind SSC political endeavors.
  12. Originally posted by Ismalura: quote:Originally posted by Aaliyyah: ^so true hun they took parenting to a whole new different level. Mashallah. BTW dont envy them just raise ur siblings/kids in the same way...or at least ensure they do well academically. As they say if there is a will there is a way. There is nothing that we cant do if we put our heart to it.. salaam Alliyah abaayo I can try my best in raising my kids but I need those superb genes. I am just an above average student but may be if I marry a smarty pants I could have gifted kids....The probability of that happening is not really high so I am envious of them (in a good way though). Guurso Che waa xariif, guurdoon ahe. Illaahay Amarki
  13. If everyone becomes either a doctor or an engineer, who is going to flip the burgers? We’ve to have a balanced symbiosis in our ecosystem, methinks. Noloshu sida ay hadda tahay bay ku qurux badan tahay ee ha naga waalina.
  14. Mar haddii sheekadu kow eey kow u tahay oo mudane Faarax daaqad lagala baxay... iyaduna waa inay gym-ka aadaa, dhowr kiilo baa dheeraad ku ahe
  15. Zack: Wasiir hele balse Xaaji waa xanaaqsan yahay oo habartiisu ma helin ee waa kuwa kale. Wallee dhibaataa taagan, Illaahay amarkiis.
  16. Xaaji iyo Libaaxe .. Ma sidan baa idiin danbeysey. Allow Alle.
  17. lol @ Zack. War ninka jar ha ka tuurin. Waxaanse ugu dari lahaa iska baadh caafimaadkeeda midda ku cajebisa! Illaahay amarkii
  18. I'm sick of tired unprincipled figures, so called leaders at least to some, roaming freely not held accountable on their deeds.