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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Wq. Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamuud (Axmed Deeq) March 01, 2011 Dhallintii dhulkaygaay, Dhaawac baan qabaayoo, Wadnahaygu dhiigaba, Ma dhaqaajinaayee, Dhankaad iga xigtaan baa, Dhaxantu iga haysaa, Dhankaad iga xigtaan baa, Layga soo dhacayaa, Dhankaad iga xigtaan baa, Dhurwaagu iga cunayaa, Read more
  2. Like it or not more and more of us are spending qualitative time with outsiders which leads to having bi-racial, tri-racial, quad racial or whatever mixer racial there is. Folks! Embrace it and smell the coffee.
  3. Wuxuu sameeyey sharaf dhac bay dhamaanteen inoo tahay balse khatarta ka iman karta falalka noocan oo kale ah in lagu hadlo way mudan tahay. Illaahay amarkiis.
  4. One thing is for certain that we all die at some point but some in a dignified mode while others do in humiliation.
  5. Claiming and fantasizing SSC has no plan, and IT is functioning is like arguing which came first the egg or the chicken. Indeed SSC has a plan but not a perfect one. In my opinion her plan needs to be developed further. Militarily they can defend their territories. Not to mention their cause is both morally and legally justifiable but their deficiency is lack of strengthening their unity. I'm not afraid on the economic front because SSC regions have resources that they can self-sustain in higher percentile in regards to the citizens' needs. In addition, geopolitically a short sighted may think that they are in a disadvantageous position; I personally think otherwise because they can exploit the opportunities that came with their geographical location while recognizing the threats as well. Apart of collecting taxes domestically they can easily trade with their neighbors including your beloved SL, the Somali region of Ethiopia (aka Oga-den) and other regions of PL. Be mind, waxna ha isku daalin xagay lacag ka keenayaan many countries with smaller land mass, less population density and resource run their affairs with a minimal hassle. Good leadership is what the whole Somali Peninsula needs and SSC is no different regarding this. I’m delighted that the intensity of your mantra of closing the borders for the last 20 years is finally subsiding.
  6. SSC cause is bigger than the whereabouts of Mudane Xaglatoosiye and Garaad Jama. Their self determination is destined to prevail by any means necessary. And I think that is where we need to emphasis on our discussion.
  7. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;698475 wrote: Amiin Caamir dacaayad raqiis loo joogin uu iska galaa. Dadka ka qosolsii ee ka tahay, mar mar dhab ayee u baahantahay wuxuu gacanta ku sawiro. Dadkaan hadda lee soo baxeen in uu saas u dacaayadeeyo waaba iska raqiis. It says more about him than anything else. Wax walba sawir ahaan ugu soo horjeedaa, anigana nabadda Kanadana waaku noolaanaa ma soconeyso. Qashin isku badalee marka wixiisa. Art-istaha dhaaf.
  8. grasshopper;698317 wrote: lool what's your definition of modesty? The way I see it; modesty is subjective term.
  9. Axmed-InaJaad;698333 wrote: uff naag madow oo konton jir ah oo bahalkeeda dhulka marayo maxuu ku falay? uff Soomaalida haweenkoodu ma caddaan baa?
  10. Janet is a fine lady with modesty.
  11. Too little too late as far as Siilaanyo cantarabaqash is concerned.
  12. Somalidiid waad tahay balse martida mansabkeedaan marin lahaa. AfricaOwn: The relevant segments support the cause
  13. Taasi waa waalidiinii oo aan loo cimaamadin. War tolow colka jooja, tani mid isku madhanaysa bay u egtahay.
  14. Erigavo is shared city by four subclans.