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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Abokor Omar;702026 wrote: Trabilism is a bad habit but coming from western educated people its disgusting and dangerous. Sxb go get some help because these invaders you are seeing do not exists, only geljires from so and so on the move for water.. Saaxiib adigu qabiilka ma ka bedqabtaa? Your clan chauvinism, expansion policies, oppression, and domination of others must I say I'm against! even if that qualifies me in your skewed mind the title of tribalist, and other negative names in your disposal.
  2. Incidents like this are statistically insignificant to the over goal of liberating this region from the invaders.
  3. Ta aad kor ku soo dhejiseena malaa iyadu qoylo ma ahee waa quraan.
  4. Freedom of expression in action.
  5. Abti marnaba saddex geesoodka kuguma qabsan balse rabsho doon baad noqoteen waadna helaysaan.
  6. War labadiinu biyo hoostood baad iska aragteen baan u malaynaa ...banooniga dejiya.
  7. Waa hagaag kulana gartay... inuu kaftan si sheeko xariir ah loo farshaxameeyey yahay.
  8. Waa hagaag muruqa labo suule ninba si ku ah balse ogow hal xaaraan ahi nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho.
  9. Ha waalwaalan Xaajiyow markay jiq kugu noqoto. Bal tusaalahan ila akhri, haddaad samaysatid tattoo ah kelmada tawxiidka oo dabadeedna gabadh kufsatid, kusfigaasi ma xalaal baa? bal kitaabka dib ugu noqo.
  10. Is there a difference between Burtinle and Dhuusa Mareeb? -- We shouldn't be that alarmed with few gaalo considering what is happening in the world. And because of globalization, humanity shares both problems and benefits, this is a spill over effect and we will get used to it over time.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;701037 wrote: Siilanyo will do what the Somaliland people want and he made it clear Just a few days ago Jiritaanka iyo xuduudaha Somaliland wa muqadis Bilan oo ma ciid ba wada joogta goorma la kala tagay;) Muqadasnimada Somaliland ma quraankaa lagu sheegay Xaajiyow... illeyn adaa diinta noogu badiyee?
  12. Haweenadayda kooxdan horboodaysa ka qaba hawl baa u taala
  13. TFG is making in roads. May them succeed.
  14. It works now. Thnx for the heads up.
  15. By: Hassan M. Abukar March 09, 2011 Guled (not his real name)*** usually hangs at a Somali restaurant in a major advanced city in the West when he is off work. He is in his early forties, short and thin. He has a walrus mustache and a clean-cut soft black hair. When he talks to others, his eyes move around as if he is afraid of an ambush. He talks slowly but confidently. At times, his hands flail like a teacher instructing his pupils, but he seems to be polite and courteous. At the restaurant, the customers come and go, and he greets some of them like he is their buddy, and at times, teases some of them for eating ravenously. Read in full
  16. Showqi;700368 wrote: Vans, marka hore bal Welcome to Sol. Marka xiga ma LST ayaad wax isu tihiin? si dhakhso ah ayaad 3 xidigle ku noqotay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;) Ishaad ka riday..... xiddigahan bilaash laguma bixin!
  17. Val: I think both. Somalina ... ma tii hore baad heestii Ray Charles-na iigu sii dartay Illaahay amarkiis..
  18. By Faisal Ahmed Hassan March 07, 2011 I have only the vaguest memories of my childhood, but I vividly remember the day that my parents had decided to arrange a marriage and give my hand to a man who was almost 20 years older. Read in full here
  19. Su'aal adag baad shaqo guridii i sugaysay iigu dartay balse ka aragti ahaan Soomaalidu kama aradna farsamo yaqaankii Maandeeq ka dhalin lahaa balse hore bay ugu maahmaaheen boqol iyo afar tobankaan aqaanaa, oo waayahee yaa kaa akhrisanaya Sidaas darteed aan jawaabta su'aashadii ku soo dhowaado'e arrinta murugsan ee ina haysataa mar waa la yaab, marna waa yaabka yaabkiis, marna waa amankaag fadlan meelaha banaan buuxso oo war murtiyeedka dhuux. Waxaan kaloo kaaga tegeyaa maahmaah tolow mise waa murti saddexley ah, tay doonto ha ahaato maxaa iga galay Saddex saddex waydiiso waad ka helaysaaye, saddexse saddex ha waydiisan kama helayside Naag guur waydiiso waad ka helaysaaye, Allow yay ila dagaalamin ha waydiisan kama helayside Alle janno waydiiso waad ka helaysaaye, inuu ku waariyo ha waydiisan kama helayside Wadaad cilmi waydiiso waad ka helaysaaye, xoolo ha waydiisan kama helayside Haddii layga yeelayo waxaan ku darsan lahaa Soomaali caddaalad ku dhaq way ku yeelayaane, qabyaalada iska daaya ha waydiisan kama helayside. War Bashiirow waa ka baxay ee haddaad Illaahay nabad ka doonaysid su'aal ha igu soo celin