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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. STOIC has a point where he states we should integrate into our host countries in the west instead of living in fantasy while suffering gracious delusional. On his monolithic support of SL is pure and simple. He is like any other Farah.....a tribalist, secessionist who is promoting dogmatic and clannish supremacy subtly but will such believes alleviate the ills of our people, of course, not! Miracles do happen but 20 years down on the road much will not change in Somalia. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) is a method in statistics that one enhances whatever he/she is considering at the time. When this method is applied to our way of life no hope for Somalia for many more years to come.
  2. Bilan: Horta inaad iga reebto kuwa sida naag masayrsan oo kale u dhaqmaya waad ku mahadsan tahay! balse I’ve developed lately a thick and very resilient skin that can withstand name-calling and outbursts. By the way, there are points I agree with you and some that I don’t. Being a member of a club comes with having rights and responsibilities. I’ve a hard time convincing some of Maakhir and SSC constituents that they are Somali PLers and co-founders thus; they should be acting as such. However, I’m neither here to force them to stay with the rest of PL populace in perpetuity or create their mini fiefdoms but rest assured, it is all up to them. So, if they decide to leave then they’ve the option of arranging the divorce, I mean in a systematic manner not announcements made by few self appointed individuals and/or an emotionally driven conferences in the Diaspora. With that; you said UN gives Sool’s and Sanaag’s aid to SL that is a great failure on the part of PL I say; not being able convincing that these regions are part of her dominion for almost 13 years is indeed a disaster. In addition, whoever was behind the fall of LA is less significant now but what matters most is that a large territory of PL is being occupied for far too long and PL leadership has to yet do anything about it. PL leadership should also see trees from the forest and when they say xidhiidhkaan u jaraynayaa TFG-da not under our name; we are part of Somalia period. In terms of development, we are all aware of that 90% of the aid PL receives is invested areas outside of Maakhir and SSC. Genuine explanation should've been in order instead of defending blindly the indefensible or I forgot to mention that the folks from those areas are well off and don’t need aid. Jawaahir like any of us is entitled to her opinion and she raised some good/bad points that need to be developed and tweaked a bit further, don’t you agree?
  3. Putting the "Office Boy" remark aside, does the message matter I ask LSK?
  4. Abtiyaday marqaanku wuu ka sii jabayaa maalinba maalinta ka danbaysa. The end goal is midnimo but how we get there is everyone's choosing.
  5. Che -Guevara;690634 wrote: How's this a news? In the eyes of dear Xaaji anything is news.
  6. Somewhat she might be suffering about the said syndrome nonetheless, Bilan, where you said "PL government does not build roads, hospitals or schools in any town in PL . it is the people from these towns who returned from the west who are leading these projects, so if she wants to do something she needs to pack her bags and go to these towns and or raise funds." I hear your sentiments but sorry to say that they are sound bites and an empty rhetoric intended for public consumption; traditionally, the main projects that have been undertaken in the said cities since PL was conceived were for the most part PL government funded projects; that is not to say locals' contributions were excluded but there are gathering evidence that points PL elite have awarded projects in both regional terms and selectively. And it is also too simplistic view to take if one operates under the assumption that SSC and Maakhir regions are lagging behind compared to the rest of PL regions because their locals are not up to the challenge. I believe they are not without blame but what is equally as bad is that when we ignore the absence of clan ownership and favoritism as far as PL entity is concerned. Or, if you will, my dear inaadeer, call me I'm as well suffering SSC syndrome even though I consider myself an independent mise sheekadayduna waa tii orgigu baroorta ka weyn oo kale?
  7. By Jawaahir Jalxad Jan. 26, 2011 Recently, Somalia’s political scene has been dominated by the statement emanating from the Puntland Administration regarding its withdrawal from the TFG. We watched and listened as words were exchanged between the TFG and Puntland. What were the exact reasons behind the breakdown of the relations between Garowe and Mogadishu? Did the public outburst and media war that ensued achieve the political objectives of Farole and his Administration? Read in full here
  8. War ku socota the poster. Saaxiib Chinese-ka baro baan ku dhihi lahaa iyadaa soo kobcaysee teena waqtiga ha iskaga lumin way sii dhimanaysaaye.
  9. 3am is my time & I'm still awake reading... good morning peeps ... and see you tomorrow.
  10. Kool_Kat;689874 wrote: Wyre, before aan afkeyga (well, faraheyga in this case) kala furin, meeqo sano ayaad jirtaa? Exact age ha'ii sheeginee, ma dhalinta labaatanka horey kasaaran baa dahay mise gadaal, mise sodonmeeyadii baad kortay, mise ku dhex socotaa, mise kasii dagi rabtaa? Hade afartan hadeey sheekadu gaar siisan tahay, waa halkii ayeeydeey (AUN) "kabaxay anigu"! lol @ KK dee ragga qaar baad u dan leedahay ee maad daandaasiga joojisid.
  11. War guurso baan ku odhan lahaa... ta labaad noomaad sheegin da'daada iyo other determinents oo talladaanu ku siin lahayn xoojinaya. Balse, waraaqo badan oo la ururiyo waxaa ka wacan reer bed qaba oo aad dhisto.... waraaqahayga qaar baan ka door bidi lahaa inaan mid yar si official ah u qaawiyo...
  12. Rabow roob badan u shub tolkayga tabaalaysan.
  13. Not a bad new given that it is all relative. Teeda kale haddii reerkiinoo dhami mujaahid noqday yaa munaafiqiin ah, war reerka qaar tuugada ku dar hadda aniga waa iga talo uun ee sidaadii sharaxaad dheer ha ii gelin
  14. A glimmer of hope would have been if when people speak their mind should be respected as such.
  15. Xaaji miyuu waashay mise wuu soo wataa, SL Justice committee waxba ka tari weydey Buroa iyo Hargeisa ma Eastern regions bay wax ka tari, eebow noo ceeb astur.
  16. One wonders how much transformation South Africa has gone through since apartheid ended in 2004 while my people, a homogeneous one if that means anything, has descended into destitute-----SA is not problem free but at least people decided to coexist and if they did it we can do it too.
  17. Having Shariif visit PL and other peaceful enclaves in Somalia would indeed do more good than harm but are Sharif and his co listening?
  18. Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) 20 January 2011 Read in full here
  19. Justice committee raping, mopping, displacing and harrassing locals waa dawo bukootay oo kale amaba dab dhaxamooday.