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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Nice one. Dolphins waxay ka godoodeen lacagta aan waxba laga siinayn.
  2. Bal horta fur oo dhadhami. Alla Soomaalideenaa, wax walba ma hadal baynu ka keenaynaa.
  3. Pr. Farole and Co waa ka sii darayaan. Tolow markan marka xigtana ma waxay odhan doonaan in Brazilian-ku espanol-ka baro
  4. So called international community has predetermined who is going to be next president. Sharif and Co will not be able extending their term without an election.
  5. Taleexi


    I watched this interview last night and found it useful.
  6. The Health Challenges in Cold Countries Dr. Ahmed Omar Abdi ( AhmedBashi) April 14, 201
  7. General Duke;711942 wrote: ^^^lol@Talexi, line-ka Ohio is open thought right? Ohio warkeedaba daa.
  8. Al-Miskiin;711802 wrote: Laynka yemen already waa la qarxiyey sxb(Oday Cabdullahi baa horay meeshaas ka faraxashay)! Ala Shariif nasiib daranaa, carabaha oo ahaa meelaha loo baxsado markuu wakhtigiisii soo dhawaaday rabsho iyo demonstration baa ka bilaabmay lol. Line-ka Yemen wuu qarxay
  9. Shankaron.... waqtigii baa la gaaray.
  10. Reer waqooyigu filimada hindida ma badsadaan.,... Action iyo cowboy movies baa nafta ka qaaday...... cimilada wanaagsan, bilicda dharkeeda, dhalaalka dhabankeeda, sunniyaheeda dhidban, dhexdeeda yar, qoorteeda dheer, dhoola caddayskeeda, waxaas oo dhan ugu ninka reer waqooyiga ahi waa la dhacsan yahay balse muxuu ka sheegsheegaya inuu si degdeg ah ku helo buu rabaaye..
  11. Nairobi meeting will be fruitless anyways thus, nothing to be alarmed to that end.
  12. Former president is right on the mark. I'm vehemently against to those who participated the meeting and in supportive of the position taken by the TFG.
  13. @ Zack.. Amba is idhi. Al Miskiin shukaansiga reer waqooyiga meel ha uga dhicin saaxiib. As you know fast pace buu adduunkii noqday so, reer waqooyi shukaansi has become more assertive and to the point tusaale ahaan mid reer waqooyi ah baa beri gabadh shukaansaday markaasuu ku yidhi nabad sow ma aha, saas bay u egtahay ee dantaada ka hadal bay ugu jawaabtay, markaasuu yidhi ii dhiib, markaasey tidhi maxaan kuu dhibaa? ma deyn baad nagu lahayd markaasuu ku yidhi dee haddaa iskaba daa, markaasay tidhi horta ma dulqaadkaa kugu yar, maxaad isla xanaajisaa marka lagu waydiiyo inaad muraadkaaga ka hadashid.... To be continued.
  14. Zack: Atamku waa qurubka ugu yar maatarku ka samaysan yahay ee aan la doorin karin sheekooy ku nacay ... war ninyahow imisa sano baad iga weyntahay Walax = Object. Mida kale afku wuxuu u kala baxaa mid lagu hadlo iyo mid la qoro tusaale ahaan afka buugta lagu qoro waa dhexdhexaad balse lama war dee, boowe, gaw, xaa tiri, geb ii sii ma fadow iyo wixii la midka ah.
  15. Lol @ Abwaan...... let us catch up bro.
  16. PL formula of power sharing is not better than the TFG's but it just controls more territory than our government does.
  17. PL with all its pitfalls and shortcomings has been a bacon hope for Somalia in regards to building blocks. All that needs to be said is that PL has to see its stability and security through the prism of having strong TFG and make essential by supporting Somalia having a viable state.
  18. A small world that is ... I and Mohamed met last night for entertaining ourselves some differential equations.... he is pound to UCSD......... in the fall. Wishing him well
  19. The worst form of saving money waa in barkin hoosteed la geliyo. Time Value of Money ka sakow.......investing is the best way forward be it may real estate or whatever..
  20. Gabbal;711223 wrote: Armuu Cumar Cabdirashiid kaa dhex hadlayaa Libaaxoow? I agree the rules should be followed, it is the only way to navigate the waters and chart a transparent form of governance. However, attacking Farmaajo by saying he hasn't done anything tangible when he is being hailed from left and right as the most constructive post-Siyaad national leader during his short tenure says a lot more about you than him. Hopefully, Saado Ali can lesson your harsh tone. Lol In all fairness, Farmaajo is doing much better job than my inaader Sharma'arke however, I'm not sure about the success of Saado aiming on Libaax.