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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Dadku ha kala badbaado ugu horayn, dawlad tayo leh oo dhexdhexaad ahna ha la helo intaa dabadeed duunyada iyo duurjoogtuba way dabaaldegi.
  2. Interesting stuff. I prophesy good thing coming out of this.
  3. Taleex will NEVER join your lalaland. It won't betray her land and community.
  4. Anigu sidaan boorsadeeda u siday gacmahaygii baa kala dheeraaday ee bal waa inaan joojiyaa.
  5. Indeed LA is writing its dark chapters of her chronicle.
  6. The most remotest region tempting to secede from PL is Farole's fault.
  7. Suldaanka;712918 wrote: This is what happens when you base your politics on clan borders... it will never end... imika jufo jufo ayay taagantee waxa dhicidoonta mar ay Laf-laf iyo jilib jilib calano loo samaysandoono. Puntland's chickens is coming home to roost. All signs show that the days of Habraha show are numbered. Maakhir, SSC and Awdal being out of the equation in your fantasy land. Elaborate how is your clan admin different than other clan enclaves?
  8. no offense at all... but H@rti being donkey or whatever in Maay has made my day.
  9. lol @ Zack and Che...... ma hadaa dacaayad laysula soo jeestay.
  10. Aaliyah: Waxaan rabay oo keliya inaan muujiyo sida weedha Jaalle loogu adeegsan jirey afka Soomaaliga boqol sano ka hor intaan dawladii kacaanku ereyga jaalle ciidamayn. Isku soo duuduuboo, sida waqtigu isu bedbedelayo baa afafkuna isu bedbedelayaan Illaahay amarkiis.
  11. By Mohamed Awale April 17, 2011 Ever since the collapse of central regime in the1990s, Somalia descended into internecine, famine and separatist hotbed. Efforts of the global community to rescue from self-destructive mode have been in vain. A push for secessionist aspiration backed by politically entrenched clans and foreign interests, though by no means alone, is one of the main factors why Somali situation still remains in political mess. The world community and the USA in particular or any one concerned with Somalia’s crisis need to be able to see through a thick layer of smoke behind debates of the fragmentation issues. The current ill-defined American “Dual Truck Policy” toward Somalia is the case in point. This is not surprising given the complexity and intertwining vested interest actors involved in the situation. Understanding the underlining faulty assumptions of the controversy is not only helpful to judge merits or demerits of secessionist bide per se but it is also vital aspect to grasp the bigger question of Somalia’s rebirth and the regional instability in the face growing extremism, sea piracy and chronic lawlessness on the ground. Read more
  12. The Zack;712606 wrote: MMA, ereyga "geel" Bal ku sheeg Af maay. Balse ogow af Maayga iyo Maxaygu waa isku qoys aad isugu dhow oo erayo badani ka dhexeeyaan.
  13. Friend = Jaalle. Hadaan dib u mililicsano gabaygii uu Seyid-ku ka tiriyey dilkii Richard Corfield waxaa ka mid ahaa ereyadan hoos ku muujisan ............. Siday kuugu jeexeen magliga, jararacdii sheego Billaawuhu siduu kuu jarjaray, jeerarka u muuji Naf jaclaysigii baan ku idhi, jaallow iga daa dheh Jaljalleecadii baa wadnaha, jeeb ka soo ruqay dheh Jeedaaladii baa indhuhu kor, ii jillaadmeen dheh ........... Balse afka Soomaaligu horumin badan buu u baahan yahay marka dhinacyo badan la tixgeliyo. Afafka dabargo'a waddadiisii hayana waa lagu daraa ee qof walbow bal dhankaaga ka dedaal inta dawlad dhexe oo hawlahan oo kale isu taagta laga helayo.
  14. JB and XX: Don't speak on my behalf for goodness sake. And don't propagate misinformation and fabricated lies. An illusive, unprincipled figure doesn't represent the views of the majority of the great town of Taleex. If we play tit-for-tat, you know where the end game will lead us.
  15. Showqi;712153 wrote: Wadankeeni dhinac kasta waa laga bililiqaystay hadii ay noqon lahayd: 1) Wax soo saarkii dhinaca badda (Indian Ocean & Red See) . 2) Canshuurihii laga qaadi jiray Marakiibta, Diyaaradaha isticmaalaya xuduudaheena. 3) Canshuurihii laga qaadi jiray wakaaladaha iyo hayadaha war is gaarsiinta (Radio and Telecommunications). Inta aynu inagu isku jeedno wadankeeni dad kale ayaa ka faa'iidaysanayaa, ama ha ina boobaan ama hub ha inaga iibiyaan. Somalina thanks for the article. Walaahi dhinac kasta waynu ka burburnay. TFG & saracen bogus agreements Somali Domain sold to Japanese individual A lobbyist is hired in Washington to promote our government when we've an envoy --- Armani UN agencies are milking our system while we just talk cantarabaqash here. Autonomous regions bypassing the central government authority and striking deals with foreigners ... I believe in Somalino aanay weli dhiman balse ay adagtahay in dib si sahal ah loogu soo nooleeyo... It needs sacrifice, a grand one if I may say.
  16. Sadly, innocent people will senselessly continue to die in Somalia. In particular, Mogadishu.