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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. N.O.R.F;725430 wrote: Nuune, all good saxib. Alot of work though and dealing with Somalis waa madax xanuun Adigu ma ku jirtaa kuwaa madax xanuunka leh?
  2. Ciyaalku dalkooda waa inay difaacdaan they've got more to lose than those few sold outs.
  3. Saaka Illaahay balankii barqaan kacay ....
  4. Waa wax aad iyo aad u adag in la kala saaro balse to make an effort of their independence from each other is something I wouldn't disagree.
  5. Anigu fikirkayga qof ahaaneed business community-iga masuuliyad baa ka saaran horumarinta marba deegaanka ay ku noolyihiin.
  6. Everyone has the right to be selective what suits his/her needs.
  7. Zack: That is only a part of story. And don't put words into my mouth
  8. OdaySomali. You said "I have refined my position to be pro peace for all Somali people" your means of realizing that holistic endeavor are based on unjust reasoning and arguments and thus, will NEVER come to fruition. Tolow, ma dhegaha Bilan uun baa u nugul inay maqlaan waxay jecelyihiin mise arrintaasi waa universal phenomena. Midda kale kaftanka, haasaawaha hanaanka wanaagsan ee aad hablaha isla celcelisaan waxba kama qabo.
  9. From my own experience baad KK i soo xasuusisay ... lol..
  10. Ii daaya duplicate OdaySomali hablow: Teeda kale, Somaliland can not have both ways.
  11. KK: Wadnaha dhagtiisa in la raaco baan taageersanahay ... shisheeyana ha ahaato inanto... bull-shit iga dheh guurka kuu dhow.
  12. Inkastoo malkada xiis iyo maydh looga soo dego...wallee muuse waa musihiisii....... illeyn af aadan lahayn ma ilaalin kartid......abtiyaal xejista.....xabbadu bilaabataye.
  13. Taleexi

    Average Age

    War nimanyahow fawdo baad wadaan oo taad keentaanba tii kale ka daran.. hadaad da'dayada rabtaan dee labadii labaatanaad wax baa nooga dhiman.
  14. PL and SSC calamity is different ball game when compared to the battle between SSC and SL communities. No injustices can last forever and SSC shall remove the shackles of gumaystaha by any means necessary.
  15. Rest assured, freedom fighters will be victorious.
  16. Are there criterion for qualifying this list?
  17. Dear Nomads: A French lady, Rabiyatou Diallo, of whom I went to school with in my undergrad forwarded a documentary film about Somalia in particular Mogadishu and our never-ending, self-inflicted predicament. And she posed a very SIMPLE question to me of which I'm puzzled to be fair and provide a reasonable answer. Nomads, I need your help and reflections about her question; here comes how Ms. Diallo exactly framed her question. "... I've just watched a very "interesting" documentary about Somalia and what's happening in Mogadishu, the poverty, the war etc.. why is this beautiful country so ungovernable ? Here's the link, it's in french though.. ..." Mogadiscio, Capitale Fantôme : - Télé Loisirs Thanks in advance for your participation. I hope this polishes your french language skills too like I know French.