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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Taleexi


    I'm waiting the reflection of the experts on this.
  2. Dee waa barwaaqo iyo badhaadhe/baraare la bislaysan kari waayey. Intaa aad sheegtay iyo duco qabto ninkii isla helaa liibaanay ... Ma'ansha Allah.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;706090 wrote: So let me get this straight Siilaanyo is bad and wrong for standing up for his people during those hard times in the 80s and saado cali is right for praising General Cali samatar the destroyer of hargeysa in what kind of world do we live War ninyahow hadalku ma laba shub buu kuugu dhacaa.... Xasuuqa Siilaanyo ka geystay Widhwidh, Kalshaale and beyond waa xalaal in your books ... and Saado is an evil who stood with your clan in their darkest hour .... annaku ma maskax gaaska iyo biyaha isku dartay miyaanu dawayn karnaa Illaahay amarkiis.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;705737 wrote: if wishes were horses beggars would ride i can organize an event in my backyard and invite 25 members of the Mafrish and say i declare Xaji Xunjuf state with my self made look a like costa rican flag Indeed they would ride them and you guys singing in a vacuum.... like it or not though that is the way Somalia is heading.... every Somali person shall be on his own state.
  5. Great developments indeed. Well done to reer Beledweyn.
  6. General Duke;705440 wrote: "Clan is everything" a famous adage from a born again secessionist... Isn't that valid for all of us?
  7. Good news to all my beloved secessionists! ... I just talked to the interviewer and instructed him no more recording on the SL leaders. And he nodded his head and promised to comply... no more drama! I say okay
  8. ElPunto;705432 wrote: Also - it is never wise for a woman to invite a strange man to your home and be alone with him. ElPunto: Waad iga qoslisay.
  9. Aaliyyah;705429 wrote: now some ppl are saying she had kids in Africa lol shekadan waan ku wareeray..I'm out and all my duas waan la noqtay joking..allah ha sahlo! Ducadu ma dhamaato'e Aaliyah bahasha ha ku bakhaylin.
  10. oba hiloowlow;705425 wrote: :D loooooooooooooool hahahha balse waxaan kaadida ka jeclahay inay oil noqoto.
  11. bilan;705399 wrote: people are saying a lot of things on this, Ilaahay baa runta og, laakiin sida KK tiri runtu waa in between. which one is easier to go to the police or go public on national TV, she did not even hid her face si fiican so qofkii yaqaanay iyo kaan aqoonba waa ogaaday, what heck she meant he was selling pictures infront of her store, Somalidu ma perverts baa, walee waa horaa islaamahaan ogaa kab la dhici lahaayeen haduu saa samayn lahaa. Marka ilaahay ha la garab galo. Habrihii gabdhaha kabaha la dhici Soomaaliya baa looga soo tegay.
  12. Kool_Kat;705313 wrote: Every story has three sides: her side, his side, and the truth ! With that said, inaan dharbaaxo fara jirjir ah uga gooyo nacastaan aa i heyso on so many levels!!! Yes, we come from a community where almost everything is considered "CEEB", even if you're the victim; lakiin ineey sidaan been usheegto mafiicno about dhaqankeena iyo dadkeena, specially gabdhaheena...Ughhhhhh! If she is so brave, why isn't the said man behind bars? Why isn't she naming him for the world to know? Dhoocilahaanoo kale intey cirka maraan hadhoowna ka shalaayaan...Sheekadaa la qaarartay inanta! Fadlan fara jirjirka ka dhaaf waa ku ogahay xiniinyaa ku gubayee!
  13. General Duke;705301 wrote: Yeah as proven in this thread, any old Marfish guy can call upon your leaders to divulge sensitive information. Hadda lama wici karo oo nambaradii oo dhan way bedeleen xitaa caruurtoodii iyo xaasaskoodii bayba paranoid ku noqdeen
  14. Anigu in Business-ka Soomaliyeed ee DS uu yahay succes story baan weli u arkaa, more replication of its kind needed more than ever in our motherland, wuxuu ku khaldan yahay ha laga saxo ha sii kobcee, IA . Ta ka dhexaysa maamul beeleedka Somaliland iyo beesha SSC waxaan qabaa in la dagaalamo oo wax nabad ahi dhicin inta gardarada qaawan, ee axmaqnimada leh SL ka wadaan deegaanada aanay lahayn.. No injustice can last forever... Taasna waa hubaal oo way dhacaysaa Illaahay amarkiis. Ta xagga heesta fanaanada Saado tayadeeda anigu shaqsi ahaan kama helin.
  15. Suldaanka;705187 wrote: A case of biting the hand that feeds. Dahabshiil is a successful Somali business and I personally admire it. With that said, it has been alleged that it participates the financing of ethnic cleansing and liquidation of unionist northern clans. Dahabshiil has to come out clear on this. Sadly, Suldaanka's skewed mind believes that Dahabshiil provides free of charge service to its clients...
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;705129 wrote: There was no massacre in the buhoodle district committed by the Somaliland army (Ciidanka qaranka) Not a single reer mye or innocent civilian was hurt by the Somaliland Troops. baseless propaganda i say Facts on the ground hint otherwise
  17. We can curse and finger point Ethiopia and external forces all day long but be mind the solutions of our prolonged predicament are to be found within.
  18. Gruesome trend..... please to those who are strong, health and able to work and please be self-sufficient by any means ... For the love of your soul, family and the community you live in ..... Allow Alle
  19. He is a coward and needs to be exposed.