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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. The next generation of surveillance cameras, if they ain't already in production, will have audio capability built in; they will not only video record you but rather instruct you what to do in real time. Nina: I hope so too
  2. War bal horta soo intaadan cantarabaqash ku after bilaabin.
  3. Mr. Goth is a gifted and prolific writer who was staunch unionist in early ninties up until Riyaale accidentally became the president of self-styled admin of 'SL'. I even exchanged some pieces with him. We shall wait and see how the dynamism of that part of the country alters yet again his views.
  4. Arooryo suuban dhamaan..... saaka hurdo waa iska la'ahay.... tolow ma jacayl baa i haya mise waa weynaaday?
  5. Thanks Liibaanow. I saw many familiar faces @ Helsinki event since I went school there. The energy and joy of the audience cracked me up...... irrespective of its chaotic like display.
  6. Mr. Somalia: Speaking on behalf of SSC we neither intend drinking our brethren's blood nor wish and, if history has any relevance we wanted/want all along that every Somali’s dignity be protected and his/her inalienable human rights be safeguarded..... The latter may be achieved through violence sometimes but personally, I am for more talk less violence if at all possible. However, any means necessary should be on the table. Isku soofaynta dadka ehelka ee qowmiyadu ka dhexayso faa’iidada laga helayo ma garan.
  7. Nin baa laga sheegay soortaan cuni doono sansaanteedaan ka gartay.... In laysu soo noqon doono bay u badan tahay because all paths are leading us that unity is the only way forward.
  8. The way I see it: SSC success is PL's success, Somaliland's success, and finally Somalia's success. All I want to waa in maskaxuhu shaqeeyaan si loo kala badbaado that is all.
  9. Geelle: Waa dhab in xuduntaydu taalo Shalaambood iyo Sh/Hoose guud ahaan, 10-kii sano ee ugu horeeyey noloshaydana halkaas baan ku soo qaatay intaanan Xamar u soo wareegin. Maalmihii ugu wacwacnaa noloshaydana waxaa ka mid ahaa markaan aniga iyo saaxiibaday ku dabaalan jirney Xeebtii Sambuusa ee South of Ceel Jaalle. Aad baan u fahmaa lahjadaha gobollada koonfureed balse badanaa waxaan isticmalaa markaan gabdhaha shukaansanayo. Frankly speaking I appreciate every Somali dialect and have always tendency of learning Somali language comprehensively and its various orientations. Teeda kale Old habits die hard oo khaldaanimadu waa in my DNA sequence
  10. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Taleexi, inaan la kala fikrad fogeyn ayay u badan tahay, ina hadal la isku fahmaa wax ka furaha horimarka. Let's be optimistic and try to fix what we can. As for the name, dee saaxiib sidaan u hadlaan u qoray marka waan kaa raalli galin. Waa hagaag halkaa maanta ha inoo joogto. Anna maadaama aan rabo inaan dalkayga wax u qabto inaan lahjadihiisa kala duwan wax ka barto waa lama huraan, waana garwaaqsaday sidaad u hadasho hadaad u qortay ereygaas, it was a kaftan after all
  11. War oday adeerkay ah baa VP u ah oo maxaan wax ka sheegaa maba hadlayo'e. Waxaa la yidhi Xooluhu urtay isku fahmaan dadkuna hadalka. Isku soo duuduuboo jihada Farole, Abdisamad iyo Ilkajiir u wadaan PL waxaan u arkaa qar iska xoor.... I hope I'm wrong but we shall wait and see. A side note: Inaadeerow magaca Ugaaryahn ma'aha ee waa Ugaadhyahan miyaad horta saaxiibow carab la'dahay
  12. LSK: Malaa sheekadaadu waa adna gar lihid, anna gar lihi, madaxweynuhuna gar leh . Adigu gar lihidoo sidii ugu turxaanta yarayd baad warka madaxweynuhu kaga dhawaajiyey u fasiratay, anna gar lihiyoo labada wasiir oo kaleba inta aan ka akhriyey waa dad nadiif ka ah aafadii wadanka ku habsatay, una qalma meelaha loo magcaabay, markaa in la mucaarado khalad baan u arkaa, madaxweynuhuna gar lahoo, illeyn buufis baa odayga iska hayey beryahanba, SSC iyo Maakhir baa qofkaasi taageersan yahay, oo waa argagixiso, bay kaga dhegtey, illeyn haddii layska kala tago ma hal laf buu madaxweyne u noqonayaa? Ugu danbayn, anigu mudane Farole la taliyihiisa ma ahi, siduu u hadlona ma ilaalin karo balse beryahan danbe maalinba tuu keenaa tii hore ka daran, oo dhiidhi hor leh buu iska dhex jiifsanayaa, fadlan odayga haddaad xidhiidh la leedahay afhayeen samayso ku dheh, waana talo kalgacal oo Taleexi ka timi u sheeg
  13. Mainly my sentiments are towards to PL leadership. The silence of prominent **** politicians are also bothersome if not colossal in regards to where PL is headed politically and how other stakeholders in particular **** and ******* communities are treated is a matter of a concern; peripheries, buffer zones and disputed regions are terms pronounced by PL leadership waa halkii uu igaarkii ****** ka lahaa, markuu shirbinayey; dhulka meesha iib geli kartiyo aqalada i siiya, idinkana obosiibada qaata aa idinku aadaaayeee . In a nutshell, PL hadday rabto in laysla joogo, hawlo badan baa ka qabyo ahe, ee sida ay u kala muhiimsan yihiin, ha loo kala hor mariyo haddii kale dadku walaalo iyo isku wadanba waa yahaye, ee si deris wanaag ah; ha laysula noolaado oo dhibta iyo hagardaamooyinka ha layska daayo otherwise the spillover effect will be harnessed. Finally, would you give me a satisfactory answer when President Farole says only the **** minister in the cabiney of the nominal TFG is what we got, other two are fugitives, and represent no man's land. How can such a leader make PL a better place? Unless we all are victims of those of us here on SOL who are blinded by tribalism.
  14. War Geelle... Kala shaandhayso inaadeer oo inta kaa khusaysa ka jawaab .... until then Jimce wanaagsan
  15. NASSIR: Ma anaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heesayaa? PL admin can not have both ways. Since when peaceful means become a strategy of reclaiming the regions lost to the secessionists in the north western regions? since when Farole sub-clan self-entitled the ownership of ******** and ********* countries? How long could the IDPs of LA city wait?, when will PL leadership nacnacda iska deynaysaa as such it is an internal matter? I wonder if the president clearly understands the tenets of PL charter and under the circumstances it was conceived?, for the record, security alliance was its purpose. Taasina meesha ay marayso fariidna waa ogyahay doqona loo sheegi mayo. I don't know who advices president Farole, properly Duke from SOL or his son, the editor of Garowe Online, does but his political gaffes have been compounding. Mar mar baan is idhaahdaa war ninka afkiisa iyo dhegihiisu isma maqlaan miyaa, mar buu odhanaya SSC ma aha PL oo waa argagixiso, hadana mar kaluu odhanayaa Maakhir iyaguna waa waalan yihiin oo waa argagixiso, dee waa yaabe yaa PL haddaba ah? His nonsenses are out there all to see but suffice to say; PL's political relevance is going south not only because president Farole is a leader who is neither charismatic nor visionary but the ****** political elite have proved to be toothless in our times who can not see trees from the forest. PL still has the opportunity to be a model region for the resurrection of the Somali Republic but its current political formation can NOT self sustain, period. Mar hadaan ka gabyoo, go'aygiina ka qaatay, maxaa iiga gidhiish ah [ November 19, 2010, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  16. Mogadishu: Whose City Is It Anyway? By Hassan M. Abukar Nov. 16, 2010 Several weeks ago, there was a duel on the airwaves between Sheikh Ciise Ahmed Dalabey (Chairman of Guurtida Beelaha ******) and Sheikh Fuad Shangole, one of the top leaders of al-Shabab group. Mr. Dalabeey (******) started it when he gave a rousing speech before his supporters and demanded, among other things, that the ***** take their ‘man’ (then TFG Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke) from Mogadishu because the capital belonged to the ******. I will summarize key points of Mr. Dalabay’s speech, in which he addressed larger and smaller clans under the 4.5 formula (******, *****, ***, ****, and the “0.5” smaller clans) as following: Read more here [ November 21, 2010, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Originally posted by bilan: ^^^^No, actually I think he should quit talking altogether Agreed. At least he would be safe from his detrimental remarks.
  18. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: I am with Xiin on this, meesha 4.5 baa wax lagu qeybsaday, marka waxay illa tahay Faroole ama inuu is wada raaciyo TFG ama ogolaado wax u dhaxeeya meesha ma laayaan. Awelba waa garanayey in 4.5-ka laysaga daba imanayo.
  19. Originally posted by Kamaavi: quote:Originally posted by Taleexi: Anna way kan Iga Dheh Illaahay amarkiis. Faroole oo mudo bil ah Addis qotomay ayaa ka sii horeeya. Markan Atom ayaa loo qayilayaa. Atom keliya loo qayili maayo'e ee qaran iyo quruun dhan baa loo qayilayaa saaxiib while we keep making scores on one another. Apparently, our latter generations, anthropologists, and historians will have to entertain themselves what were streaming in our minds while we had so dearly created such a mess. Allow sahal umuuraha.
  20. Iga walla waa qalanjooyin.. No cholesterol, no obesity loving this capture.