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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. The learned Ngonge decided to come to the discussion table as if his clan enclave is the Swiss of Somalia. He didn’t even ashamed but rather portrayed SL admin to be the self guardians of others in the north as far as the self determination is concerned. He went further and ignored what the epicenter of the conflict is all about. It isn’t a secret that SSC & Maakhir communities have rejected vehemently the secession enterprise. As Valenteenah eloquently put it; once your beloved SL couldn’t live with the wishes and inalienable rights of the said regions “it” has deployed coercion policies where it invaded, maimed and killed innocent people. The ramifications of that ill-planned, visionless endeavor on the part of SL have confirmed t jUo be what the people of SSC have been longing for. Their cohesion for a common cause is getting strength exponentially by the day. With that, Ngonge laid three alternatives for SSC destiny as they are only choices available to them; a self autonomy, being part of PL (of which they are already co-founders and theoretically part of it) or SL. Among the three the least se-xiest is to joining SL and Ngonge knows it. The chances are almost zero to none. The Economic factor: The gap between Somalis in terms of richness is very slim irrespective of their location; be Kismayo or Saylac or what lie there in between. Naturally, wherever security and tranquility and, some sort of semblance of governance, exist the wealth flows. Little do you know the spillover of ethnic conflicts if Kalshaale incident becomes an all out war I bet you the heat will be felt in Buroa in your beloved city? Thus, economic factor will be eliminated from your bargaining calculus. In simple terms, would you mind sharing with SOL nomads what are the sources of SL economy you are so proud of? Livestock comes to mind, right? Aren’t other regions in similar situation? In the case of getting more handouts from the donors than others in the territory yes there is some truth in that! But that is a curse to be proud of at least methinks. You mentioned dignitaries of 16 nations visiting in Hargeisa as if they will make your elusive dream sooner. War i dhegayso your recognition is to be found in Mogadishu, LA and Kalshaale not in Rome, London or Washington. SSC, Maakhir and to some extent Awdal folks have decided to be representative of their regions and the donations of the international community will be shared in proportion and evenly in the future. I hope you shall come back here and have your say when that happens. Hence, look at the shallowness fallacy of your argument. Such dignitaries have been on/off for the last 20 years, haven’t they? SSC destiny:Truth to be told their lack of cohesion has put them in their current predicament but they’ve awakened, and permanent change has happened to them. Their ultimate goal is to be part of a federal Somalia. Whichever/however way they quest realizing their dream is entirely up to them not to you nor to your beloved Siilaanyo, ma i fahantay?. Rest assured though, SSC wants to cohabit and coexist with SL in an environment where common interests are safeguarded and mutual respect exists while SL’s aggression portrays otherwise what a contrast! In a nutshell from the horizon of the dry valleys Somalia shall rise.
  2. Thanks Somalina... I will remember to payback for the correction.
  3. Jacpher;697966 wrote: So much for qaran, hormar iyo development that their mothers and grandmothers feel obliged to advocate for more civil war and bloodshed in 2011. Our hooyooyin iyo ayeeyooyin were a lot wiser than indulge in clan warfare. Talow what did the SNM gangs u akhriyeen dumarkaan to brainwash them? Dumarka reer tolkay ee LA laftigoodu sheeko qurux badan ma hayn in kasta oo kuwa duulaanka ee reer Hargeysa baadil ku taagan yihiin, qoor sagaarona bacaad ku hayaan.
  4. NGONGE;697868 wrote: Anigu shakhsi ahaan sheekadan wan ku dhawakhay. Markaan idhaahdo reer SSC waa kuwa Burco iyo Hargeisa ba jooga, ayaa la i yidhahda "kuwaa iska ilow, waa traitors", markaan in ay 'traitors' yehiin aqbalo ayaa lala soo booda "tollay, tollay guryahaad ka gubteen"! Xitaa nacamlayaashiiniina guryohoodii ma badbaadin weydeen...... Ha lays daba ******loqo bal aan aragno dhaxalkee!
  5. Xagga xamaasada reerku iyagaa Soomaalida u qaabilsan Khadarow!
  6. *Ibtisam;697885 wrote: Ngonge: Maxa ka galey what they will do once they achieve what they set out to do?? :confused: Don’t you believe they are smart enough or like SL people after SNM ended could formulate their own policy (it may well be after all this they go to Puntiland, SL or both) but the idea is they want to get there on their own. Why must people babysit them and guide them (particularly as they don't want help or guidance) let them go and check the four walls, in the end they know they can’t survive alone (no one can) and will need to join someone or another or arrive at the same conclusion as yours. With all that said I think the current SSC situation (though everyone wants to build it up and use it for its own agenda (SL & SSC) is nothing more than the usual yearly fights of reer miyi over shortage of resources, with the rain failing, lack of water and grazing land, that area will always result in clashes in dry season. It seriously needs some sort of plan for the nomads during the dry seasons so that families are not forced into these situations. I know people like to claim the lines are clear cut, but those sub clans have lived together so long and so in each other’s business that its really nephews killing their uncles and uncles killing the nephews.; in time the families would've sorted this out amongst the reer miyi, I don't see why a new problem over resources which involves the sub sub sub clan of the jeclo people has become part of the old SL vs SSC. The idea of building situations up so that they look bigger and more deadly is really counterproductive and just increases the fear mongering among the communities. Ngonge if SL and Silanyo had any sense they would’ve left the reer badiyes and SSC alones and concentrated their little resources on developing other areas, soon enough LA and the rest of SSC would’ve been crying why are we not getting anything and we need development and progress too and that would’ve been their hook. SSC is useless to Puntiland if Somaliland has no interest in SSC, in which case SSC would’ve tried to make themselves relevant to one or the other or try make up their own thing. Either way this situation would not have risen, why and how SCC become such big part and importance to SL and PL? At this moment SL does not seem to understand the simple equation of the more people talk about SSC, the less people talk about SL, and I don’t see how or why SL focused so much energy time, effort, money and other resources on people who don’t want them or appreciate their interference. Let SSC be the big elephant in the room, seen and ,ignored, why is SL determined to be defined by SSC?. More than anyone else SL should understand force and bullying does not work, after all that is why they left Somalia. As for SSC leaders and elders, they can’t have both feet in different place, if they picked a side instead of trying to eat from both sides or flip flopping depending on where the money is then their protests would’ve been understandable laakin haad their credibility is pants and all we do know is that they stand with whoever is paying that months cheque. SSC people need to stop following these fools. Maanta shaaheena isku xawaash in lagu daray bay u egtahay. I've been advocating what you laid up there for awhile and still do but sadly your leadership doesn't get it. Let us underline one thing. SSC communities have rejected outrightly your secession project for them it is like sink or swim scenario. If your kin folks continue their elusive dream of closing fake borders I assure you everyone of us will test his/her share of hell. Finally, If I***** did, DH*********** can.
  7. "Geesiyaal Guulaysta" cracked me up....... Tani mid isku dhamaanaysa bay u egtahay.
  8. JB, XX and Co; those videos are stuff & nonesense and lack any significance of altering the facts of the ground.
  9. Che -Guevara;697701 wrote: ^Actually Gaboose takes his orders from Iley. Few of us are aware of that!
  10. Xaaji: Marmar baad gaaska iyo biyaha isku dartaa oo tooratooruhu ku go'aa.... bal waxaas oo dallac bilaash ah yaad ka gadaysaa? Amankaag
  11. Gheelle.T;697434 wrote: NG, we shall talk in few days when things take a different direction. In the meantime, let Siilaanyo and his"mighty" army keep wining the hearts and minds of SSC locals with mortars.. Well put. We shall wait and see when that happens.
  12. Buhodleh: A city that symbolizes Somali Unity and Dervish Valor is under siege By Ali H. Abdulla Feb. 23, 2011 Pres. Ahmed M. Silanyo Silanyo’s Ambitions What is going on in a small city in Northern Somalia is testimony to the dark history of Silanyo, the current President of the secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland. Silanyo used to be the chairman of the clan-based militia, the SNM, which used civilians as human shields when its fighters infiltrated the cities of Hargeisa and Burao and forced the residents of both cities to run for their lives when caught between the rebels and the equally brutal military forces of the Somali government. Read more
  13. Khadar: Their intentions haven't been a secret for awhile. We are in 21st century where none can rule anyone no more without his/her consent.
  14. Calling for peace while harassing and oppressing people in their own turf is not only ludicrous but rather double standard. Anyone who listens such rhetoric hasn’t learned anything from history. If “SL” wants to live in peace with its neighbors should leave SSC and the likes to their own devices. Short of it, I’m hopeful the war will continue.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;697127 wrote: ^^ abti iga duceyso qoloyinka toos baan u galaye eh;) Waalidiinaan aqaanaayoo Chinese iyo Mongolese baanu ka soo jeednaana waa idinka suurowdaa..... Xaaji, let us not hijack the thread Abti.
  16. Reer bini haashim ma gashid..... war ninyahow naga daa dee.
  17. Somalina: Is there a discount on your soon-to-be published book?