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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. I've a hypothetical question folks: Given there is neither one solution fits all nor cookie cutter solution in regards to our preferences and career goals but Nomads! if one has a background of electrical engineering, and business degree with an IS emphasis and that individual is in the middle of his MBA program and want to do specialty, what would you recommend?. This person wants to be in a leadership position in the future. However, the themes of concentrations include: Accounting Athletics & Fitness Mgt. Entrepreneurship Finance Health Services Admin. Information Systems International Business Management Marketing Project Management Real Estate Supply Chain Management
  2. Bal Isaaqu meesha uu geediga indho la'aanta ah ku furo waynu dhowrnaa
  3. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    ? refers to the below depicted picture, the whereabouts of the missing father in the capture is what the ? is after. Mide kale anigu teenage SOL ku af bartay baan ahay ee ha ii malayn sidayada Xiin iyo Ngonge. Somalina;686622 wrote: Hooyo (mom) And, if I was a painter tonight Hooyo I would paint my love for you In great details And draw your immense compassion And love for humanity If I was a musician tonight I would compose the most beautiful tune To resemble your melodies voice If I was the wind I would wrap you in my arms And forever and a day be with you If I was a bird tonight Hooyo, I would fly across oceans to just get a glimpse of your beautiful face Halima Ali Ahmed Copyright © 2010
  4. Taleexi

    My Tribe

    Tan yari kuway dhashay xaggee laga helayaa tolow? Somalina;683137 wrote:
  5. Bilaney dumarku waa caruur cago weyn baan maqli jiray haddase raggii baaba caruur sidoodii in loola dhaqmo raba, Illaahay amarkiis.
  6. Khafiifku dawuu leeyahay Xiinow!
  7. Taleexi

    ila qosol

    Showqi: Miisaanku waa saxan yahay, waa mid mid sheekadu si dhakhtarku diagnosis sax u sameeyo....
  8. By Hassan M. Abukar Jan. 09, 2011 What Do Somali Men Want?
  9. The South Sudan and "SL" have minimum similarities in common therefore; having same outcome is highly unlikely. The clan enclave's quest of recognition I do really support if they don't see the benefits that the unity brings with a condition though, that other four major communities in the north should have their way too. In addition, big powers certainly have an influence on the reconfiguration of world borders but thus far, international community respects Somali territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  10. Interesting development in East Africa in particular South Sudan's looming referendum?
  11. Bal methods-ka kale ee lugu liibaanay, noo taataabo.
  12. Wallaahi inuu Sheekha feedh kala daalo baan anba ka baqayey, Ismalura si wacan bay ummadii ku kala badbaadisay.
  13. Taleexi

    ila qosol

    Allow Alle, Dr-ka caruurtu inuu ka dhib badan yahay yaa u sheega, saa waa iska ooyayaane halka dadka waaweyni hint ku siinayaa... Somalina... qoftaan # 5 bay ka dheeshaa, iyo her own goal bay iska dhalisay ...
  14. Is Africa’s Problem ‘Big Men’ or Big Colonial Interests? By Muktar M.Omer Jan. 06, 2010 Introduction In her acclaimed speech ‘the Danger of a Single Story’, Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie states that accepting one side of a story leads to ‘critical misunderstanding’ of issues, events and entities. As news of another disputed election in Africa, this time in Ivory Coast, whirled through the waves, discussions on the causes of governance maladies in the continent inevitably resurfaced. The BBC, CNN, AFP, the Economist, Aljazeera, New York Times, The Times, etc, proffered analysis and diagnosis of the electoral problems in Ivory Coast. Zimbabwe and Kenyan elections, which were also disputed, came under the spotlight and were thoroughly reviewed to provide a pattern of behavior of the actors involved in these elections. Comparisons were made, Similarities identified, and conclusions were tendered. Read in full
  15. War ninyahow ragga miyaad la shaqaysaa?, ha u sheegin cidda furaha haysa waa xujee ....
  16. Xaaji: Sheekada Buuhoodle waaba badataye, goorma ayey maliishiyada ehelkaagu soo af jarayaan, mise sheekada caruurta baad ku seexisaan? on the other hand, LA is known to be the epicenter of Somalinimo, indeed it has been a ghost town since your cult invaded but mark my word, no injustice can last forever. The incupation period is also giving fruition...... markaa iska sii raaxaysta while it lasts.
  17. May Allah help for those who are in need in thier own turf and neglegted by their own sons. I may be a pissimist, istaqfura'llah, a realist I meant to say; it appears our people will be suffering for sometime to come..... If we want to see a genuine change in Somalia, let us be honesty to ourselves and review how we treat to one another..... All statics or numbers for that matter indicate that Somalis are not yet ready for a change thus, suffering will continue, numbers don't lie. Hope I'm the only crazy guy who is singing into a vacuum.
  18. Tolow maa dumarka feedhka laga daayo, Pioneering Karate schools in Somalia appears to be lucrative business and after such schools become the norm no man with his right shall ever again entertain himself beating up a woman.
  19. SL mudday hawada ku jirtay, goormay soo caga dhigan?
  20. It has a long road to go before it even overtakes Bing, Yahoo and others in the pipe, that is if it ever happens.....
  21. Good stuff indeed. Thanks sista but the limbo decade at the end is killing me big time. Hummerbird, da'dee haasaawaha/shukaansiga lagu bilaabaa according to your rules?