*Ibtisam;722343 wrote:
Not self-sufficient if nothing else they need the business and money/ exchange of the people in those region, this is above all the other things.
When you finish laughing etc, put aside the paranoia and read my post again. Somaliland says they've had their victim years, now some SSC say they are having their victim years, do we keep recycling the victim or find an alternative agreement. You find it funny and want to continue circulating the victim to a different clan or re-rotate. I find that finding a new solution is a necessary step to progress, and it is not a laughing matter (certainly SSC is not laughing, nor was Somaliland laughing before), and anyone who cares for Somalis should not find it funny. :cool: Go figure.
I hope it is not a crime if I protest and say that I don't have any paranoia, or at least I claim to be free from it until I'm diagnosed otherwise
Ugu horayn khuburada ku talaxtagtay is khilaafka ummadaha ama isiradu they've been puzzled for ages from where will they start the injustices committed by humanity. I mean how far we need to zoom into the past in order we find an arbitrary/agreed point. In your case you are more in favor of starting injustices committed in Somalia from 1988 and beyond, may be SSC person may prefer in the beginning of 20th century, and some would even prefer going back to the fight of Abel and Cain, the children of Adam. However, neither I nor you have the time or knowledge to cover all of that but let us start to your liking. 1988 is the official year that human rights violations kicked off in Somalia
What happened in Buroa and Hargeisa cities was un-call for, unjustifiable, pure violation of human rights, it was asymmetric war and by all standards unacceptable one. A government bombarding its own people for the sake of prolonging its life support state at the time was pathetic. By all accounts, that was a black chapter in Somali history and we should all learn something from it period. What did I do while this was perpetuated you may ask?...as a teenager going to Casa Popalare. I was among my peers who were distributing papers of protests to the students, we didn’t have computers, typewriters and what have you, we stayed up late until everyone produced a bundle of copies and distributed next morning discreetly, it was a cumbersome process but for sure it polished our handwriting skills for the better. The president of Galkaio University Shirwa was our principal, many Hargeysaawi and Burcaawis of whom I’m still contact with until today were with us, some government snitches were within and we were put in prison for 42 days until the blessed October 21st arrived and Macalinkii weynaa nagu soo daayey what he termed cafiska ardayda anshax xumada samaysay maalinta barakaysan ee October darteed. Why am I exposing this?– I neither seek anybody’s approval nor sympathy but rather to put things into perspective for you. Sidaas darted abitiyaal Ha igu deyina the acceptance of the same injustices that I’ve protested in my youth years now when I’m in my mid thirties. Taasi waxay la mid tahay sacabo oo timo ka soo baxaan.
Find here some complimentary questionnaire regarding the above paragraph. Human rights violations committed by SNM ma lagama hadlaan baa iyagu? Or are they just cold cases in incubation period? I mean the barbaric killings that took place in Awdal, Cayn, Sool and Sanaag waa iska ilow miyaa? your beloved mujaahids were some of the leaders and masterminds of those who caused the human suffering that took place in Mudug region, be it maiming innocent people or destroying wells – sheekadaasina ma lama taabtaan baa? iyo weliba qaar kaloo badan.
The alternative routes to peace in the North:
1 – Every clan governs itself until Federal Somali Government emerges while SL genuinely giving up the claim of the unionist regions.
2- “Somaliland” liquidates, pacifies and degrades other clans in the north for the sake of bringing them into her orbit and once and for all puts this endless of violence into a rest.
3- SSC, Awdal, and Maakhir communities to accept enslavement and forfeit and opt out to their self-determination.
4- SAM (SSC, Awdal, Maakhir – I’m coining a new acronym in here) to resist and claim to their own rightful place in history
Best Option for SL:
Option 2 is the ideal scenario for SL because for the love of Duriyada, the survival of this great Republic of Somaliland, for the sake of preserving this endangered, distinct, Asiatic-like group of Somalis. SL has to degrade military capabilities of its enemies – That is the SAM block. SL arsenal has to be used by destroying and burning down villages and towns of the enemy, fu-cking their women, oh lord the proper term would have been raping, their daughters, mothers should be the norm, humiliating their men must also be part of the techniques deployed in order the chosen people, -Isa-kis, realize their dreams. If SL does not stay alert, focus and not to remain fearful of the unknown our days will be numbered. Victimhood card must be play in wherever and whenever possible. The clan chauvinism theme has to be bombarded and imputed in the minds of unborn children of ours. Anything fall short of this must not be accepted.
Best Option for the SSC, Maakhir and Awdal communities:
Option 4 suites well for this block in my view. Like Patrick Henry said “Give me my death or give me my freedom” should be the mantra that the SAM block lives by, be just but NEVER compromise an inch of your rights, cooperate for the sake of your mutual interest. Unlike Gandhi who said “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” remember your case should be an eye for an eye makes the whole world at PEACE. Remember you are dealing with people whose intelligentsia including leaders and religious pundits promote your liquidation like Sheikh Siiro who made a khutba about the baabi’inta beelaha SSC and the likes, Mr. Waraabe whose record speaks for itself. The silence of Sh. Mustafa, Hadraawi and the likes speaks also in volumes hence recall MLK's remarks “ in the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends”. Never give up as long as a drop of blood left in your veins. Hal ku dhegiinu ha ahaado siduu abwaanka Hadraawi hore u yidhi: Xabsi ama xoriyad sharaf leh ama xabaal so, sheekadu waa halgan adag iyo naf huridnimo until the fat lady sings.
Ugu danbayn, I see this is the best, most feasible and practical, and acceptable solution to the parties in the conflict. I still find it funny though the monolithic view of life that most of secessionists possess but rest assured our future is bright and promising let us live together bashbash iyo badhaadhe in perpetuity
Like Mr. Som@li anna waan ka baxay. Bye, Bye to my dear friends Mr. duplicate(aka OdaySomali), Marwo Ibti and Co until our paths cross again.