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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Xaasha reer Awdal, idinka iyo annagaba inta fikirkooda hadasha balse waxaan u jeeday adiga, kan Ballerezi la leeyahay ee la madax maray?
  2. Tani madaxay iskula jirtaa wallee.... Kismaayo waxay la mid tahay oo kale haddaan is weydiino Ahmed Gurey qolamuu ahaa?
  3. A_Khadar: raggani waa tolkeen oo marqaamay. Waxaan had iyo jeer u sheegaa war wixiina iimaansada oo colaada joojiya haddii kale xabad baa idinka soo horaysa intaas uun baan isku fahmi la'anahay, anigu in qoyska Soomaaliyeed Maandeeq wada maalo baan rabaa.
  4. I didn't know someone can be a secessionist, arrogant and ignorant at the same time.
  5. Aqoon la'aani waa iftiin la'aan.... fadlan magiciin jirye ta niqaabka wadata ha la ii doono.
  6. Sow intaan fadhi ku dirirka ku mashquulsanaa baa halkan laga noolaaday. Aqoon iswaydaarsi xiiso iyo waxtar leh baad wadaan.
  7. Showqi-yow "Caanomaraaci" rag badan buu ka khasaaray ee maad meel joogtid Inta nabadu joogtaa ninba labo nin le'eg yahay.
  8. Waar San Diego-ba kuwo yidhi jail-ka baanu ku soo muslinay baa gabdhihii nag ka dhigay!. qaar baan arkay sannad-ba mid qaba, laakiinse sheeko xalaal ah ku raaxayso dhib malaha baan u gartay.. All things considered, it is one's choice whomever they want to get marry but a word of wisdom Xaliimos be selective for your better half. Illaahay amarkiis.
  9. Waan ka helay.. people's power iga dheh. Oo Somalinay ma weriye gaara oo adiga sawirada kuu qaada baa Xamar kuu jooga?
  10. Oba... inuu qoslo gar buu u leeyahay.... anigaba belo ayaa iga raacday. Putting that aside, the argument of we've no choice of adapting indigenous names waa gabood fal iyo is hagrasho caqliyeed. Bombay to Mumbai, Burma to Myanmar and still French streets that had being given English names are in continual alterations to French names.... On the other hand, places or countries can have two names for instance anglicized and indigenous Suomi = Finland, Sverige = Sweden and many more are in existence …. How easy Bosnia Herzegovina is!
  11. Since when bay gob noqdeen? ma adigaase awards-ka gobnimada bixiya? Allow Alle Illaahay amarkiis.
  12. Mareeg waa magac funny ah. Illaahay Amarkiis
  13. http://wardheernews.com/Articles_11/April/Abukar/06_Bringing_Home_the_Somali_Groom.html
  14. Abokor Omar;709472 wrote: Taleexi sxb, it's nothing personal just observation of the pirate state. Zanab Badawi reported how females from the south get raped in refugee camps in the pirate state, this follows the leadership of the Pirate state deporting people out of the Pirate state and back to the civil war in the south. Where is this Somalinimo they scream at anybody from Somaliland when dealing with those from Somalia. People from southern Somalia get treated with more dignity and respect in Sonaliland then Pirateland. We are honest about our intentions rather then take advantage of peoples misery. We treat even those who have chosen the path of confrontation with us, like your people with dignity and honour. I'm sorry you think I'm sick but Walle the leadership of the Pirate state is sick and those from that region that are committing these need to be apprehended and made example off. It's disgusting behavior and shameful. Resorting to name calling like Pirateland will discredit you further and SOLers won't take u seriously. With that said, give me break saxib! since when SL has shown any dignity or honor for anyone in her dominion?.........
  15. AfricaOwn;709467 wrote: . Faroole called the ssc group terrorists. You look to clean-up your backyard first... Political gaffe that was indeed as well.
  16. Abokor Omar;709405 wrote: These people cry one Somalia and scream unity when they speak to a person from Somaliland but when it comes to dealing with the innocent people from they treat them as refugees from a separate country. The are hypocrites who have no interest in Somali unity but rather trying accumulate as much power as possible. It's a shame that most southerners are blind to these peoples true motives. Sick fella u are indeed.
  17. Discrepancy ku lahaa!!........ Don’t hijack the thread por favor. Is SSC’s struggle just or not? ..... I'm happy that we live in countries where law and order are held high .... Xaglatoosiye can be questioned so are all other Somali leaders including Siilaanyo..... no one can run away from his deeds. Xaglatoosiye is just a fine man.
  18. Zack-ow malaa stu-pid baan ahay anigu waa ku qoslay
  19. Your points are valid to some extent. 'Somaliland' is one of the 20 and plus lands there are. And don't you worry cash will be shared in proportion and evenly from now on.
  20. Only sane people deserve respond. What is the definition of SL in your skewed mind?
  21. Peace Action: And that is what matters most but will the secessionist ever get it?