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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. This thread is going in circles.... Let the spin continues.
  2. SSC community shall realize to their self-determination both by any means necessary and irrespective of what anyone thinks of. That realm will happen in the front of a friend and foe alike.
  3. Supply and demand at its finest. Anigu waa ka dhaqaajiyey hadaynaan isuba nasteexayn karayn. Somali girls have choices but when we are taking about marriage Islamic jurisprudence should be conformed that is if the couple are Muslims. Talent is one thing but people need to see trees from the forest when it comes to practicing Islam.
  4. SSC people are destined to have their inalienable rights for self determination and, have chosen to be part and parcel of Somali Republic in proper.
  5. I second that yaa ka dhegaysan nevertheless, good read indeed.
  6. Perhaps I'm the odd guy among the crowd whose therapy session is long overdue. I ended up in Scandinavia in my tender years after the civil war broke out in the motherland. And, I'd lived most of my years there with foreigners and even spent four years in a boarding school at some point where I was the only Somali, yeah I intermingled with my friends at the time for symbiosis' sake but always wanted to settle down with Xaliimo, times change so, do we, and my days in North America are also still counting and to your surprise my position has not altered a bit. However, my litmus test when it comes to marriage is if the couple are Muslims then there is no problem although I personally prefer the same species harnessing the fruition of a union. My brother married an Irish woman, very lovely woman who converted and speaks even Somali well but still. Coming back to Chimera's intake on this issue. I've to agree with you partially because research shows one who has not met someone by the times he/she graduates, he/she is going to marry some i-diot from his/her work. It's that simple. Well we all know how they get animals to breed in captivity, they are put in the same cage..sorry to everyone but time to face reality. With that said, there is a religious component involved in this case and I just can NOT take it lightly nor none of us should. Jacpher: Agree bro one's name alone isn't a proof of his faith. PS: If Idil is a Muslim and, she just made the wrong move on this one she can still make a U turn, can't she? I must say though I admire self-made people and she appears to be one based on my biased observation to some.
  7. Taleexi


    Colaadihii baa soo batay oo dadkii ehelka iyo asxaabta isu ahaa kala fogeeyey.
  8. Amazing Resort Village is!. Such things are snap shots of glimmer of hope.
  9. Taleexi


    Edeb daroba ha igu ahaatee waxaan rabay inaan walaashay Layzie G waydiiyo, meel quraanka ama axaadiista bariiska lagu xalaaleeyey ma jirtaa?
  10. Then leave others' to their own devices.
  11. Is this what we are all reduce to, caja'ib? discussing the death of Idil's fiancée? if that is the case then habartii dhuustaba waa in laga sheekeeyaa . In my view, this piece doesn't even fit that we debate on SOL but every one's take I see. As someone who is as pragmatic as I'm, a self-styled one I may add, I think Idil is a capable, young lady and I admire her but Chimera giving a green light Muslim girls to date and even marry to non-Muslims is not only pathetic but doesn't have a place in the Islamic Faith. If Chimera is suggesting a revision of that piece of religious legislation that is another matter all together. PS: I've checked on Mr. Tim Hetherington's profile on the internet, read it and couldn't find anything pertaining to his religious beliefs. Would someone enlighten me what his faith was?. If he turns to be a Muslim, my above remarks should be refuted.
  12. War odayga ha la toosiyo inta goori goor tahay.
  13. War Zack-ow ragga ha ka waalin. dumarku isku wada fikrad maha.. hadda waa iga tolo uun Illaahay amarkiis.
  14. Stuff and nonesense.. The incubation period is over.
  15. Wiilasha iyo gabdhuhuba inay ka yare xanaaqsan yihiin arrintan ugubka ah baan u arkaa.
  16. Findhicilka maxay diintu ka qabtaa baa mar la is weydiiyey waxaa laysla gartay intaan laga jawaabin su'aashaa sheegsheegisaa ka xun.... Above all else muxuu Islaamku kubadda cagta ka qabaa bay sheeko maraysaa....