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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Originally posted by oba hiloowlow: che stop your lies libaahe ayaa ka saxsan . okey che tell me who the original residents are as i belive maanta ma jirto qof xamar aniga iga xigto dadkan halkan ku doodaya Dee waa haddii lahjadaada uun wax lagu qaybsado. Xamar dhidid iyo dheecaankii Soomaali oo dhan baa galay Oba Hiloowlow
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I think the Maakhiris & the SSC boys on here would disagree with you. Farole actually cemented the theory of clan being everything. Wax fahan. War armuu markan Ngonge gar leeyahay
  3. War Xaajiga ha iga fogayn waa caqli saaxiib balse mar mar uun bay xamaasada reerku sabaaxad la heshaa.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I really feel for the Anti-peace groups in those areas ....... Bloodshed is not good for anyone. Like Xaabsade said it is "kugu dhimay oo kaa dhimay" If you quote Xaabsade will not only make your argument weak but rather irrelevant.
  5. Sayid: Anaa Nina isla rabay ee maan fawdada iska deyno bal hadda iyo dan aynu wax isku ogaano
  6. Why Clan and Clannishness are not the Key Impediments to the Formation of a Functioning State in Somalia Muktar M. Omer Nov 23, 2010 Is the proposition that clan, clannishness and clannish elites are the main impediments to the reconstruction of the State in Somalia a false proposition? The compelling answer to this question of the moment which some may find outlandish is a resounding yes. This dominant story which has been impetuously ingested and regurgitated by Somali intellectuals needs to be unpacked, examined and subjected to logical and empirical interrogation to assess its validity. And this has to be done now and urgently. For there is nothing more damaging to Somalia and Somalis’ effort to reconstruct their failed State than thoughts, ideas, assumptions, and models unscrutinised, untested, but touted with the ease of presumed impeccability. Wrong diagnosis of Somalia’s chronic ailment led to fatal policy prescriptions in the past and will underwrite failure of ongoing and future efforts to bring back the Somali State. Read more
  7. Taleexi


    Test.... MMA, would you remove this link?
  8. ahhhahahahah, oo ma fariintii kuugu horaysay baad daandaansi iyo aflagaado ku bilowday, wallee adaa cirka roob ku og, kuwaa aad magaca f-da ka bilowda ugu yeedhayna iyagaaba dan kuugu soo jawaabi doona'e ee bal soo guryo noqosho wacan.
  9. Libaahe: Please do address my concerns else better quit.
  10. Cajaa’ib! Since when the SNM cult have learned how to promote reconciliation and peace building among neighborly communities? The last time I checked they were warmonger and oppressors. As I said numerous times, no injustice can last forever, end of the story yaa Xaaji
  11. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by Taleexi: quote: Originally posted by Libaahe*: Taleexi. What minority? last time i checked the SNM block made up over 65-70% of Somaliland. Any reference of your percentile? 1960 state of somaliland Parliament. Waad iga qoslisay; A man who sees the world the same way at age of 40 as he saw at 20; he indeed lost or didn't learn anything for 20 good years. Your stand on this issue mirrors fully with aforementioned scenario; as far as I remember we didn't have social security system then as we don't have it now plus it is a fact that colonial powers allocated more seats for and favored friendlier clans than others, do you deny that?. All in all, my land mass (SSC & Maakhir combined) and its population speak for themselves, thus your skewed view of data representation you depicted up there won't do any harm saaxiib. Mise hadaynu bilownaa Cyber fadhi ku dirir ah; oo odhanaya anaa kaa badan iyo anaa kaa badan with no proof from neither side.
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Xoogaa taariikha, iyo xaqaa’iq siyaasi ah oo Puntland ka dhacday: 1998 markii Puntland loo fadhiyey yagleelkeeda, SSC & Maakhir baa odogii reer Muduga ahaa jeclaaday oo laga reebi waayey. Waa ayagii doortay 2004 markii odogii Mudug tegey oo sallaantii dawladnimo kor u fuulay, SSC & Maakhir baa oday reer Qardhood ah laga reebi waayey. Xattaa mid iyaga ah oo reer SSC ah baan u keenay, boqorkaan rabnaa bay yiraahdeen oo reer Qardhood doorteen. 2008 markii lays dooranayey, SSC baa oday reer Garoowe ah laga reebi waayey. Mid reer Maakhir ah baa loo keenayoo, isna waa iyagii diiday. Intuu Maakhiri na xukumi lahaa, Garoowaan doortay waa iyagii yiri. Waa iyagii doortay. Hadda axzaabbaa soo socatee, siyaasaduna sadaqo maahee, reerku intay dacwada joojiyaan, tartanka haka qayb galeen. Hadday 3 dexda magaalo ee aad sheegtay xulufo la yihiin, ceeb maahane ha ogaalaadeen. Hadday xulufadii hore u shaqayn weydey, kuwa cusub ha dhisteen. Waa taa xaajada raggu, awoowe Reerkiinu gar, kaayaguna gar leh, reer Maakhirna gar leh bay u egtahay sheekadu balse arrinta uu faahfaahiyey Emperor baan ku haystaa
  13. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Taleexi. What minority? last time i checked the SNM block made up over 65-70% of Somaliland. Any reference of your percentile?
  14. Xaaji: Ka daa baryada Eebbe, Dhamaan Soomaalida waa dad ehel ah oo aan kala maarmin, koleyba waa aniga aragtidayda. Ta PL ee aanu reer tolkay isku haysano waa shu'uunu daakhiliya koleyba aniga carabiga waa layga badiyaa teeda kale reer SSC choice kale oo aan Kulmiye iyo Xisbiga cusub ee reer Garowe ahayn ma laha MIYAA?
  15. They are brothers; Born again Somalilanders
  16. Xaaji: Inaadeerow talada xun ee aad had iyo goor soo bandhigto jooji, anba Udub kuguma dirqiyo oo waad ogtahay ee ina kala daa saaxiibow
  17. Egal views belong to the minority and do neither represent nor reflect the unionists of the great state of Awdal. Lately, we've witnessed Somali history revisionists and Ahmed Egal happen to be one; how can you not be happy with who you are, are not comfortable with your own skin, cajaa'ib, you can have problem with Somaliweyn concept, but I'm not Somali is not only that the author is suffering from complex inferiority at its best but fighting with Creator's symbols,,, Cimrigaagoo raagaa geel dhalaayana waa ku tusaa
  18. Good development except Farole naming 5 out of 9... déjà vu all over again methinks. And, mark my word if it is ku dayo SL, ku dayo instead of ku dayo PL, ku dayo all would be parties should belong to the three sub clans of Galkaio, Garowe, and Qardho like the Habraha in the North West aka “SL”. However, Maakhir and SSC remain vigilant this time around since they’ve watched the same movies before.
  19. The aggressors must be dealt with by any means necessary. Let it be known peace is a non-discriminatory commodity for the parties in the conflict. Mudane Xaaji, your family should be content with what they have, and leave others to their own devices. However, where you may have differences with other northern communities; available conflict resolution techniques should be deployed.