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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. bilan;704764 wrote: lool Mudanaga ugu da'da weyn, well it is very sad siduu cimrigiisu u duqoobay inuusan caqligiisu u korin.... It has been scientifically proved that there is no direct correlation between one's age and wisdom.
  2. Malika;704644 wrote: Liqaye - there is always a posibility despite what Ibti is saying.. Ibti may have a weak point but that is their mentality anyway...... putting the recordings authenticity aside, these are the true colors of the secessionists...... we've made an offer numerous times of living in peace with our brethren but they rejected consistently...... it looks on the surface though that inaan dhamaanteen zero ku wada baandhayn doono... Illaahay amarkiis.
  3. Falcelis: Sirta SSC Heshay: Been Casriyaysan!! Wq. Cali M. Cartan March 23, 2011 “Hubsiimo Hal Baa La Siistaa” Hiilka qoraa Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan u muujiyey masuuliyiinta maamul beeleedka ‘Somaliland’ waa mid taban. Wuxuu si ka fiirsho la’aan ah u beeniyey waraysiyada loogu magac daray Sirta SSC-du Heshay ee lagu baahiyey mareegaha internetka qaar ka mid ah. Mudane Maxamed ma aanu soo bandhigin sababo faahfaahsan oo akhristuhu ku qanci karo, kuna beenin karo warbixinahaas oo aan ka ahayn in ay jirto aalad codka lagu bedbedeli karo oo la macno ah qori qori ku taag. Qaybaha danbe ee warqaddan baan ku xusi doonaa si kooban sida qalabka codadka lagu farshaxameeyo u shaqeeyaan. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Maxamed xaq ayuu u leeyahay fikirkiisa qof ahaaneed balse xaq uma laha inuu marin habaabiyo fikirka dadka ka aragtida duwan. Bal akhriso isagoo dhamaystiran
  4. NGONGE;704723 wrote: The project is going ahead smoothly, saaxib. This nonsense is not worth wasting time on dee. Waa iska SSC, Lies & Audiotape. Naflacaari.com ........... illaa la gawraco wan weyn indhihiisu cirka ma arkaan.
  5. Adigu unity-ga xalaasha ah ee caloosha kaaga buuxda Alle ha kugu anfaco. War dad wax walba isu ah baynu nahay ee ma is fahanaa mise zero baynu ku baandhaynaa.
  6. Saalax;704470 wrote: Taleexi i think you are the one who needs a doctor not abokar omar. Waa hagaag. Keena intensive care-ka ku danbeeya ha la eego Illaahay amarkiis.
  7. Abokor Omar;704446 wrote: Man, give it a rest. Its like a broken record. With the animosity that exists between us all we should never have shared a country and we should never share a country. inshallah. For your benefit aswell as ours. Abokorow dhakhtar u tag oo dawo waydiiso ... hadda waa iga talo.
  8. Bangaariyada oo bacaad ah baan banooni ku ciyaari jirey saaxiib.... ma dhex degenayn balse waxaan ka degenaa dhanka Waqooyi.... billaa calayk ha i kashifin oo public ha igu waydiin markaan 1-da maajo aadi jirey
  9. Abokor Omar;704452 wrote: Hold on to that Abti card tight, when the boys from Qorilugud, Caynaba, Balidhiig, come knocking on your door and inform you that your property is actually state property and you need to vacate the premises. It might come in handy. Ina Kahin was merciful last time, I dont think he will be in the same mood this time around.lol Bal arrintaa wuxuu adeer Siilaanyo ka yidhi si fiican u dhuux markii la waydiiyey in Buuhoodle awood lagu muquuniyo koleyba maskax yar baa ku saaranoo way ku dhan maraysaaye ... Illaahay amarkiis.
  10. Paragon;704447 wrote: Gheelle, saacatu qaad odayada la ma waco dee, that's violation of SL's Mirqaan jebis Protocal -111035/56/221mir of Gogolwanaag clause, which thereby states ..... It's all down to bad timing, I tell you. Lol. Shidh! I agree that was bad timing
  11. Abokor Omar;704409 wrote: So what's the next move premier of the SSC production team, the return of the mad mullah or the resurrection of Afweyne, or maybe the Darwish army rides from the grave pillaging the natives of Burco.lol Sxb, this is beyond pathetic and walle with stunts like these it shows the world how amateurish and childish this SSC thing is. I almost feel sorry for them because they too me seem like a bunch of mentally challenged people ( and no offence intended to the mentally challenged people across the world by comparing them to the SSC) have got together and with no planning or brain are trying sabotage something bigger and far more powerful. SSC charity No:8232190. Contact Dark Mos Marfish, N19. Mobile; 07986675432. Call after 6pm as is asleep during the day. Cabaadka iyo cayda halkaa ka wad Abti telefoonada ehelada yaan laga nixin.
  12. Che -Guevara;704388 wrote: ^Siiraanyo suu uyimid warkiisa waal waaye malaa kuwa telephoonada laga soo duubey ku jiraaa Oodweyne. Mid sida Oodweyne wax u qori jirey u hadlay baa ku jira lol
  13. Abokor Omar;704385 wrote: My leaders can say and do what they like but our surrogates from SSC will still take orders from them, for the right price obviously.lol Talexi, inform the mole we have position for him as head of jujusnimo in las anood reporting back to his team leader based in Caynaba. Haha War ninyahow warkaygu ha ku galo..... adeero telefonada yay ka nixin marka caruurtooda iyo xaasaskoodu soo wacaan ee si fiican ha ula hadlaan.
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;704346 wrote: Kii la arko Kaasabalbalaare sheeganooyaayee intee ka ahayd Kaasabalbalaare noo sheegba. Saaxiib xaafadii bangaariyada baan deganaa waxaana hoose dhexe aaday 1-ka maajo oo ka dib markii iskuulka khasabka loo qaybiyey shiikh madar iyo 1-da Maajo .... I'm not here to expose my family name ... adigu ma cuqdad baad ka qabtaa haddii Xamar laga yimaado, miyaanay caasimadii dalka ahayn.
  15. Abokor Omar;704359 wrote: Sxb, its common knowledge that you guys are a bunch of double dealing disloyal two faced reer miyis, who for the right price will not only sell their mums but also the kitchen sink to the highest bidder. Why else is your region in dispute, with half your leaders in Hargeisa and the others in garowe? You don't need to fabricate lies and make yourself look ******. What you fail to understand is that the art of propaganda requires a more subtle approach and you have to be aware of who your targeted audience is and what sort of effect your input will have on them once they you have exposed your narrative to them. Somaliland is selling it's propaganda to the movers and shakers, as africas best kept secret. This will be digested by desperate White and we will provide facts to back this position. Who is the SSC's targeted audience with this childish stunt, the cheerleading pirates desperate for anything that might even give them the slightest hope in slowing down the jumbo jet that is Somaliland on the run way ready to take of. Or is it the ONLF brigade who after 100 year occupation need anything to distract them from their pitiful and perilous destiny. My SSC friends and foes, Somalia is dead and it would be ****** for you expect a hero is on his way to save you from your light headed leaders disunity and destructive decision making. So swallow your pride and come join the nation building in a sincere manner and as the saying goes you lose some and you win some, but hands up and admit you have lost this one. It will help you progress. Without much more calaal...advice your uncles and dear leaders to use video conferencing in the years ahead.... In history name calling has never corrected in one's political gaffes.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;704353 wrote: Axmed karaash was part of Somaliland before he joined the pirates the same with the vp of puntland he was a somaliland police chief in sool . So don't be surprised Xaaji: Siilaanyo was a minister of Siyad Barre socialist government so, were Tani, Cadami and Waraabe government officials in their respective capacities .... what difference does that make?
  17. AfricaOwn;704342 wrote: I'm hoping is true. This will keep us extra vigilant on these crowns. We need them more then they know. Having an external enemy helps build nations, and the people of SL will be united against the common enemy. Nothing seems rational in a skewed mind of a secessionist.
  18. Naga daa dee.... hadda sheekadaa waa is ilowsiinayneye!
  19. Casa popalare -- Hodan--- waase layga soo caydhsaday xaafadaydii!!
  20. Abokor Omar;704321 wrote: The SSC and it's supporters remind me of a circus that's badly run with little support, to attract attention it resorts to more desperate measures by the day... •One day they have killed a dozen or so sl army. •then they killed Ina Kahin •they have captured the disputed area and are in firm control •today's above lie takes the biscuit. They have a recording of every major leader from SL saying something controversial, as if the SSC supporters gave them all a hand written script in a play portraying the SSC as some sort of heroes ready to save the day. Give us a break. There is propaganda and there is down right dishonest lies... No more calaacal saaxiib. Don't hijack the topic. Enlighten what your uncles have said on this. You must be in a grand delusional. Any comments on the conversations exchanged
  21. Wallee telefon danbaan laysugu dhowaan.... I see video conferencing being business opportunity in the years ahead.