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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Somalina: Ka kala daa warbixinaha dheeraadka waa walaalaheen oo yare marqaansane
  2. SSC Ma Argagixisaa?! Wq. Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan Feb. 12, 2011
  3. Monolithic view of Somalis' recent history indeed but still a dark chapter of our history!
  4. Somalina ... saaka dad bay rabtaa inay qarasta ku kiciso lol @ qabiilada Soomaaliyeed oo isu tegey.
  5. Taleexi

    SNM Vs SSC

    Both are clan based. One would hope SSC doesn't repeat the same mistakes of SNM.
  6. @ Prometheus well put we shall wait and see what the good NG says. Malika... woow gabayadaad soo dhejinaysid baaba i dilay. Che: As long as he isn't on bare feet, we are okay.
  7. Timacade AUN...... He foretold what might have to come, Illaahay amarkiis.
  8. War ninka ha la caawiyo bawdyo rageed maalinba mid baa qaawane.
  9. Somalina;694592 wrote: I concur. Maxaad dalka la damacdeen hadduu Duke madaxweyne noqdo?
  10. nuune;694582 wrote: BOB , ina Aaaboow ma anaaba kuu quuro billaawe, waana ogsoonahey in aad garaneyso farqiga u dhaxeeyo labadaa, ee my post was not directed at you(wallaahi maba akhrin su'aashaada or most of the posts here you posted), and not directed to anyone specifically, it was a general one, markaan arkey in qabiil laga hadlayo unbaan isku soo dhax tuurey sidii lulumo gaajeesan You are genuine fella
  11. Sadly, our generation is not up to the challenge.
  12. Horta qof walba qabiilka u sheeganayo ma yahay? markaan taas isla meel dhigno baynu qabyaalada ka hadli karnaa ileyn qabiilkaa qabyaalada dhala'e.
  13. Bob: Your question is very valid one and deserves more than yes/no answers. Like in any industry medical field has evolved and advanced; I am just 2 miles away from Salk Institute of UCSD as I compose this note that is where great deal of DNA / RNA genetic sequences were carried out. I assure you no one on SOL can proof or disproof the clan that he/she claims. It is a myth and mirage believes system, a virtual reality, and a peace of mind and, a quest of belonging to somewhere. I've a friend of mine, PhD holder, who belongs to Yib-ir clan he argued in Somali Studies Conference in Ohio, few years back that he wants to initiate a research where he will hypothesize and take a representative samples from D, H, I, and R clans. He wanted data to be interval or close to ratio instead of nominal as such he could do lots of manipulations. He assured me that if this project ever is carried out the result will be stunning and lots of held secrets will be brought to the surface. We shall wait and see I mesmerized blissfully. Wuxuu intaa iigu sii daray, si kaftan ah dabcan, "sheekadiina bugta ah waa la kashifi doonaa" Bal dhambaalladan hoos ku dhejisan akhriya oo ka waramaya qabaa’ilka Soomaalida Qabaa’ilka Soomaalidu ma isbahaysi baa, mise waa dhalasho? Hayb Sooca iyo Mahadhadiisa
  14. XX: That is not your business but sheekada Buuhoodle naga soo afjara qoodhiin iyo xeradiin
  15. Che-ow, you may have a point there.
  16. SNM-tii baa nabad raadinaysa waa arrin qosol mudan, oo ugub ku ah geyiga Soomaaliyeed balse the piece addressed the epicenter of the conflict and, made some recommendations in order an all-out-war be avoided at all cost. The question remains though, are the aggressors listening? Valenteenah: After someone has lost so much material wealth and human life, being a bit emotional can be excused or no?
  17. Cambaro bal horta sow dhowow daasada garaacu ha kuu danbeeyee!, Allow Alle maba dhalane dhowrtaysan ogaa
  18. Silanyo’s Darfur in the making By Ali H. Abdulla Feb. 10, 2011
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;694243 wrote: Actually taleexi abti it's the rebels who refused peace and they used kalshaale disputed area between the two brotherly clans as a reason to declare a war on the Somaliland armed forces. who are stationed there in the buhoodle district as peacekeeping forces in between the various clans in the Buhoodle region it's the rebels they are the one who are using the clan card to get sympathy fromt he diaspora community and their Tribesmen with in the country. But we know what your plans are and it's not going to happen. the rebels will be cleaned from south eastern togdheer. Dee armuu cleaning-ku idinla dheeraadaa, bal noo soo dedejiya ragow kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado