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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Bilaneey.... sheekadeenu ma kala foga. Rest assured though SSC needs to be united more than anything else. And, they've never been in a better position than they are now. With that said, I'm afraid few individuals within them are hijacking their hardly earned cohesion and when I speak up ... Nobody likes me may be I may be the crazy one who is singing in a vacuum. Teeda kale wax walba oo aan akhriyo whether Garoweonline or Jidbaale I filter them..... Bal mashxaradana inaad u baahato maruun baa laga yaabaa ee baro.
  2. General Duke;707741 wrote: Secessionists, it takes 50 heavily armed SNM militiamen for Siilanyo to walk around Hargaysa [the coward], what will it take a Nato Task force for him to visit Buhudle?looooooool Look at the militimen how they are staring at the poor civilians. Indeed.
  3. Abokor Omar;707733 wrote: Taleexi on a serious note. I dont understand what you two are getting emotional about. You guys the cult of buhodle more commonly known as SSC disrespected his elder all because of petty politics. A wrong and instead of defending the actions you should have admitted your wrong, apologized and all would have ended. Instead your defending the wrong. I can see why Dukey is a little confused. His asking who really is the enemy. So rather then sweeping things under the carpet and using the successionist as escape rout, answer the mans question. Are you friend or foe? Hi Kid... Are you forcing me? Garaase's political stand deserves commending. The real enemy for SSC is the secessionist cult. They aint only our enemy but rather to that of the Somali Republic.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;707712 wrote: Taleexi abtiyasha na diday inad weel wax kula cuntiid , tolka na waad diiday inad marakibta calaamka la so dhacdiid. war yanay haraadku taleex kugu dilin eeh meel uun raac. Anigu uun ba ka naxaya eeh Taleex gu' iyo dayr-ba durduro ayaa hoos socda. In the triangle, they don't teach you a comprehensive geography about Somalia.
  5. Abokor Omar;707706 wrote: Dukey sxb, you sound like a bright guy a little deluded but on the whole a good chap. Let me tell you something about the SSC folks. They are inherently unable to stay loyal to anything worthwhile, they are disunited amongst themselves, how you expected them to stay as loyal foot soldiers of the Pirate state is beyond me. I bet you believed all the revisionist history of the Kacaan concerning the mighty Darwish. lol Queen kids-kiina ma dhuuso oo kale bay noqdeen.... Abokor you aint invited to this.
  6. Waayahay adeer bal editing bay inala dabagaleen aynu maanta halkaa ku joojino. Sheekadana ha marin habaabin halka aan Soomaalidiidka ka taaganahay dib u mililicso 7-da sano aan golahan wax ku xarxariiqayey.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;707693 wrote: Taleexi are you calling your uncle Indho indho a slave shame on you XX-- waad edeb daran tahay
  8. Abokor Omar;707677 wrote: All I'm saying is you need to inform poor Dukey that you hold the successionist in a higher position then you will ever a Pirate, that particular Pirate being a Garad makes no difference. The truth is the Pirates dont know you as well as we do. Don't be a gatecrasher. This discussion doesn't pertain to you.
  9. General Duke;707676 wrote: My response to Talexi will be simple, adeer grow some balls for the secessionist, who occupy your villages and humiliate your leadership there is nothing you can do to me or the sub clan you keep mentioning. Also don’t mistake the respect and deference I have shown the SSC sub clan as a weakness, for your pathetic clownishness is now coming to fore. Adeer as I have made it clear if you don’t want to be part of Puntland and have an admin called SSC and a Preisdent called Xaglatosiye, then why are you crying and scrounging in Garowe? Also don’t claim the Nugaal, that wont save you no face nor give you credit, Mr Secessionist kiss ***. Again grow some balls adeer, Puntland and the NE clans want nothing from these lands, and were defending it out of respect for kinship. However if those being defended are now spitting as you are, then what’s the point? None Waa hagaag haddii sheekadii caytan tagtay we shall leave it there until our paths cross again because the more we debate the more your arrogance, ignorance iyo hantaatac ifka u soo baxayo.
  10. War bal A_Khadarow ii kaadi anigaa productive sheekada ka dhigaya'e. GD iyo Bilan mashxaradeedaba waan ku fillahay. Disclaimer; I personally don't want to see the further scramble of Somali State into mini sub sub clan states by the day. To Bilan: inaadeer bal dhegaha fur oo i maqal koleyba Soomaaliyad baad tahay oo hadalkayga intaad rabto uun baa ku gelaysa'e..... Fortunately, I was raised in a household where opposing views were the order of the day.... For instance my brother died under the command of Sheikh Aways while another brother is serving in the American army in Baghdad, Ayan Ali Hersi my first cousin left the religion all together and my uncle (first uncle) happen to be the VP of PL. I believe he is a leader who can to be blamed, criticized and discredited. It has not been my tradition and never will it be that I defend someone because I am biologically related to rather being ideologically aligned. And, to be honest I'm very disappointed with his performance insofar the liberation of territories lost to the secessionist is concerned. This current admin. didn't deliver anything tangible to the populace be security, economic development and confidence building among stakeholders (clans). The exponential growth of piracy, organized crime, arbitrary killings, widening rift among clans and many more are the hallmarks of current PL state. This needs to be changed if PL has any desire of being viable regional admin. Recall President Farole labeled SSC freedom fighters terrorists! what kind of leader is that? In addition, let me put the record straight and say that I believe Xaabsade, Baashe and others with the Hargeisa admin are worst humans there can be because they are slaves who don't know they are slaves. No much more to say about them. On the surface, one may think that I'm forcing SSC to remain a part of PL but I'm not. However, I'm a pragmatist who is telling to my kin that our leaders of SSC admin (the 2 garaads and Xaglatoosiye) do they have D-block mandate as a whole? all I'm calling for is a clear agenda on the side of the D-block. You can not tell me I am not part of PL while 90% of your Garads say otherwise. I am not someone who gives that much loyalty and weight to the Garads but somewhat they matter in Somali traditions. If SSC wants to secede from PL. It has to be official. A short of it will always cause a cycle of endless arguments. To General Duke, *************EDITED****************
  11. For SSC community of which I'm one of them ought to come up a clear, inclusive agenda whether to be part and parcel of Puntland or self rule is the way forward. I personally believe SSC needs to be more cohesive than anything else. Without unity we will remain to be a laughing stock.
  12. GD & Bilan: Who the hel-l are you when you are telling me that I'm not a Puntlander!...... Umushu waa ilowshiiyo dhowdahay baa hore loo yidhi balse ma xasuusataan that I'm both a co-founder and stakeholder of the state of Puntland........ Oh mise I'm reading between the lines oo bahashii waa la Maxamuud Saleebaaneeyey......
  13. Taleexi


    Folks show some sort of resilience...and, don't be irritated easily.
  14. Xaaji waxaas oo energy ah maad Hargeysa siigada kaga xaaqdid. Adigu marba aflagaado halkan ku soo qor qor.
  15. You will NEVER understand how much you are indebted to us.
  16. I reject your null hypothesis because it is not statistically significant. Let us leave it there and have our separate ways until your corrupted heart and mind can see beyond your monolithic view of life.
  17. nuune;706026 wrote: Show bey dhigeesey islaanta, the same day she came from Benghazi to create a scene, she did, now abaalkeed aa la marsiinaa, hope in aan loo xiirin Malaa in loo xiiro bayba ku qurux badnaan lahayd.
  18. Abokor: Apart of name calling SSC community with all its pitfalls and shortcomings is here to stay and shall never be secessionists. SSC wants to co-exist with its neighbors in peace and promote confidence building and safeguard the common good for all of us. If your clan enclave's leadership doesn't reciprocate this goodwill and, holistic approach we shall all test a piece of hell.
  19. Naga daa Malika ...ciyaarta ... jacaylka Soomaalidu waxay ka mid tahay ummadaha ugu horeeya.
  20. GD: Sheekadu waa dhab baan ku idhi.... dabcan marka la qorayse waa la yare xawaasheeyey!
  21. Cilmi iyo Hodan jacaylkoodu midna caadi ma ahayn..... balse waxaa buugii ugu horeeyey ee novel jacayl ah laga qoray Cawrala iyo Cali Maax .... Aqoon Darro Waa u Nacab Jacayl ... (Ignorance is the enemy of Love) oo uu ku fara yaraystay Faarax M J Cawl balse uu turjumay Andresweski bal halkan ka dheeho ...... Jacaylkaas Cali Maax oo kale baa beri i haleelay Allase iga badbaadi....