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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. The Zack: First of all, even though I'm not aware of the inner-workings of the deal it is very likely that the FCC and other relevant agencies will approve this since it doesn't fall within the scope of monopoly. 2ndly, my personal service provider is T-Mobile thus, I know the lucrative data plans of T-Mobile however, do you think that ATT, Verizon and Sprint can not compete with the same prices if they exploit the producer surpluses in their respective spectrum like T-Mobile is?. Clearly, other providers use price discrimination more frugally and milk efficiently the consumer surplus of the demand and supply. I'm not saying that the acquisition is not a news maker but its impact is minimal. 30 million more customers for ATT is something but not a game changer. Be mind many loyal, current T-mobile customers will switch soon after the take over is finalized if ATT doesn't respect the purchasing power of existing customers. It is to their own benefit that these lucrative data plans be altered minimally. Finally, when I said Skype, vodafone and others will fill the gap I didn't ignore that one needed a data plan.... but remember ATT, Verizon and Sprint are not the only ones which provide data plans.... my intention was you can get connection from a library, coffee shop and home...... use the service on someone else's expenses..... I still stand by that this acquisition will not have a drastic impact on our way of life. And let us see if Verizon makes an offer to Sprint.
  2. Abokor Omar;704042 wrote: I don't get this. Didn't these same websites claim that they had killed the Mujahid Ina Kahin, now they have a recording of him talking about sensitive state secrets. Is the man dead and this so called Mole has found a passage to paradise and after interviewing the Mujahid returned to share his findings. Or the more likely scenario is that this is a lie just like the claim you killed the Mujahid. Btw, if you have to lie at least make beliveable. No point in fabricating something only the faithful and desperate will swallow. Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go'do.
  3. SSC must have a reason to fight with such schizophrenic extremists who are suffering insecurity and lack of mutual respect with their neighbors.
  4. It appears the regulatory body will approve the deal but I assure you this industry is hard to monopolize therefore nothing to be alarmed. Skype and others will fill the gap and other technologies will emerge as well... I would worry more if Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and other major oil companies merge .... ATT has to still maximize the portfolios of its shareholder but it has to stay competitive and profitable at the same time. The end consumer will dictate how much the consumers are willing to pay ...
  5. My adapted city is on fire.. Onneksi alkoon Somalialaisille!
  6. Jacaylbaro;703688 wrote: Because he went to Burco ?? Not because he went to Buroa but his record and remarks speak for themselves.
  7. Xaaji: It is not a good point not to mention your dogmatic ideas, clan chauvinistic and, expansionism policies.
  8. cantarabaqash.com........ Brainwashed kids can't see trees from the forest. When the dust subsides, rehab centers will be booming business in your triangle cities.
  9. Abokor: We shall wait and see the destiny of your beloved "civilised majority"
  10. Can we get alone is all I ask? if history has any importance; contrary to their wishes - Isa-aks can neither obliterate Dhul-bahantes and others in the north nor will they ever win their minds and hearts to become stakeholders of the secessionist cult therefore best option would be - live let live mantra. The sooner, this is realized on the part of the aggressor the better we all be.
  11. NGONGE;702486 wrote: ^^ Mashruc in English is a "Project". SSC is a project, SL is a project and even the TFG is a project. The beauty of politics is that some projects work and others don't. The SL project looks like working here and the question should be why did these men forsake their clan to rejoin SL? Money alone is not the answer. There is more to this than meets the eye. Dreams remain to be dreams.
  12. Taleexi

    Awdal state

    Something begins little makes great ending. Ha dhayalsan!
  13. Showqi;702862 wrote: Che, inkasta oo warkan meesha ku qorani uu yahay Bad News. Waayo labo gobol oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa dagaal ka dhex socdaa, dad Soomaali ahna dhiigoodii uu daadanayo. Hadana dadka qaarkood wararka ay meeshan ku soo qoraan 100%50 waa iska Buhuu-bahaa iyo Propaganda. Showqi: Politically correct in la noqdo ma fiicna.... labo qolo ee is laynaysa mid baa hadda gardaran and the least we can do is to point it out.
  14. Bilaneey...... Soo joog ninkii laga waayo soo jiif baa laga helaa.... *********** is not a monolithic view community unlike the secessionist cult. For good or worse they've differences among different issues. One thing is for certain though few sold-out, opportunistic individuals can not dictate the destiny of the masses in perpetuity.
  15. Che: Ka daa yar yarka ha wareerine!
  16. Samafal;702753 wrote: If you guys think this is good thing then think again. What this is a land annexation by clans and each clan is racing to lay a claim on certain towns and villages before the rest and this triggers other clans to also lay a claim on same piece of land. There's no real negotiation, no reconciliation and no compromise. Any one who knows anything about Somalia especially the south wil tell you that there's no one single region that are dominated by one clan but are shared between alot of clans. I can't understand why all the clans can not get together and come up with more viable states rather than each day seeing a small town with presidents, partliment and minsters. Puntland and Somaliland modal is a good example of grass roots, bottom up nation building whereby clans negotiated, compromised and reconciled to put their differences aside for graeter good. But this other modal will bring more disintegration and unnecessary conflict in the future. Allah Yaclam Are PL and SL @ peace?
  17. Markii hore koonfurta qaad iyo shaxaad baan geynay hadana ma beelo dawladeedkii aanu waqooyiga nafta iskaga qaadnay baa ka dilaacay, oo miciin la biday.... Showqi...... madax baynu wada noqonaynaa ha ka welwelin taa, xagga kala saarista wasiirada iyo madaxweynayaasha-na hadda baa aniga iyo saaxiibkay qoraynaynaa new algorithms...teeda kale waxaanu codsiyo u kala dirnay AU, IGAD, Arab League iyo weliba UN-ka oo aanu ka codsanay inaan la xadidi karin tirada madaxweynayaasha Soomaaliya ee shirarka ka qayb geli karta, welibana waxaanu codsanay ugu yaraan in 50 kursi oo dheeraad lagu sameeyo fagaarayaasha caalamku isugu yimaado sida UN headquaters-ka .... Anaga oo ku andacoonayna in weli Soomaalidu mataatax xag maskaxeed ahi ku socdo. Markaa la qabso amaba ku dayo, ku dayo... ma ila garatay?
  18. Bashiir: Lama bakhaylayo Viva Daroor hadday reer tolkay meel u bogsiinayso ee Xaajiyow hambalyo baan leeyahay reer Daroor.
  19. Bashiir;702263 wrote: Lool@ hoolka shirarka ee Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan. Out 15 new districts, you have recognized only Darooor. Besides you're convinced that it belongs to Ethiopia. But why is that if it could be explained to the forum? ,,, Bashiirow wax fahan!