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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Regardless what we say about Mr. Sakin. He has vindicated himself more than once.
  2. Nin nabada iga jecili ma jiro balse diinta Islaamku pacifist ma aha.
  3. Kuwan u malaynmaayo in Illaahay sanity u soo celinayo ee raggu waa inuu dagaalamaa.
  4. Aaliyah waa markay Odayada intay maagto hadana Salaam oran jirtey lol..... KK--- I think you are right.
  5. Taleexi

    Dark Girls

    War nadaafada iyo clean-imada baa muhiim ah. Laqad khalaqnal insaana' fii axsani taqwiihim miyaa la bedelay tolow ... anigu ayaamahan Quraan ma akhriyine. Haddiiba Illaahay bini'aadam kaa dhigay ma fool xumid.
  6. Ma xaasidnimadii Soomaalida kale baa xitaa lacag nacayb la galay Allow Alle..... War guba waxaad aragtaan.
  7. Wallaahi waa duni aakhiru saban .. ma weli baa laysku haystaa naag baa gaari wadi karta iyo ma wadi karto.... it is just a matter of time... the earlier they figure out the better they all will be ... It makes economic sense if half of the population fire/terminate their drivers and get behind the wheel.
  8. Didn't happen the way I wanted but it appears the King is going to have his first ring.
  9. Without a viable government in place... Somalis will be subjected to all kind of harassments irrespective of their location. Historically, we stood with South Africans in their darkest hour and if this is how they are paying back to us then i'm very much dissatisfied the inaction of the law enforcement over there.
  10. At least those I play with here in the west coast they beat hell out of us sometimes. I don't about Londoners though.
  11. bilan;723841 wrote: dadkA dhulkooda ha uga baxaan simple as that, how long do they think people will put up with their injustice, they are arresting kids as young as 10 years old in LA left and right. Let them do as much harm as they can. Them and the few mercenaries impended with them will be dealt with iron fist. Waa la nadiifinayaa baan ku idhi Illaahay amarkiis
  12. It is just a matter of time inta the clannish sect of the secessionists ay ka huleelayaan the places that aint theirs. Every man dies but not every man really lives if you secessionists know what I mean. Guulaysta ciidamada xaq u dirirka ee SSC.
  13. - Garaad Salaax Garaad Maxamad Dauud Abdirizzaq Dualeh supports......:. XX bay kaga dhegtay - Tinny revolution: Bashiir ninka rims wareegooya avatar-ka u yahay
  14. Somalina;723754 wrote: Waa shaydaamad tan yari xaggee bay waxan ka soo quftaa
  15. Abu-Salman-baaba war keenay. Sheekadu miyaanay two way streey ahayn? ma hal dhinac uun baa qancinayaa Illaahay amarkiis.
  16. Faafan: Can ONLF win by militarily alone? my humble view is no why you may ask. When there is no viable Somali State, When all western powers are siding with the regime in Addis, when historically, subsequent western powers have consistently sided with the regime of the day, I call a hybrid struggle, what do I mean by that? I mean a struggle with multiple traits including mass media awareness for the cause, military front and genuine, an everlasting peace campaign as long as these are converging into one which is the betterment of the lives of the people then so, be ..... the friction within the Somali community in the region must be minimized at all cost.
  17. Taleexi

    Dark Girls

    Waa runtaa ... anba waa waxaa laygu yeedhaa hebelkaa Cadde illaahay amarkiis iska garo af carabigaa.
  18. A-Khadarow - Nin baa waa laga sheegay ma dabto, oo ma dilo, oo meeshaan soo maroba way ka boodaysaa - War ninyahow raggani waa dhagax dixeed oo gari ma gasho ee waqtigaaga ha iskaga lumin.
  19. Taleexi

    Dark Girls

    Showqi... af-shaydaankaasu ma dutch baa?
  20. Taleexi

    Dark Girls

    Naga daaya dee .. hooyooyinkiin ma aydaan raacine